名徳 倫明
静脈経腸栄養 (ISSN:13444980)
vol.24, no.3, pp.787-792, 2009 (Released:2009-06-11)

名徳 倫明
外科と代謝・栄養 (ISSN:03895564)
vol.51, no.2, pp.103-110, 2017 (Released:2018-02-22)
面谷 幸子 名徳 倫明 山城 美樹 長谷川 渚彩 大橋 甲三郎 長井 克仁 西井 諭司 初田 泰敏 小川 雅史
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.42, no.1, pp.31-39, 2016-01-10 (Released:2017-01-10)

Workshops on the use of adrenaline auto-injection (EPIPEN), reconsideration of training programs on food allergies, and an approach to increase risk awareness of food allergies are required. We investigated the current state of education of school teachers and school pharmacists in Tondabayashi City.A total of 120 school teachers and 14 school pharmacists participated in our questionnaire. More than 90% of teachers had experience with children with allergies, and more than 95% of teachers were aware of anaphylaxis. Although most teachers were familiar with EPIPEN, they did not have detailed knowledge and were not confident in using it in an emergency. School teachers who attended EPIPEN workshops had a higher degree of confidence in using EPIPEN in an emergency than school teachers who do not attended the workshops. Attending workshops will increase the self-confidence of teachers in using EPIPEN in an emergency. The survey results indicate that it is important for school pharmacists to hold regular workshops on EPIPEN, including practical training, to develop the EPINEN skills of school teachers and enlighten them on the subject.
面谷 幸子 池嶋 俊貴 柴野 雅仁 勝井 保弘 初田 泰敏 向井 淳治 畑中 裕子 菊内 章夫 関 源一 名徳 倫明
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.46, no.9, pp.522-530, 2020-09-10 (Released:2021-09-10)

Several hospitalized patients have a history of medication use; consequently, there are numerous reports on the importance of pharmacists managing their own medications. Conversely, there is a lack of information about the status of patients’ medication adherence. Therefore, we collected data on medicines brought to hospital by inpatients and investigated their medication compliance status. The medication compliance status of patients visiting the Kokuho Chuo Hospital from April 2017 to March 2018 was investigated using the identification sheets of medicines brought by these patients and patients’ medical records. The number of differentiations of medicines brought to the hospital by inpatients was 1,080, and the details of 889 medicines were used in this study. The average number of medicines brought per patient was 5.6 ± 3.5, with elderly patients bringing more medicines and exhibiting a low medication compliance. Compliance with antibiotics, chemotherapeutics, and oncology drugs was good, whereas that of vitamins, peripheral nervous system agents, and drugs for treating sensory organ issues was poor. The cost of medication per patient among non-adherent patients was approximately 3,836 ± 11,078 yen, amounting to a total cost of 3,409,914 yen. The medication compliance status inferred from this study was worse among elderly patients as well as for medicines used to treat chronic diseases. Pharmacists can provide appropriate drug treatments and contribute toward reducing healthcare costs by increasing awareness regarding the family pharmacist system and improving cooperation between community pharmacies and hospitals to improve polypharmacy and medication adherence.
面谷 幸子 石坂 敏彦 井上 美樹 安井 友佳子 長井 克仁 初田 泰敏 向井 淳治 名徳 倫明
Japanese Society of Drug Informatics
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.20, no.1, pp.12-19, 2018 (Released:2018-06-16)

