梅本 丈二 北嶋 哲郎 坪井 義夫 喜久田 利弘
一般社団法人 日本老年歯科医学会
老年歯科医学 (ISSN:09143866)
vol.24, no.3, pp.306-310, 2009 (Released:2010-10-20)

パーキンソン病患者の流涎と摂食・嚥下障害との関係を評価する。対象は福岡大学病院歯科口腔外科で嚥下造影検査 (VF) を行ったパーキンソン病患者16名 (男性7名, 女性9名, 平均年齢67.3±8.0歳) とした。Hoehn & Yahrの重症度分類では, StageIIIが9名, IVが6名, Vが1名であった。患者への問診から流涎の重症度を5段階, 頻度を4段階にスコア化した。また, 側面VF画像から口腔咽頭通過時間, 舌運動速度, 下顎運動速度を解析し, さらに口腔期の嚥下障害を37点満点でスコア化した。流涎の重症度は, 口唇のみが7名 (44%), 衣服まで及ぶものは4名 (25%) であった。流涎の頻度は, 「ときどき」が8名 (50%), 「しばしば」という患者が4名 (25%) であった。流涎スコアと口腔咽頭通過時間の間に有意な相関関係を認めた (r=0.659, p=0.011)。また, 口腔期嚥下障害スコアと口腔咽頭通過時間 (r=0.540, p=0.037), 舌運動速度と口腔咽頭通過時間 (r=-0.522, p=0.046) の間には有意な相関関係が認められた。パーキンソン病患者の流涎は, 舌などの動作緩慢による唾液の送り込み障害が一因となっている可能性が示唆された。
青柳 直子 喜久田 利弘 鰺坂 正秋 池山 尚岐 梅本 丈二 嶋村 知記
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.54, no.3, pp.140-144, 2008-03-20 (Released:2011-04-22)

An air-turbine handpiece is used for bone cutting and tooth dissection during extraction of an impacted lower third molar. However, subcutaneous emphysema and mediastinal emphysema may develop as advanced complications. Six patients had emphysema caused by the use of an air-turbine handpiece in our department during the last 10 years. Mediastinal emphysema developed in 3 patients. The route of the air was examined by CT scanning. The findings suggested that the air extended from a lingual sparse part of the extraction cavity to the sublingual space, submandibular space, masticator space, pterygomandibular space, lateral parapharyngeal space, carotid sheath, retropharyngeal space, and finally to the mediastinum. Since the pterygomandibular space communicates with the contralateral side, air easily invades this region.
高橋 宏昌 豊福 明 池山 尚岐 斎木 正純 松永 亜樹 喜久田 利弘
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry
日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09136681)
vol.21, no.1, pp.23-26, 2006-06-25 (Released:2011-09-20)

The condition of having a normal physical sense of taste but finding flavors strange and unpleasant is known as phantogeusia and very difficulto treat. It has recently been reported that benzodiazepine (BZD) has not only anti-anxiety effects but also some influence on taste cognition. This study examined the efficacy and safety of ethyl loflazepate for use with phantogeusia patients. Four patients were prescribed ethyl loflazepate at a dosage of 1-2mg/day. The ethyl loflazepate was found to relieve phantogeusia and tolerated well. The onset of the response was usually observed within one week. The relief of phantogeusia following ethyl loflazepate treatment was independent of the response to treatment for depression. It is suggested that ethyl loflazepate may be effective in the treatment of phantogeusia in cases both with and without depression
喜久田 利弘
社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.66, no.6, pp.276-281, 2020-06-20 (Released:2020-08-20)

Fall in child is relative more as a course of injuries on tooth, gingiva, alveolar bone, lip, tongue and buccal mucosa in house. In adult, fall on walking, hits in sports and working accidents are most courses. Injuries of oral and maxillofacial region should be repaired correctively on short times to be anatomical tissue situation just before accident. It is good points to preserve the dislocated tooth as far as possible, to repair the bone fragments and to suture the muscle and epithelium correctively. Drainage is necessary on infected wounds. It needs to observe the color of tooth crown, absorption of tooth root-apex. We have to observe the development of mandible on child. Treatment of trigeminal and facial nerve injuries are usually dosage corticosteroids and vitamin B12.
豊福 明 梅本 丈二 内藤 温友 喜久田 利弘 都 温彦
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry
日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09136681)
vol.15, no.2, pp.197-202, 2000-12-25 (Released:2011-09-20)

The authors employed behavior restriction therapy for a 19-year-old female delusional halitosis patient under hospitalization. She had been complaining of halitosis for 4 years and visited several psychosomatic specialists. She had also been hospitalised in a psychiatric ward for treatment but her complaints of halitosis had not been reduced. She gave up high school and tended to stay indoors.We started by using the description of impressions and prescribed her amitriptyline as an outpatient. Symptoms such as delusion of reference or depression were ameliorated and she became fairly cheerful. But her poor social adaptation hindered her from forming a full social identity.We introduced her to behavior restriction therapy upon her admission to our hospital. Under condition of general social deprivation, she experienced many warm emotional exchanges with other inpatients, and gradually gained confidence in personal relations. We also administerated fluvoxamine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). The fluvoxamine was as effective as amitriptyline, and fewer side effects were observed. Finally, she became able to talk with others and go out freely, in a manner suited to her age.It is suggested that behavior restriction therapy was useful in this case.
豊福 明 吉田 美紀 嶋村 知記 古賀 勉 瀬戸 富雄 清水 敏博 中小田 直子 松原 聖子 有吉 祐二 喜久田 利弘 都 温彦
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry
日本歯科心身医学会雑誌 (ISSN:09136681)
vol.11, no.1, pp.88-95, 1996-06-25 (Released:2011-09-20)

We have proposed that the management of serious psychosomatic TMJ disorder should be undertaken in a hospital environment where the patient can be fully investigated and the response to medication and psychotherapy monitored.This is not only because they are too tired to do anything but also they wander about many hospitals having wrong conviction that occlusion is the cause of many systemic disorders.To release the oral function from this pathological attention of brain, we reduce their symptoms by antidepressants without dealing with their occlusion. In this process, we take a psychotherapeutic method to make them notice their changes to understand that occlusion had nothing to do with patient's symptoms.A 34-year old man, complaining of TMJ disorder and systemic fatigue and many symptoms, was shown as a case example in the process of improvement of wrong conviction.Once he came to our department, but was lost to follow-up, and wandering many hospitals including neuro-pcychiatry. 8 months after the last visit, the patient came to our hospital again for admission.In the process of therapy, constant stimuli were provided to patients in the therapeutic frame, in which the therapist tried to maintain an emotionally steady attitude toward him and gave active support to his healthy mind, through stable and proper comments without being affected by perpetual and entrapping inciation of his ill mind.Comstancy not only in psychological stimuli but also bodily sensation was evaluated as one of the most important factors for the cure of the disorders. Psychosomatic therapy by the dentist made it possible for this patient to resusciate his own bodily (especially oral) perseption.