土井 サチヨ 山名 信子 福井 弥生 高橋 純 畠山 絹江 西村 美智代
The Japan Society of Home Economics
家政学雑誌 (ISSN:04499069)
vol.22, no.5, pp.327-331, 1971-08-20 (Released:2010-03-09)

It is believed that it would be a helpful measure in determining the size of clothes and also an important factor in designing clothes to study the change in the human body proportion according to the physical growth of the body.In this report, a study is made on the body proportions of boys and girls ages from 7 to 15. The summary of the results is as follows : (1) The degree of the growth in the lengths varies with the part of the body. As for the three items of the head length (height, width, and length of a straight line drawn from the front to the back), the growth is very slow in all ages. By comparing the rate of increase in the crotch height with that in the sitting height, it is found that the former is greater than the latter for the boys who are from 7 to 13 years old, and for the girls from 7 to 11 years old.(2) The head-body index (ratio of the stature to the head height) becomes larger and larger as the age advances, and the indexes of girls show higher values than those of boys up to the age of 13.(3) The comparison of proportional lengths of some parts of the body made between boys and girls measured by assuming that their respective statures are 100, shows that girls over 13-14 have larger values of the total head height and sitting height and smaller value of crotch height than boys of the same ages.
土井 サチヨ 畠山 絹江 西村 美智代
一般社団法人 日本繊維製品消費科学会
繊維製品消費科学 (ISSN:00372072)
vol.15, no.9, pp.395-399, 1974

衣服設計においては身体寸法を基本として体型の3次元的な把握が必要であると考えた.第1報の18~22才 (ミス) に引き続き, 今回は25~65才 (ミセス) について, 計測値と体幹部形態との関連について追究し類型化を試みた.計測値において, 3年令群間に差がみられ, 胴部, 腹部, 腰部に特徴を示している.さらに, 20才との比較では顕著な差がみられる.<BR>横矢示数による形態区分は, 胸部はB・C, 胴部はC・B, 腹部・腰部はC・D・Bが多く, 高年令群になるに従ってDからAの方に移行している.<BR>個有値の4部位横矢示数の複合状態類別では, BCCC, BBCCが多く, CCDD, CCCC, CBCCの1頂に出現が少なくなり, 74組の組合せに出現がみられた.<BR>4部位の形態の差異が形態採取により確認することができた.