Objective: In conjunction with the introduction of medical fees for pharmaceutical practices in hospital wards, the pharmacy department at Sakai City Medical Center has solely managed PREAVOID and reported the results to the Japan Society of Hospital Pharmacists (JSHP) since 2012.  We investigated the pharmacological management being performed by pharmacists and what knowledge is necessary for the super-aged society according to our PREAVOID reports.Methods: We totaled and analyzed the PREAVOID preventive reports (pattern 2) that were reported to JSHP from April 2014 to March 2016.Results: Elderly people had the highest number of PREAVOID reports (p<0.001).  “Transcription error and incorrect prescription” was the most common cause, followed by “special condition (impaired renal function, etc.)” and “overdose.”  Regarding the elderly generation, the number of reports in the 2-year period was the highest for “special condition” (173 cases, 5.30% ?? ), which was 3.69-times the number for adults (p<0.001).  These results demonstrate that involvement of pharmacists is indispensable for pharmacotherapeutics in generations with greatly differing drug metabolic functions.Conclusion: This survey revealed that adverse effects were caused by inadequate medication.  As “pharmaceutical management” was involved in most reports, these results indicate that it is important to manage pharmaceuticals in hospital wards.  It is possible to improve pharmacological knowledge by sharing and utilizing the analysis results of these PREAVOID reports in order to appropriately medicate elderly patients.  According to this study, pharmacists play a crucial role in medication of the elderly.
名徳 倫明 仲下 知佐子 北出 尚子 岡 隆志 中村 紗矢香 梅谷 亮介 瀬名波 宏昌 岩本 千晶 田河 みゆき 浦嶋 庸子 廣谷 芳彦
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.40, no.6, pp.334-343, 2014-06-10 (Released:2015-06-10)
4 3

Pharmacists need to check prescriptions of parenteral lipid emulsions from various aspects due to the many difficulties that occur when administering them. Thus, we performed a questionnaire survey on the usage of and current involvement of pharmacists in administering parenteral lipid emulsions. Pharmaceutical departments of 381 institutions in Osaka Prefecture participated in this survey between June 1 and July 31, 2012. The questionnaire contained items including the characteristics of the hospital, usage of parenteral lipid emulsions, and current prescription-checking by pharmacists. A hundred and twelve institutions (29.4%) responded to the survey; parenteral lipid emulsions were used in 96 institutions. Some institutions appropriately used them but others did not. Additionally, in some institutions, pharmacists did not check the prescriptions for detailed items, such as the dosing rate and administration route. Furthermore, we observed a trend toward more items indicating the inappropriate use of these emulsions and less involvement of pharmacists in institutions without compared to with a nutrition support team (NST). These current situations were considered to largely relate to the number of pharmacists and whether NST therapists (pharmacists) are available. In the future, pharmacists should significantly contribute to nutritional and risk management in in-hospital team medicine.
井上 美樹 面谷 幸子 安井 友佳子 初田 泰敏 名徳 倫明 石坂 敏彦
一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.23, no.1, pp.47-54, 2021-05-31 (Released:2021-06-25)

Objective: The prescription-related inquiry process is being simplified in an increasing number of facilities, wherein doctors and pharmacists discuss ambiguous points concerning prescriptions before creating protocols. For making this process more efficient and further promoting appropriate drug use, the doctors and the Department of Pharmacy of our center discussed the permissible range for prescription change reports and determined the prescription items that pharmacists can change based on their own judgment. We analyzed data related to the simplification of the prescription-related inquiry process to verify the effects and issues associated with simplifying this process. Then, we examined the countermeasures that should be taken as a prescription issuer in response to the issue.Methods: The center concluded an agreement with 147 insurance-covered pharmacies in or around Sakai City. We analyzed data related to simplification of the prescription-related process between March 1, 2017, and February 28, 2018.Results: Permissible prescription change reports were classified into eight categories. The total number of out-of-hospital prescriptions issued by the center was 94,785. Among the 147 insurance-covered pharmacies under the agreement, 79 (53.7%) reported prescription changes by fax. In total, 895 prescription changes were reported. The number of reports belonging to each category was as follows: change of dosage/additional descriptions: 312 (33.1%); change to other brands with the same ingredients: 208 (22.0%); and change of the medication duration to reduce unused medications: 168 (17.8%). Calculating based on drug prices, change of the medication duration to reduce unused medications consequently reduced medication costs by 709,452 yen.Conclusion: It is thought that the simplification of inquiry will result in shortening the waiting time for patients and reducing the time burden of prescribing doctors and pharmacists. Also, by analyzing the contents of the inquiries, it was evident that improvements could be made to improve efficiency by devising an electronic medical record system, which can help avoid similar reports in the future. Furthermore, regularly reviewing the simplifications will contribute to providing higher quality medical care. Cooperation and information sharing between pharmacy pharmacists and hospital pharmacists are indispensable and vital in advancing side effects and risk aversion, polypharmacy measures, and improvement of adherence.
名徳 倫明 秋山 紗奈江 松浦 亜梨紗 面谷 幸子 長井 克仁 初田 泰敏 向井 淳治 廣谷 芳彦
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.43, no.8, pp.438-443, 2017-08-10 (Released:2018-08-10)
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In many hospitals, semi-solid enteral nutrients are administered. Dietary fibers are used as the main component of semi-solid agents, but some studies have reported that dietary fibers influence the bioavailability of drugs. In this study, we examined the influence of the adsorption of phenobarbital (PB) to dietary fibers and semi-solid agents used for the manufacturing of enteral nutrients. Five types of dietary fiber or 3 semi-solid agents were dissolved in 0.01% PB solution to prepare concentrations of 1.0, 0.5, and 0.1%, and the adsorption rate and viscosity were measured. In PB solution containing 1.0% guar gum, which was prepared with purified water, the adsorption rate of PB was 33.7%. It reduced with a decrease in the concentration of guar gum. The adsorption rate of PB to xanthan gum was also similar, although it was slightly lower than that to guar gum. There was no adsorption of PB to dextrin hydrate or cellulose under any condition. The first and second solutions established by the Japanese Pharmacopoeia also showed similar results. The results of this study indicate that the adsorption rates of PB to guar gum and xanthan gum were high. When administering drugs to patients receiving semi-solid enteral nutrients, the timing of administration at which there is no influence of adsorption must be reviewed.
名徳 倫明
一般社団法人 園芸学会
園芸学研究 (ISSN:13472658)
vol.17, no.2, pp.237-242, 2018 (Released:2018-06-30)

