青山 英康
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.50, no.6, pp.1026-1035, 1996-02-15 (Released:2009-04-21)

Japan was defeated in World War II and almost all of the nation was demoralized by the destruction and damage to much of the nation. The medical and health care system during and before World War II needed to be reformed radically and fundamentally since almost all medical and health institutes were destroyed. On the other hand, many health personnel came back from overseas after the war. Japanese modern medicine had developed on the basis of German medicine; however, many aspects of American medicine, including public health and democracy, were rapidly introduced following the end of World War II. The American type of health center was established and many laws concerning medical and health care were enacted in 1947-1948. One of them was "The Health Center Law."The National Health Insurance Act was enacted in 1958 and the total population has been covered by health insurance plans since 1961. Many physicians quit the health centers and they have worked as clinicians under the National Health Insurance scheme, because health centers were introduced before adequate education and research existed in the field of public health. On the other hand, the health insurance scheme was in its golden age during the high economic growth period of the 1960s. Japan has succeeded in all forms of modern technology and economy for the past 30 years and is now one of the top nations in the field of medical and health care, such as the numbers of clinics and hospitals and beds, the frequency of consulting with a doctor, length of hospital stay, examinee rates in mass health examinations in the community and workplace and so on.Health conditions have changed drastically from the 1950s to the present. Therefore, health centers do not fit current health needs. For example, mortality from tuberculosis, acute infections diseases and also stomach and uterus cancers and apoplexy have decreased rapidly while mortality from chronic diseases, especially lung, breast and rectal cancers, and myocardial infarction have increased gradually. Changes of life style resulting from rapid economic growth are suspected to be important causes of the change in the prevalence of these diseases.Mass health examination was important and effective as a preventive measure against tuberculosis, especially as a means of early detection and early treatment. However, it is not now effective against chronic diseases. The screening examination has resulted in identifying many patients suspected of being ill. Every examiner must be able to distinguish pathologic findings from physiologic changes of aging. Every patient must, therefore, understand his/her individuality and evaluate the result of his/her efforts to improve life style by receiving a health examination. Accordingly, the aim of health examination has changed from early detection to health support for the examinee.During the decades when life expectancy was less than 50 years of age, it was not necessary for people to plan for retirement. Moreover, there was little burden on younger genarations to provide care for the aged people because there were few old people more than 70 years of age and the birth rate was high. Nowadays, elderly people face many years of life after retirement and there are too many aged people in relation to the number of younger persons.As for medical care services, many new medical needs have emerged in resent years, including "quality of life, " "palliative medicine in terminal care, " "establishment of a primary care system" and "comprehensive care connecting health and medical care with welfare" etc.Improved living standards resulting from economic growth, called the "economic miracle" internationally, have helped to bring about a rapid and wide range of change in daily lifestyle, such as eating habits, working conditions and environment.
中尾 寛子 志村 正子 青山 英康 三浦 悌二
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.55, no.4, pp.159-168, 1989 (Released:2010-06-28)
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The relationships between the eruption order of the first permanent teeth on children in a kindergarten, way of feeding at infancy, and taste at the present time were examined. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of their daily consuming foods including at their infancy on the changes in the eruption order of the first permanent teeth from the first permanent molar (M1) to the central permanent incisor (I1). One hundred and fourty-nine children (82 boys and 67 girls) whose first permanent tooth was mandibular I1 (I-type children) were compared with 111 children (48 boys and 63 girls) whose first permanent tooth was mandibular M1(M-type children) on their ways of feeding at infancy and their taste at the present time. Results were as follows: 1) In both sexes, the evident relationship was observed between the eruption order of the first permanent teeth and the ways of feeding in infancy. M-type children were breast fed for longer time than I-type children. In the discriminant analysis, breast feeding was related to the M-type eruption, and bottle feeding was related to the I-type eruption. 2) Weaning was started earlier in M-type children than in I-type children. The rate of the children who began weaning earlier than 4-months old was significantly higher in M-type children than in I-type children. 3) The M-type children liked fruits and fish more than I-type children. 4) These results suggest that elevated sucking and chewing frequency by breast feeding and early start of weaning at infancy influenced the eruption order of the first permanent teeth as well as the growth of the mandible.
甲田 茂樹 安田 誠史 杉原 由紀 大原 啓志 宇土 博 大谷 透 久繁 哲徳 小河 孝則 青山 英康
公益社団法人 日本産業衛生学会
産業衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:13410725)
vol.42, no.1, pp.6-16, 2000-01-20 (Released:2017-08-04)
6 23

