大久保 滉 岡本 緩子 呉 京修 右馬 文彦 上田 良弘 前原 敬悟 牧野 純子
Japanese Society of Chemotherapy
vol.26, no.1, pp.337-345, 1978

Cefoxitin, an antibiotic developed from the cephamycin family, was examined as to its <I>in vitro</I> activity against clinically isolated bacteria, its serum level and urinary excretion after intramuscular or intravenous injection, tissue concentration in rats as well as its effectiveness in clinical cases. The results obtained were as follows:<BR>1) Antibacterial activity: Cefoxitin (CFX) was found to be more active against most of <I>E. coli, Klebsiella</I> and <I>Proteus vulgaris</I> strains than cephalothin and cephaloridine. The MICs of CFX against those bacteria were lowered when the inoculum concentration was reduced to 10<SUP>6</SUP> cell/ml.<BR>2) Serum level and urinary excretion in human: The drug showed a serum peak level as high as 148μg/ml 30 minutes after 1μg/ml injection, followed by a steep decline. The urinary excretion rate was about 80%.<BR>3) Distribution into rat organs: The highest tissue concentration of CFX in rat organs after i.m. administration was found in kidneys, followed by liver, blood, lungs, muscles and spleen. This distribution pattern was similar to that of cefazolin, though CFX showed higher peak concentrations and a steeper decline than the latter. No remarkable inactivation of CFX was observed after overnight storage in the icebox mixed with rat organ homogenates.<BR>4) Clinical trials: Six clinical cases (pneumonia, sepsis, purulent arthritis, perityphlitis, pyelonephritis and fever of unknown origin all of them having underlying diseases) were treated with CFX intravenously or by drip infusion. All of the patients responded favorably to the treatment. No side effects were observed.
大久保 滉 岡本 緩子 呉 京修 右馬 文彦 上田 良弘 前原 敬悟 牧野 純子
Japanese Society of Chemotherapy
vol.27, no.5, pp.260-271, 1979

新Cephalosporin系抗生物質であるCefamandoleについて基礎的・臨床的検討を行なった。<BR>CefamandoleはCEZ, CFX, CET, CERなど他のCephalosporin系抗生剤と比べて, <I>E. coli. Proteus mimbilis</I>に対し特に優れめ抗菌力を示し, ラットでの臓器内不活性化も少なく, 十分な臓器内濃度, 胆汁中排泄が得られた。<BR>Cefamandoleの1回1~2gを1日2~3回点滴あるいは静注で臨床例8例 (肺炎2例, 胆道感染2例, 尿路感染2例。副鼻腔炎1例, 腹膜炎1例) に使用し, 効果不明例および不適当例を除くと6例中4例に有効 (有効率67%) であった。副作用ないし臨床検査異常値としては好酸球増多 (1%-11%) 1例のみであった。