ラン科植物の中のPaphiopedilum属 (Paph) は,様々な品種改良が行われ,現在では,花型が大きく丸く,色彩の鮮やかな整形交配種が多く誕生している.そこで今回はPaphの白色整形花の評価をJOGAのメダル審査にて入賞した1981年から2015年までの入賞個体を対象として,花形や大きさを調査した.また,白色整形花の改良に大きく貢献した2種のPaph. F. C. PuddleおよびPaph. Skip Bartlett交配系統に分類して集計した.30年の経過とともに,花径幅,花弁幅では15 mm程度大きくなり,花弁幅/花径幅では0.1程度上昇した.これらの値からも,白色整形花はより大きく丸く品種改良されていることが伺えた.さらに2000年前後から改良が大きく進み,特にPaph. Skip Bartlettの血統を引くS系交配が品種改良に非常に貢献し,今後もこれらの系統を使った交配親を用いることにより,大きく品種改良が進むであろうと考える.
名徳 倫明
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.31, no.2, pp.89-98, 2005-02-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
1 1

Many medical accidents concerning errors in the administration of injections have been reported in recent years but many of them could be prevented through the active involvement of pharmacists in this respect. At the Department of Pharmacy of the Municipal Ikeda Hospital, a ward pharmacy was established in April 2000 and the dispensing of injections, including the mixing of injections, was commenced. In October, 2001, an injection distribution surveillance system was also established. Under the system, injections are distributed to the patients' bedsides, information provided on the drugs in them and monitoring performed.We conducted a survey of the dispensing of injections and the surveillance system. The mixed injection preparations targeted by the survey were drip infusions for administration between 10 : 00 and 22 : 00 whose prescriptions were received by the Department of Pharmacy by 17 : 00 on the day before use, and injection preparations were mixed 4 times a day.The dispensing of injections was divided into 5 tasks : receipt of dispensing requests, preparation of labels, measuring of quantities, mixing of preparations, and preparation of infusion sets and each task was investigated for dispensing errors.Warnings were issued under the distribution surveillance system when pharmacists misidentified patients in distributing injections to the patient's bedside and the situation was investigated.The rate of pharmacist errors in mixing injection preparations was 2.23 % in a 4-month period and though 0.04% of the preparations in error were sent to wards, they were not administered to patients. Out of the 7, 690 instances in which injections were distributed to the patient's bedside by pharmacists in the 4-month period, in 3 instances (0.04%) pharmacists were warned about misidentifying patients. All of errors were human errors, but did not lead to errors in administration. This study suggests that risk of errors made with injections could be avoided by the close involvement of pharmacists in the work of administering injections. Greater use of codes was suggested for preventing human errors in future, since codes were printed on the injection in only 14.5 % of the injections distributed during our survey. Besides the increased use of such codes, the development of an injection dispensing surveillance system using them is also necessary.
名徳 倫明
一般社団法人 日本静脈経腸栄養学会
日本静脈経腸栄養学会雑誌 (ISSN:21890161)
vol.33, no.1, pp.625-632, 2018 (Released:2018-04-20)