運輸労働者の健康問題に影響を与える職業要因を評価するために, 1997年に541名の運輸労働者を対象に労働・勤務条件, 運転労働に係わる職業性要因, 身体の自覚症状や疾病罹患の状況について質問紙法で調査を実施した.有効回答率は85.7%, 134名の集配業務に従事する運転労働者(集配群)と199名の長距離輸送に従事する運転労働者(長距離群), 71名の事務職員を分析対象とした.まず, 三つの群での職業性要因と健康問題を検討するために, 労働・勤務条件や身体の自覚症状や疾病罹患の状況を比較検討した.ついで, 集配群と長距離群における職業要因が健康問題に与える労働関連性を検討するために, ロジステック回帰分析を実施し, オッズ比と95%CIを計算した.健康問題に影響を与える職業要因, すなわち, 不規則交代制勤務, 労働環境, 作業姿勢, 重量物取り扱い, 多い仕事量や長時間労働への不満, 休憩時間の取得困難の要因で, トラック運転労働者の訴え率が事務職に比べて有意に高かった.耳鳴り, 頚の痛み, 腰痛の自覚症状と高血圧, 胃十二指腸潰瘍, 腰背部打撲, むち打ち症, 痔疾の疾患でトラック運転労働者の訴え率が事務職に比べて有意に高かった.ロジスティック回帰分析の結果では, 年齢やBMI, 喫煙習慣を以外の多くの労働関連要因で, 身体の自覚症状や疾病罹患に関する有意に高いオッズ比を認めた.集配群の循環器疾患及び関連した自覚症状に関するオッズ比は, 経験年数, 腰の捻転動作, 振動, 運転労働に伴うストレスで有意に上昇していた.消化器系疾患及び関連した自覚症状に関するオッズ比は, 狭い作業空間, 車中泊, 長い走向距離, しゃがみ姿勢, 運転労働に伴うストレスで有意に上昇していた.集配群の自覚症状の耳鳴りに関するオッズ比は, 経験年数, 長時間労働, 狭い作業空間, 車中泊, 運転労働に伴うストレスで有意に上昇していた.腰痛や頚部痛等の筋骨格系疾患及び関連したに自覚症状に関するオッズ比は, 残業, 振動, 狭い作業空間, 座り姿勢, 少ない休憩時間で有意に上昇していた.疲労症状に関するオッズ比は, 少ない休憩時間, 振動, 運転労働に伴うストレスで有意に上昇していた.運輸労働者の健康問題を解決するためには, 上記の労働・勤務条件や運転労働に関連した課題を改善する必要がある.
大平 昌彦 青山 英康
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.27, no.6, pp.500-531, 1972-02-28 (Released:2009-02-17)
14 19

In 1955, many babies who had drunk arsenic-tainted milk produced at the Tokushima Plant of the Morinaga Milk-Industry Company Ltd., suffered from serious poisoning. The number of victims ascertained in February, 1956 covering 27 prefectures in the western part of Japan was 12, 159, of whom 131 died.The disaster was caused by the process of manufacturing the powdered milk. Disodium phosphate was added as a stabilizer to make the milk easily soluble. This disodium phosphate was poorly purified, intended for non-food industrial use, and contained a toxic dose of arsenic, sodium arsenite and vanadium compounds etc.Shortly after the disaster, numerous medical reports were published. A committee organized by the Society for Child Health (the chairman was Prof. Nishizawa of Osaka University; so it was called the Nishizawa Committee), determined criteria for the diagnosis of the poisoning; but these criteria were inadequate and erroneous from several points of view. Strange to say, debates and publications about the disaster disappeared quickly after the report was published by the Health Department of Okayama Prefecture stating that the victims had recovered completely according to the criteria established by the Nishizawa Committee only one year after the disaster.Until 1969, when Prof. Maruyama et al., of Osaka University reported on victims whom they had visited, no study had been made to ascertain whether or not there were any after-effects of the poisoning. Much fault must be found with the Ministry of Health and Welfare, with the attitude of the Morinaga Company, and with the doctors concerned, for this neglect to follow-up such an unprecedented and large-scale disaster.In 1969, the authors managed to organize an epidemiological study group with several departments of Hiroshima University and the Department of Hygiene of Okayama University cooperating and have developed joint research on this disaster as follows:1. A follow-up survey was made among victims in Okayama Prefecture between December 1969 and April 1970. 214 people answered the questionnaire and 74 were given a medical examination.2. A prospective study was made on the basis of a questionnaire on clnical complaints collected at the time of the disaster in 1955.3. A comparative study was performed between the victims and their brothers and sisters.4. A comparative study was performed among handicapped children in institutions in Okayama Prefecture, who were born between January 1st, 1953 and December 31st, 1955. The children were divided into three groups, namely those who had consumed the arsenic-tainted milk, those who were brought up on different brands of powdered milk from different companies, and those fed only maternal milk.5. A comparative study was performed among all children born between January 1st, 1954 and December 31st, 1955 and brought up in Seno district in Hiroshima Prefecture which has a relatively stationary population and where good records had been kept of the physical growth and mental development of the children in the nursery, primary and junior high schools. The children were divided into the same three groups as mentioned above. This study was performed as a joint research project by the Departments of Public Health (Director: Prof. M. Tanaka), Orthopedics (Director: Prof. K. Tsuge), Ophthalmology (Director: Prof. T. Dodo) and Psychiatry and Neurology (Director: Prof. K. Sarai) of Hiroshima University Medical School and Deparment of Conservative Dentistry (Director: Prof. T. Inoue) of Hiroshima University Dental School, and Department of Hygiene (Director: Prof. M. Ohira) of Okayama University Medical School. All clinical examinations were conducted separately under the double blind method.6. The 124 cases of the children examined in the district of Senogawa town were discussed individually by the six medical doctors and five dentists who did the examinations.
上野 満雄 中桐 伸五 谷口 隆 有沢 豊武 三野 善央 小寺 良成 金澤 右 雄山 浩一 小河 孝則 太田 武夫 青山 英康
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.26, no.6, pp.483-491, 1984-11

