面谷 幸子 池嶋 俊貴 柴野 雅仁 勝井 保弘 初田 泰敏 向井 淳治 畑中 裕子 菊内 章夫 関 源一 名徳 倫明
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.46, no.9, pp.522-530, 2020-09-10 (Released:2021-09-10)

Several hospitalized patients have a history of medication use; consequently, there are numerous reports on the importance of pharmacists managing their own medications. Conversely, there is a lack of information about the status of patients’ medication adherence. Therefore, we collected data on medicines brought to hospital by inpatients and investigated their medication compliance status. The medication compliance status of patients visiting the Kokuho Chuo Hospital from April 2017 to March 2018 was investigated using the identification sheets of medicines brought by these patients and patients’ medical records. The number of differentiations of medicines brought to the hospital by inpatients was 1,080, and the details of 889 medicines were used in this study. The average number of medicines brought per patient was 5.6 ± 3.5, with elderly patients bringing more medicines and exhibiting a low medication compliance. Compliance with antibiotics, chemotherapeutics, and oncology drugs was good, whereas that of vitamins, peripheral nervous system agents, and drugs for treating sensory organ issues was poor. The cost of medication per patient among non-adherent patients was approximately 3,836 ± 11,078 yen, amounting to a total cost of 3,409,914 yen. The medication compliance status inferred from this study was worse among elderly patients as well as for medicines used to treat chronic diseases. Pharmacists can provide appropriate drug treatments and contribute toward reducing healthcare costs by increasing awareness regarding the family pharmacist system and improving cooperation between community pharmacies and hospitals to improve polypharmacy and medication adherence.
面谷 幸子 石坂 敏彦 井上 美樹 安井 友佳子 長井 克仁 初田 泰敏 向井 淳治 名徳 倫明
Japanese Society of Drug Informatics
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.20, no.1, pp.12-19, 2018 (Released:2018-06-16)

Objective: In conjunction with the introduction of medical fees for pharmaceutical practices in hospital wards, the pharmacy department at Sakai City Medical Center has solely managed PREAVOID and reported the results to the Japan Society of Hospital Pharmacists (JSHP) since 2012.  We investigated the pharmacological management being performed by pharmacists and what knowledge is necessary for the super-aged society according to our PREAVOID reports.Methods: We totaled and analyzed the PREAVOID preventive reports (pattern 2) that were reported to JSHP from April 2014 to March 2016.Results: Elderly people had the highest number of PREAVOID reports (p<0.001).  “Transcription error and incorrect prescription” was the most common cause, followed by “special condition (impaired renal function, etc.)” and “overdose.”  Regarding the elderly generation, the number of reports in the 2-year period was the highest for “special condition” (173 cases, 5.30% ?? ), which was 3.69-times the number for adults (p<0.001).  These results demonstrate that involvement of pharmacists is indispensable for pharmacotherapeutics in generations with greatly differing drug metabolic functions.Conclusion: This survey revealed that adverse effects were caused by inadequate medication.  As “pharmaceutical management” was involved in most reports, these results indicate that it is important to manage pharmaceuticals in hospital wards.  It is possible to improve pharmacological knowledge by sharing and utilizing the analysis results of these PREAVOID reports in order to appropriately medicate elderly patients.  According to this study, pharmacists play a crucial role in medication of the elderly.
向井 淳治 面谷 幸子 初田 泰敏 名德 倫明
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.45, no.8, pp.433-440, 2019-08-10 (Released:2020-08-10)

When press-through-package (PTP) sheets of similar appearance are divided into smaller sizes, their similarity increases. This in turn increases the probability of recognition errors. We created images of units of 10-, 6-, and 2-tablet PTP sheets of different colors and designs using a personal computer and then reduced their sizes in five steps. These images of different sizes were then arranged horizontally and presented to the study participants. Differences in recognizability were determined based on the percentages of correct recognition of the size differences. A logistic regression analysis showed that there were no interactions between the packaging units and the image reduction ratio to the original sizes of the PTP sheets. However, with respect to the main effect of the packaging units themselves, significant differences were observed based on the color or design of the PTP sheet, and recognizability deteriorated as the PTP sheets were further divided. As for the percentage of correct answers, right-left differences were observed in the identification of the presented images; this suggests the effect of ocular dominance.
向井 淳治 徳山 絵生 木本 美香 宮武 望 小野原 未由来 本荘 愛美 濱田 藍子 髙橋 直継
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.40, no.4, pp.245-251, 2014-04-10 (Released:2015-04-10)
4 4

Izumi Municipal Hospital conducts practical hospital training for pharmacy students by dividing the training schedule into four periods according to the content of the programs offered. When we read the training diaries drawn up during that period, we found no uniformity in the description methods used by different students, and found evidence of quantitative and qualitative differences. This may indicate that there are problems with the instruction method being used. We therefore investigated the diaries' written content in order to identify the cause of differences between the descriptions therein and problems with the instruction method.A text mining technique was employed to analyze nouns used in the training diaries. Regarding the pattern of the appearance of nouns, similarities were observed among students in passive training programs, but differences were found between students in active training programs.It was suggested that the stronger the connection was between nouns appearing in the diaries within each of the scheduled training periods, the more the students associated these nouns with each other to understand the material presented during training.In light of these findings, it is suggested that (1) it is important for students to understand the material they have learned during training and make connections with each other and (2) it is necessary for instructing pharmacists to provide instructions while confirming and assessing students' training diaries. The evaluation of training diaries using the data mining technique was useful for these purposes.
名徳 倫明 秋山 紗奈江 松浦 亜梨紗 面谷 幸子 長井 克仁 初田 泰敏 向井 淳治 廣谷 芳彦
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.43, no.8, pp.438-443, 2017-08-10 (Released:2018-08-10)
1 1

