大久保 恭子 Kyoko Okubo
研究論集 = Journal of Inquiry and Research (ISSN:03881067)
vol.98, pp.21-37, 2013-09

大久保 恭子
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.55, no.4, pp.42-55, 2005-03-31 (Released:2017-05-22)

The date of "completion" of the original maquettes of Jazz has been considered to be 1944, mainly due to three letters of Matisse, in spite of the date, juillet 1946, written in the maquettes. What is the meaning of this delay? The connection between Matisse and Surrealisme contributed in establishing the artistic environment around him from the 1930's. It changed Matisse's artistic view from static to dynamic, especially the concept of signe. Furthermore, the method of paper cut-out accelerated this tendency. Matisse's interest in Bergson in Jazz explains the dynamic character. In 1942, Matisse finished Themes et variation. The central idea is a series along the same theme, with the same model. The connection between the drawings gives the figure a Bergsonian duree. In Jazz Matisse created signes from his memories. He used his intuition to be united with the objects, and realized the inherent duree, which was built right into the process of this work. This is the reason for the delay in working on the maquettes. The duree produced by this delay is the indispensable character in the completion of Jazz founded on the correlation between the maquettes and the texts.