青山 英康 大平 昌彦 太田 武夫 吉岡 信一 吉田 健男 大原 啓志 和気 健三 柳楽 翼 五島 正規 小野 昭雄 藤田 征男 合田 節子 深見 郁子 板野 猛虎
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.25, no.5, pp.468-471, 1970-12-30 (Released:2009-02-17)

The authors have already reported the results of epidemiological studies of SMON in the town of Yubara, Japan.Recently, the Ministry of Health and Welfare ordered pharmaceutical companies to stop production and sale of all drugs containing chinoform, since it was revealed by the Committee on SMON that attack rates of SMON could be related to ingestion of chinoform.The authors compared the attack rate of persons who had taken chinoform with that of persons who had not.It was noted that the morbidity of gastrointestinal diseases and allergic diseases among SMON patients was higher than that of the control group.Results are as follows:1. SMON patients had not taken chinoform at home.2. SMON patients usually had taken less medication for their gastrointestinal diseases than the control group, in spite of a higher morbidity of gastrointestinal diseases among them than that of the control group.3. Accordingly, the increased attack rate of SMON might be related to administration of chinoform while in the hospital and not related to ingestion at home.4. Chinoform is a very popular drug. For this reason careful attention must be given to dosage and method of administration as well as indications to determine relationship in the etiology of SMON.5. Careful attention should also be given to the physical conditions of patients being treated with chinoform.6. If persons in the control group were subjected to a detailed investigation there is some possibility many may be found to be using chinoform contained medications.
大平 昌彦 青山 英康 吉岡 信一 加藤 尚司 太田 武夫 吉田 健男 長谷井 祥男 大原 啓志 上畑 鉄之丞 中村 仁志 和気 健三 柳楽 翼 五島 正規 合田 節子 深見 郁子 板野 猛虎
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.24, no.5-6, pp.502-509, 1970-02-28 (Released:2009-08-24)

In a restricted area of the northern part of Okayama Prefecture, Yubara Town, an outbreak of SMON (subacute myelo-optico-neuropathy) was observed from the beginning of 1967. An epidemiological investigation has been made on this outbreak and the results are as follows:(1) Concentration of cases occurred in the summer of 1968, though cases have been reported sporadically in the area from the beginning of 1967. The incidence ratio against the population was 659/100, 000 during 22 months.(2) The incidence was the highest in summer and the ratio in females was 3 times higher than in males. Concerning age group, males showed a peak in the thirties, whereas in females many cases were evident between the twenties and sixties.(3) Relatively enclosed districts are apt to expand over a period of time. Cases which occurred in neighboring families as well as those within the same families tend to give the impression that the disease coule be infectious.(4) Among the cases, a close contact relation was observed.(5) Physical exhaustion before the onset of the disease was observed to be 43.2% among the total cases.(6) In occupational analysis, a higher rate was revealed among workers who had close human relations such as hospital workers and public service personnel.(7) The tendency to other diseases of the nervous system as well as those of the digestive organs was checked by inspecting receipts of the National Health Insurance from the beginning of 1965. Nothing related to SMON was recognized before the outbreak.(8) Diseases of the intestinal tract and tonsillitis were observed in higher rates in the history of the patients.(9) The investigation of environmental conditions has revealed the fact that there is a higher rate of incidence in families who do not use service water compared to those who do.
上野 満雄 中桐 伸五 谷口 隆 有沢 豊武 三野 善央 小寺 良成 金澤 右 雄山 浩一 小河 孝則 太田 武夫 青山 英康
Japan Society for Occupational Health
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.26, no.6, pp.483-491, 1984