経腸栄養剤施用患者の薬剤投与の実態とin vitro及びin vivoでの食物繊維またはとろみ材が及ぼす薬剤吸収への影響について検討した。経腸栄養剤施用患者への薬剤投与実態に関する現状調査を行った結果、経腸栄養剤施用患者での内用薬の用法指示に対する投与タイミングは大半が指示通りであったが、異なった投与タイミングもみられた。in vitro実験において、食物繊維またはとろみ材を使用したとろみ水に混和した薬剤で、薬剤の溶出遅延がみられた。また、食物繊維やとろみ材を用いた低粘度で調整した溶液において、薬剤の吸着がみられた。さらにin vivoにおいてもカルバマセピンの血中濃度-時間曲線下面積(AUC)がグアガム、キサンタンガムと同時投与にて有意に低下した。このようにとろみを含む半固形化経腸栄養剤は薬剤の吸収への影響が想定される。そのため、とろみ材等による形状変化を含む半固形経腸栄養剤施用患者に薬剤を投与する場合には、それぞれの薬剤に対して投与タイミングを考慮する必要がある。
大荒 政志 増田 博也 久岡 清子 名徳 倫明
一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.22, no.1, pp.17-23, 2020-05-29 (Released:2020-06-13)

Objective: The number of pharmacists regularly working at geriatric health service facilities is limited, but many users of such facilities have multiple chronic conditions and receive continuous pharmacotherapy, simultaneously using numerous different types of oral drugs. We examined the outcomes of pharmacotherapeutic intervention provided by hospital pharmacists for geriatric health service facility users.Methods: We examinedthe outcomes of active pharmacotherapeutic intervention providedby hospital pharmacists for 154 facility users.Results: After the intervention, there were significant decreases in the mean number of types and price of drugs used, as they decreased from 7.38 to 6.17 and 368.3 to 309.2 yen/day, respectively. The number of prescription drugs changed was 300, and 206 of these changes were proposedby the pharmacists. The efficacy-basedcategories that these drugs belongedto widely ranged. The most frequent reasons for change were the “disappearance of symptoms”, “based on indications”, and “suspected adverse events”. Adverse events variedfrom mildto those that may leadto severe conditions.Conclusion: Pharmacotherapeutic interventions by pharmacists may optimize pharmacotherapy, reduce polypharmacy, and reduce the financial burden on geriatric health service facilities.
向井 淳治 岸本 典子 坂本 竜平 竹原 涼子 名徳 倫明 奥田 広志
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.44, no.9, pp.471-477, 2018-09-10 (Released:2019-09-10)

As part of standardizing the prescription format of oral drugs, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has stipulated that the amounts of oral drugs in prescriptions should be described as “amounts-per-dose” and not as “amounts-per-day.” However, because of the sense of resistance among physicians arising from concerns of increases in medical accidents and work volume, the transition from “amounts-per-day” prescription to “amounts-per-dose” prescription has not been implemented in most facilities. We conducted a survey to investigate the attitudes of physicians in our hospital toward the “amounts-per-dose” prescription and changes in their attitudes by the provision of appropriate information to them. The same questionnaire consisting of 15 items reflecting the “amounts-per-dose” prescription was conducted before and after the presentation of references related to the “amounts-per-dose” prescription to the physicians. The survey results were analyzed by two-way repeated measures analysis of variance using “clinical departments” and “presentation of references” as factors. No interactions were observed. Only two items in the “clinical departments” factor showed significant differences in the main effects, whereas six items in the “presentation of references” factor showed significant differences in the main effects. All of these items showed positive changes after the presentation of references. These results demonstrated that physicians' sense of resistance to the “amounts-per-dose” prescription was derived from a lack of appropriate information and that their sense of resistance was alleviated after being appropriately informed.
高子 優子 細見 健悟 久井 裕美子 杉田 裕貴 小牧 佐知子 稲田 智子 増本 憲生 大槻 裕朗 岡本 禎晃 金 啓二 名徳 倫明
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.44, no.7, pp.363-369, 2018-07-10 (Released:2019-07-10)

