吉野 悦雄 塩谷 昌史
經濟學研究 (ISSN:04516265)
vol.57, no.2, pp.41-61, 2007-09-06

筆者たちは2005年にベラルーシの東部でポーランド国境から15キロメートル圏内にある中規模都市のグロードノ市とブレスト市 を訪れ,そこの企業を4社づつ,合計8社で企業聞き取り調査を行った。業種は裁縫業,煙草工場,牛乳工場,ガス器具工場,百貨店,自転車工場,ゼネコン,壁紙販売業である。調査の目的はベラルーシにおいてEU経済の影響がどの分野でどのように及んでいるかを調査することであった。イタリア服飾企業の下請の例と,EU向けへ安売り自転車を製造している例を除くと,EU経済の影響はさほど強くなかった。ガス器具工場はロシア資本の支配下にあった。しかし百貨店ではコンピュータ・システムをEU企業が設計するなど,いずれの企業でも何らかのEU経済の影響は発見できた。この<資料>はベラルーシの現地企業を直接聞き取り調査した日本で最初の試みの調査報告である。
塩谷 昌史
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.47, no.4, pp.4_50-4_74, 2013 (Released:2016-01-27)

The purpose of this article is to examine the cotton industry in Vladimir Province before Emancipation of serfs in Russia (1860), from the viewpoint of print and distribution. In order to accomplish this purpose, I utilize the Vladimir Province newspaper as a main material, which was published from 1838 to 1917, but confine the perusal of the material to the period from 1838 to 1860.Europe imported various commodities from Asia through East India Companies after 17th century. At that time, a cotton fabric (chintz) was one of important commodities from Asia. As the amount of European import of Asian chintz increased, Europe suffered from trade deficit and banned the import of chintz to reduce the deficit. After that, Europe realized the production of chintz by industrialization. From the viewpoint of a long term, we consider that the industrialization of European countries enabled import substitution of Asian commodities. This hypothesis would apply for the history of trade between Russia and Central Asia.Vladimir Province imported chintz from Central Asia after 16th century and first produced chintz in 18th century, based on the printing skills from Central Asia. After England exported cotton products to Russia at the end of 18th century, Vladimir Province introduced technology from Europe and developed modern cotton industry in 19th century. When we see the process of development in a middle term (100 years), we recognize that because Vladimir province learned European experiences, she accomplished the industrialization. But, we can also conclude that the industrialization of Vladimir Province was the process of import substitution of chintz from Central Asia, from the viewpoint of a long term (300 years). This is similar to the experiences of Europe.