日本国有鉄道の新幹線は,早朝から深夜まで過密ダイヤのもとで,高速度を出して走行している.したがって,新幹線車両の清掃労働者は主に,深夜労働に従事することを余儀なくされ,頻回な夜間勤務を行っている.本研究は,新幹線車両清掃労働者の健康に及ぼす夜間勤務の影響を検討したものであり,特に,連続夜勤の回数と健康障害の関係について評価を行った.本研究は二つの調査研究から成っている.<br>最初の研究では,勤務実態と健康実態を明らかにするため, 1か月間の夜動の頻度,連続夜勤の回数,自覚症状を調査した.調査は,大阪駅で働く246人の男性清掃労働者に対して,日本産業衛生学会交代勤務委員会作成の質問用紙を配布する方法を用いて, 1981年に実施した.調査結果は,勤務形態別に3グループに分けて比較検討を行った.<br>グループAは,夜勤専従者であり,勤務編成は,週に5回の連続夜勤を基本とする102人のグループである.グループBは,一昼夜交代で週3回勤務をする124人のグループである.グループCは,週6回勤務の日勤者20人である.これら勤務の形態別比較の結果,グループAにおける胃腸障害,全身疲労感の訴え率が最も高く現われていた.<br>最初の研究結果にもとづいて, 2番目の研究では,連続夜勤の回数と健康障害の関係について検討を行うため,ケース・コントロールスタディを行った.研究対象は,最初の研究で対象とした夜勤労働者の中から60人を5歳階層ごとに無作為抽出し, 3グループに分け各グループ20人ずつとし,方法は,産業衛生学会疲労研究会作成の疲労自覚症状を勤務の前後で1労働週にわたって自記させた. 3グループは,グループA20人,グループB20人,グループD20人である.グループAとBは,最初の研究の同じ勤務形態であるが,グループDは,グループAのコントロールとして,夜勤3日目を非番日に変えた勤務に従事させた.調査の結果,グループAとBでは最後の勤務後に疲労自覚症状の訴え数が第1日目の勤務前と比べて有意に増加していたが,コントロールのグループDでは訴え数の有意な増加は認められなかった.<br>これら二つの研究結果から,夜間勤務の形態と労働者の健康状態の間に密接な関連があり, 5連続夜勤の3日目を非番日にすることは,労働負担を軽減するうえで効果的であることが明らかとなった.したがって, 5回以上の連続夜勤に就労する新幹線清掃労働者の職業的健康障害を防止するためには,連続夜勤回数の頻度や労働時間に関する勤務条件の改善がなされるべきであると考えられた.
上野 満雄 小河 孝則 中桐 伸五 有沢 豊武 三野 善央 雄山 浩一 小寺 良成 谷口 隆 金沢 右 太田 武夫 青山 英康
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.28, no.4, pp.266-274, 1986-07-20

内田 勇人 大貫 克英 諸冨 嘉男 青山 英康
岡山醫學會雜誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.111, no.1, pp.1-9, 1999-02-28

This study was designed to clarify the characteristics of height, body weight, body composition and grip strength in Chinese baseball players, and also to examine whether the differences in physical profiles existed by position as the basic data in the country developing a baseball.The subjects were 35 baseball players (19.8±2.3 years) consisting of the champion and the upper distinguished teams in the highest level of baseball tournament in China. The survey was carried out in July and August of 1996 in Tianjin City, China. The mean values of height, body weight and lean body weight (LBW) of Chinese baseball players were 179.7±4.7cm, 77.3±8.6kg and 67.0±6.5kg. Those values were significantly taller and heavier than the average of 20-year-old male persons which lived in Beijing City, China; that is 6.9cm, 18.7kg and 16.1kg, respectively (P<0.01). Chinese pitchers were taller and heavier than Chinese players of other positions. The mean values of height and LBW of Chinese pitchers, infielders and outfielders were significantly smaller (P<0.01) and lighter (P<0.05) than those of professional players in the United States, respectively. Although no significant differences were observed in the mean height and LBW between Chinese pitchers and those of collegiate pitchers in the United States, the mean value of LBW of Chinese pitchers were significantly heavier than those of Japanese collegiate and professional pitchers (P<0.05, respectively). These results are as follows: 1. Baseball players in China are selected based on body muscle mass. 2. Pitchers are selected especially than the players of other positions. 3. As for body muscle mass, there is no difference of body muscle mass between China of developing country and Japan and the states of most developed countries.