In many hospitals, semi-solid enteral nutrients are administered. Dietary fibers are used as the main component of semi-solid agents, but some studies have reported that dietary fibers influence the bioavailability of drugs. In this study, we examined the influence of the adsorption of phenobarbital (PB) to dietary fibers and semi-solid agents used for the manufacturing of enteral nutrients. Five types of dietary fiber or 3 semi-solid agents were dissolved in 0.01% PB solution to prepare concentrations of 1.0, 0.5, and 0.1%, and the adsorption rate and viscosity were measured. In PB solution containing 1.0% guar gum, which was prepared with purified water, the adsorption rate of PB was 33.7%. It reduced with a decrease in the concentration of guar gum. The adsorption rate of PB to xanthan gum was also similar, although it was slightly lower than that to guar gum. There was no adsorption of PB to dextrin hydrate or cellulose under any condition. The first and second solutions established by the Japanese Pharmacopoeia also showed similar results. The results of this study indicate that the adsorption rates of PB to guar gum and xanthan gum were high. When administering drugs to patients receiving semi-solid enteral nutrients, the timing of administration at which there is no influence of adsorption must be reviewed.
向井 淳治 岸本 典子 坂本 竜平 竹原 涼子 名徳 倫明 奥田 広志
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.44, no.9, pp.471-477, 2018-09-10 (Released:2019-09-10)

As part of standardizing the prescription format of oral drugs, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has stipulated that the amounts of oral drugs in prescriptions should be described as “amounts-per-dose” and not as “amounts-per-day.” However, because of the sense of resistance among physicians arising from concerns of increases in medical accidents and work volume, the transition from “amounts-per-day” prescription to “amounts-per-dose” prescription has not been implemented in most facilities. We conducted a survey to investigate the attitudes of physicians in our hospital toward the “amounts-per-dose” prescription and changes in their attitudes by the provision of appropriate information to them. The same questionnaire consisting of 15 items reflecting the “amounts-per-dose” prescription was conducted before and after the presentation of references related to the “amounts-per-dose” prescription to the physicians. The survey results were analyzed by two-way repeated measures analysis of variance using “clinical departments” and “presentation of references” as factors. No interactions were observed. Only two items in the “clinical departments” factor showed significant differences in the main effects, whereas six items in the “presentation of references” factor showed significant differences in the main effects. All of these items showed positive changes after the presentation of references. These results demonstrated that physicians' sense of resistance to the “amounts-per-dose” prescription was derived from a lack of appropriate information and that their sense of resistance was alleviated after being appropriately informed.
向井 淳治 石坂 敏彦
Japanese Society of Drug Informatics
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.15, no.1, pp.37-40, 2013 (Released:2013-06-06)

Objective: The number needed to treat (NNT) is an index for determining the number of patients who need to be treated in order to prevent the occurrence of an adverse event when a new treatment instead of the standard one is used.Methods: The properties of NNT were examined by using the geometric distribution formula as the probability for preventing the occurrence of an adverse event in the NNT.Results: When the NNT was enlarged infinitely, the probability for the prevention of an adverse event by NNT was found to be 63.2% (=1−e−1), and the number of patients who needed to show adverse event prevention at the probability of 95% was about 3 times as that of the NNT (Rule of Three).Conclusion: When the effect of new treatment needs to be evaluated based on NNT, one should take these properties of NNT into consideration.
廣谷 芳彦 原口 清美 向井 淳治 槙本 和加子 浦嶋 庸子 名徳 倫明
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.41, no.4, pp.266-274, 2015-04-10 (Released:2016-04-10)
1 6

We conducted a home medical care (HMC) training workshop consisting of presentations given by regional HMC leaders that targeted community pharmacists in collaboration with a nearby pharmaceutical association. Subsequently, we conducted a questionnaire survey with the pharmacists in attendance to assess their opinions of the present HMC situation. The participants' satisfaction with the workshop was relatively high, at an average of 8.13 out of 10. Among the participants, 70.9% had experience with HMC, such as visiting pharmacy services at patients' homes, with the most frequently practiced activity being “drug administration guidance for patients at home.” However, activities such as “accompanying medical rounds” and “participation in home care conferences” were not widely practiced (at a rate of less than 50% of the most popular activity) among the participants. Next, many participants responded that the key HMC factors were the creation of systems of cooperation between different professionals and their environmental arrangements. Participants also made suggestions for future lectures, such as on the subjects of contract procedures and HMC case reports. Furthermore, the participants suggested that the qualities necessary for effective HMC were a wide and practical knowledge of HMC and a positive attitude. In conclusion, many patients stated that cooperation with other professionals is important in deepening pharmacists' HMC involvement, and the pharmacists hoped to establish greater communication between pharmacists and other HMC workers.