仲村 匡司 坂井 崇俊 増田 稔
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.51, no.4, pp.398-403, 2002-04-15
1 4

Visual characteristics of wood which influence visual hardness of it were studied. Thirty-four photographs of H-shaped wooden backs of chairs were prepared as specimens. Questionnaires regarding visual hardness and &ldquo;deluxe&rdquo; image of specimens were distributed to 32 subjects using the repeated equal-division method. Color values (<i>Y, x</i> and <i>y</i>) of specimens were measured by the colorimeter. Local-area gloss <i>G</i> and spatial ratio of contrasts <i>C</i> were calculated using digital image analyses. <i>G</i> was the index of the local-area glossiness (highlight), and <i>C</i> was the index of the noticeability of wood grain figures. Calculation procedures for both indices were newly developed in this paper. The single correlation coefficient between a visual &ldquo;hard&rdquo; image and <i>Y</i> (lightness of specimen) was -0.91, and that between <i>G</i> was 0.83. Using visual &ldquo;hardness&rdquo; as a criterion variable and <i>Y</i> and <i>G</i> as predictor variables, a multiple regression analysis was performed. The multiple correlation coefficient was 0.931, the ratio of contribution was 86.7% (significant level 1%). Furthermore <i>C</i> was added to the regression model, above values were 0.942 and 88.8%, respectively (significant level 1%).
増田 稔
一般社団法人 日本木材学会
木材学会誌 (ISSN:00214795)
vol.51, no.1, pp.22-24, 2005 (Released:2006-02-24)
5 2
山根 力 増田 稔 仲村 匡司
森林研究 (ISSN:13444174)
no.70, pp.29-33, 1998-12

どのような色の組合せの縞が「派手な」および「感じのよい」イメージを与えるのかを調査し、これらのイメージと色彩の物理量(L*, a*, b*)の間にどのような関係があるのかを検討した。アンケートには21色の組合せによって生じる2色縞のうち、108種類の縞を用いた。一般に、縞を構成する2色の間の色差(ΔE*)が大きければ大きいほど、「派手な」イメージを与えた。また、明度(L*)および彩度(C*)がともに大きい鮮やかな黄色が含まれている場合には、2色間の色差に関係なく「派手な」イメージとなった。一方、木材色に近い色彩で構成される縞は「派手な」イメージを与えにくいことが明らかとなった。「感じのよい」イメージは被験者の好みに左右され、個人差が大きかった。しかしながら白の含まれている縞は、一般に「感じのよい」イメージを与え、一方、黒の含まれる縞は「感じのよい」イメージを与えない傾向がみられた。What kind of color combination in stripes gives us 'showy' or 'agreeable' image? To make it clear the relation between physical values (CIE L*a*b*) of color combination of stripes and psychological images, questionnaires using 108 stripes were distributed to 30 subjects. These stripes were consisted of two-color combination of 21 different colors. The stripes were vertical and each color line has 4 mm width. Size of stripe specimens was 70mm (vertical)×100mm (horizontal). Results of questionnaires were as follows : (1) 'Showy' image was strongly given with increase of color difference ΔE* in stripes. (2) In addition to this, stripes including bright yellow color [both high lightness (L*) and high chromaticness (C*)] gave 'showy' image. (3) On the other hand, stripes consisted of woody color (YR) did not give 'showy' image. (4) Color of stripes judged to be 'agreeable' varied with subjects depending on their personality. (4) Stripes including white generally gave 'agreeable' images, but stripes including black did not give 'agreeable' image.
Beppu Toru Ishiko Takatoshi Chikamoto Akira Komori Hiroyuki Masuda Toshiro Hayashi Hiromitsu Okabe Hirohisa Otao Ryu Sugiyama Shinichi Nasu Jiro Horino Kei Takamori Hiroshi Baba Hideo ベップ トオル イシコ タカトシ チカモト アキラ コモリ ヒロユキ マスダ トシロウ ハヤシ ヒロミツ オカベ ヒロヒサ オオタオ リュウ スギヤマ シンイチ ナス ジロウ ホリノ ケイ タカモリ ヒロシ ババ ヒデオ 別府 透 石河 隆敏 近本 亮 小森 宏之 増田 稔郎 林 洋光 岡部 弘尚 太田尾 龍 杉山 眞一 那須 二郎 堀野 敬 高森 啓史 馬場 秀夫
H.G.E. Update Medical Publishing Ltd.
Hepato-Gastroenterology (ISSN:01726390)
vol.59, no.114, pp.542-545, 2012-03

Background/Aims: To clarify the clinical benefits of the maneuver in right-side hepatectomy. Methodology: Eighty-one patients with liver tumor (54 hepatocellular carcinoma, 17 metastatic liver tumor and 10 other tumors) treated with a right-side hepatectomy were prospectively analyzed. The patients were divided into the following three groups: a conventional approach (group A, n=21); liver dissection under the hanging maneuver after liver mobilization (group B, n=19) and liver dissection under the hanging maneuver prior to liver mobilization (group C, n=41). Results: The liver hanging maneuver was safely performed in all the patients in groups B and C. Tumor size had a significantly positive correlation with the amount of intraoperative blood loss (R=0.52, p<0.05) in group A only. The patients in groups B and C had a significantly lower intraoperative use of blood loss (both p<0.01), operation time (p<0.05 and p<0.01) and the frequency of blood product (both p<0.05), in comparison to group A, respectively. The postoperative morbidity and the mortality rates were similar in the three groups. Conclusions: Liver hanging maneuver is a safe procedure, which can decrease intraoperative blood loss and administration of blood product in right-side hepatectomy.