面谷 幸子 名徳 倫明 山城 美樹 長谷川 渚彩 大橋 甲三郎 長井 克仁 西井 諭司 初田 泰敏 小川 雅史
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.42, no.1, pp.31-39, 2016-01-10 (Released:2017-01-10)

Workshops on the use of adrenaline auto-injection (EPIPEN), reconsideration of training programs on food allergies, and an approach to increase risk awareness of food allergies are required. We investigated the current state of education of school teachers and school pharmacists in Tondabayashi City.A total of 120 school teachers and 14 school pharmacists participated in our questionnaire. More than 90% of teachers had experience with children with allergies, and more than 95% of teachers were aware of anaphylaxis. Although most teachers were familiar with EPIPEN, they did not have detailed knowledge and were not confident in using it in an emergency. School teachers who attended EPIPEN workshops had a higher degree of confidence in using EPIPEN in an emergency than school teachers who do not attended the workshops. Attending workshops will increase the self-confidence of teachers in using EPIPEN in an emergency. The survey results indicate that it is important for school pharmacists to hold regular workshops on EPIPEN, including practical training, to develop the EPINEN skills of school teachers and enlighten them on the subject.
面谷 幸子 石坂 敏彦 井上 美樹 安井 友佳子 長井 克仁 初田 泰敏 向井 淳治 名徳 倫明
Japanese Society of Drug Informatics
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.20, no.1, pp.12-19, 2018 (Released:2018-06-16)

Objective: In conjunction with the introduction of medical fees for pharmaceutical practices in hospital wards, the pharmacy department at Sakai City Medical Center has solely managed PREAVOID and reported the results to the Japan Society of Hospital Pharmacists (JSHP) since 2012.  We investigated the pharmacological management being performed by pharmacists and what knowledge is necessary for the super-aged society according to our PREAVOID reports.Methods: We totaled and analyzed the PREAVOID preventive reports (pattern 2) that were reported to JSHP from April 2014 to March 2016.Results: Elderly people had the highest number of PREAVOID reports (p<0.001).  “Transcription error and incorrect prescription” was the most common cause, followed by “special condition (impaired renal function, etc.)” and “overdose.”  Regarding the elderly generation, the number of reports in the 2-year period was the highest for “special condition” (173 cases, 5.30% ?? ), which was 3.69-times the number for adults (p<0.001).  These results demonstrate that involvement of pharmacists is indispensable for pharmacotherapeutics in generations with greatly differing drug metabolic functions.Conclusion: This survey revealed that adverse effects were caused by inadequate medication.  As “pharmaceutical management” was involved in most reports, these results indicate that it is important to manage pharmaceuticals in hospital wards.  It is possible to improve pharmacological knowledge by sharing and utilizing the analysis results of these PREAVOID reports in order to appropriately medicate elderly patients.  According to this study, pharmacists play a crucial role in medication of the elderly.
名徳 倫明 秋山 紗奈江 松浦 亜梨紗 面谷 幸子 長井 克仁 初田 泰敏 向井 淳治 廣谷 芳彦
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.43, no.8, pp.438-443, 2017-08-10 (Released:2018-08-10)
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In many hospitals, semi-solid enteral nutrients are administered. Dietary fibers are used as the main component of semi-solid agents, but some studies have reported that dietary fibers influence the bioavailability of drugs. In this study, we examined the influence of the adsorption of phenobarbital (PB) to dietary fibers and semi-solid agents used for the manufacturing of enteral nutrients. Five types of dietary fiber or 3 semi-solid agents were dissolved in 0.01% PB solution to prepare concentrations of 1.0, 0.5, and 0.1%, and the adsorption rate and viscosity were measured. In PB solution containing 1.0% guar gum, which was prepared with purified water, the adsorption rate of PB was 33.7%. It reduced with a decrease in the concentration of guar gum. The adsorption rate of PB to xanthan gum was also similar, although it was slightly lower than that to guar gum. There was no adsorption of PB to dextrin hydrate or cellulose under any condition. The first and second solutions established by the Japanese Pharmacopoeia also showed similar results. The results of this study indicate that the adsorption rates of PB to guar gum and xanthan gum were high. When administering drugs to patients receiving semi-solid enteral nutrients, the timing of administration at which there is no influence of adsorption must be reviewed.
福野 修平 長井 克仁 小西 廣己
タウリンリサーチ (ISSN:21896232)
vol.3, no.1, pp.15-17, 2017

我々のグループは主に抗がん剤で誘発される副作 用の軽減に関する研究を行ってきた。その中で、ア ントラサイクリン系の抗腫瘍性抗生物質であるドキ ソルビシン (DOX) による急性肝障害は、タウリン を併用することにより軽減されることを見出した。 また、タウリンによる肝保護効果には酸化的ストレ スおよびアポトーシスの抑制が関与している可能性 を示した。