Some powder formulations of anticancer drugs are currently distributed under negative pressure in vials. However, the internal pressures of the vials are not described in the package inserts. Therefore, an awareness survey was conducted involving pharmacists regarding their descriptions.Anonymous questionnaires, consisting of a 5-grade scale and free description questions, were distributed to the member hospitals of Hyogo Pharmaceutical Society, and responses were collected by FAX and 2-top ratio analysis was performed. In addition, an intergroup comparison was conducted by dividing the responders into two groups based on their experiences (i.e., more or less than 3 years) of dispensing anticancer drugs.Responses were collected from 246 pharmacists of 67 hospitals: “Need prior information” (82.5%) and “Need description” (79.3%). Among the pharmacists with experience of less than 3 years, “Feel anxiety,” “Need prior information,” and “Feel safe with description” were more common (P < 0.05). Of them, 79.3% specified description sites: vial body (90.8%), cap (65.1%), and package insert (39.5%). Internal pressures were listed on a sheet or described in the procedure manual in only 13 hospitals, demonstrating dependence on dispensers' experiences. Besides the internal pressure, they needed information on the recommended gauge, amount of dissolution, and kind of solvent on the vial bodies.
川口 進一 名徳 倫明 下村 一徳 乾 とし子 陶山 忠士 土師 久幸
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.27, no.6, pp.565-570, 2001-12-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
1 3

To facilitate mutual understanding between doctors and nurses, prevent errors, and assure quality control in the mixing intravenous drip solutions at Ikeda Municipal Hospital, the Department of Pharmacy manages changes in the mixing of solutions and provides appropriate information for drug use. We mix solutions for intravenous injection under uniform standards and also set up a satellite pharmacy to perform these functions in April 2000. This satellite pharmacy accepts prescriptions for manual intravenous injections and manages two laminar air follow cabinets and a laminar flow biological safety cabinet. A ward trial was started in April, another ward was added in June and all wards were included in October 2000. We mix solutions for intravenous injection from Monday till Friday, based on prescriptions received the previous day, from four divisions. The hours of operation are from 10 : 00 Am to 8 : 00 Pm excluding weekends and holidays. The preparation of anticancer and narcotic drugs is not performed by the satellite pharmacy. We mixed 60 to 70 bottles of intravenous injections per day, over a six-month period. Of the intravenous injections mixed, about 70 percent were mixed by the Department of Pharmacy. 95.3 percent were used, 1.8 percent diverted, 2.9 percent were not used.
下村 一徳 名徳 倫明 村山 洋子 陶山 忠士 長嶋 三香子 土師 久幸
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.27, no.3, pp.255-261, 2001-06-10 (Released:2011-03-04)

