渡部 恒夫 宮坂 斉 井上 駿一 玉置 哲也 小林 英夫
千葉医学雑誌 (ISSN:03035476)
vol.54, no.5, pp.235-241, 1978-10

Microvascular surgery has been practised in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery of Chiba University Hospital since 1975, and the first successful replantation of a completely amputated a ring finger of a 16-year-old boy was performed in August 1975. Up to April 1978, we have had 30 cases of severed limbs and fingers, including complete or incomplete amputations of 30 digits, amputation or vascular injury of 3 forearms, and each case of complete amputation of wrist, midpalm, and ankle. In these cases, 8 digits, a forearm and an ankle failed to replant. The final success rate of our replantation was 72.2 per cent. We presented 4 typical cases of replantation. Our microsuture technique was described, and the indication of replantation and the experiment or clinical application of microvascular surgery were discussed.
中村 拓 坂 斉
日本作物學會紀事 (ISSN:00111848)
vol.47, no.4, pp.707-714, 1978-12-30

The experiments were made to determine the effect of photochemical oxidants on physiological activitics of rice plants. Rice plants were fumigated with ozone at concentration of 0.12-0.20 ppm for 2-3 hr to investigate the accute injury and at 0.05 and 0.09 ppm for daily exposure from 3.0 leaf stage to assess the effect of ozone on growth. 1. It was observed that malondialdehyde produced by disruption of the components of membrane increased in the leaves exposed to ozone. 2. Ozone reduced the RuBP-carboxylase activity in both of young and old leaves 12-24 hr after fumigation and then in the young leaves the activity of this enzyme recovered to some extent after 48 hr, but it did not show any recovery in the old leaves. On the otherhand, ozone remarkably increased the peroxidase activity and slightly increased acid phosphatase in any leaves. 3. Abnormally high ethylene evolution and oxygen uptake were detected in leaves soon after ozone fumigation. 4. In general, high molecular protein and chlorophyll contents in the detached leaves decreased with incubation in dark, particularly in the old ones. These phenomena were more accelerated by ozone fumigation. Kinetin and benzimidazole showed significant effect on chlorophyll retention in ozone-exposed leaves. 5. Reduction of plant growth and photosynthetic rate was recognized even low concentration of ozone in daily exposure at 0.05 and 0.09 ppm. From these results it was postulated that ozone may act the senescence of leaves in rice plants.
大塚 隆 坂 斉
日本作物學會紀事 (ISSN:00111848)
vol.57, no.2, pp.219-220, 1988-10-01

エピノブラシノライドはイネの種子浸漬処理や根部処理により根の生長を, また, 出穂期処理では登熟を促進した.