A system that included both images and voice using a personal computer was developed to provide pharmaceutical instructions for outpatients at the medication counter. A touch panel was adopted for easy use by a wide range of age groups. The system consisted of such items as the “usage of externally applied drug”, “information on disease”, “patient education” and comprised eight items over all. A survey of 105 patients was conducted and almost all patients (95%) understood the drug-related information provided. This system was found to be an effective method for providing patients with easily understood drug-related information and most patients actually enjoyed using this system which led to an improved dissemination of important medication related information.
廣谷 芳彦 原口 清美 向井 淳治 槙本 和加子 浦嶋 庸子 名徳 倫明
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.41, no.4, pp.266-274, 2015-04-10 (Released:2016-04-10)
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We conducted a home medical care (HMC) training workshop consisting of presentations given by regional HMC leaders that targeted community pharmacists in collaboration with a nearby pharmaceutical association. Subsequently, we conducted a questionnaire survey with the pharmacists in attendance to assess their opinions of the present HMC situation. The participants' satisfaction with the workshop was relatively high, at an average of 8.13 out of 10. Among the participants, 70.9% had experience with HMC, such as visiting pharmacy services at patients' homes, with the most frequently practiced activity being “drug administration guidance for patients at home.” However, activities such as “accompanying medical rounds” and “participation in home care conferences” were not widely practiced (at a rate of less than 50% of the most popular activity) among the participants. Next, many participants responded that the key HMC factors were the creation of systems of cooperation between different professionals and their environmental arrangements. Participants also made suggestions for future lectures, such as on the subjects of contract procedures and HMC case reports. Furthermore, the participants suggested that the qualities necessary for effective HMC were a wide and practical knowledge of HMC and a positive attitude. In conclusion, many patients stated that cooperation with other professionals is important in deepening pharmacists' HMC involvement, and the pharmacists hoped to establish greater communication between pharmacists and other HMC workers.
廣谷 芳彦 原口 清美 槙本 和加子 浦嶋 庸子 名徳 倫明
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.33, no.2, pp.73-79, 2014-12-10 (Released:2015-09-04)

After we organized a community-based home medical care (HMC) training workshop composed of presentations by welfare and care workers in addition to patients’ family and targeting community pharmacists in collaboration with a regional pharmacy association, we carried out a questionnaire survey to the pharmacists in attendance to take hold on pharmacist’ opinions for the workshop and attitudes for HMC. The participants had a relatively high level of satisfaction regarding the workshop, rating an average of 7.81 out of 10.0. Among the participants, 77.5% had experience of HMC such as visiting pharmacy services at patient’ home, with the most widely practiced activity being “drug administration guidance for patients at home.” However, activities such as “accompany at the time of rounds” and “participation in conferences” were not widely practiced (less than 50% of the most activity) among the participants. Many participants responded that the key factors of HMC were the cooperation system between different professionals and its environmental arrangement. Overall, positive feedback from participants regarding this workshop was reported, through statements such as “I was able to rediscover the need for cooperation in a diverse team with differing job functions” and “the care of patients and their family was important.” We found many opinions that cooperation with other professionals is important in deepening pharmacists’ involvement in HMC, and that this workshop serves as a bridge to establish greater communication between care workers and pharmacists.
廣谷 芳彦 八十 永理 的場 俊哉 池田 賢二 恩田 光子 川瀬 雅也 名徳 倫明
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.38, no.6, pp.371-378, 2012-06-10 (Released:2013-06-12)
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To clarify the issues involved in the promotion of pharmacists’ participation in home medical care, we performed a questionnaire survey on the implementation situation of home medical care and pharmacists’ attitudes and opinions in community pharmacies. We mailed a questionnaire to 715 community pharmacies in July 2010. The pharmacists’ attitudes and opinions were validated through text mining. 78.3% of community pharmacies were requested to visit a patient’s home and provide a pharmaceutical service, but only 53.0% of these visits were made. In many pharmacies, an average of 2.3 pharmacists provided care to within 5 patients and visited the patient’s homes twice a month. Meanwhile, 27.7% of the pharmacies delivered prescription medicines to nursing facilities, and of these, only 19.8% of the pharmacies provided instructions regarding pharmaceutical care. Only 9.1% of the pharmacists participated in training workshops related to home medical care. 48.4% of the pharmacists recognized that they had to provide pharmaceutical care visits for patients coming to their pharmacies. Only 3.7% of the pharmacists participated in joint directions at the time of hospital discharge. Results of text mining showed the need for pharmaceutical care visits for patients with poor compliance, those who found it difficult to go to the pharmacy or had dementia, and the elderly living alone. Also, the patients and other homecare staff felt the necessity for pharmacists to provide pharmaceutical care in the patient’s home. In conclusion, in order to promote home medical care, inhibitory factors such as lack of pharmacists’ manpower and cooperation with home care staff, and insufficient provision of training workshops for home medical care need to be tackled.