大川 千寿
熊本大学政策研究 (ISSN:2185985X)
vol.4, pp.49-59, 2013-03-29

本稿では、2012年12月に行われた衆院選の熊本県内における得票を分析する。小選挙区では、自民党候補4名が幅広く票を集め、堅調な戦いぶりを見せた。また熊本4区では日本維新の会候補が勝利した。民主党候補や民主党からの離党組は民主党政権への強い批判のもとでいずれも苦しい戦いとなった。一方比例区では、自民党の得票率は3割にとどまる。小選挙区での立候補擁立が比例票の掘り起こしにつながる「連動効果」が一定程度見られ、郡部を含め自民・公明両党の選挙協力の進展も確認できた。しかし、民主党は小選挙区候補擁立の有無を問わず全県的に不振で、大きく後退した。第三極では、維新が比例2位となったが、連動効果には選挙区によって差が見られた。みんなの党は2009年から確実に伸ばしたが、日本未来の党は低迷した。共産党・社民党は全般に振るわなかった。This paper analyzes the votes in the 2012 general election in Kumamoto prefecture. In single-member districts, the LDP (Liberal Democratic Party) candidates widely gained votes in constituencies and won steadily, and 1 JRP (Japan Restoration Party) candidate won the district. In contrast, the DPJ (Democratic Party of Japan) members, and candidates who had left from the DPJ struggled under strong criticism to the DPJ Administration. In proportional representation constituency, the LDP gained only 30% of the votes. But the development of electoral cooperation between the LDP and the New Komeito was found especilayy in the rural districts, and the effect of SMD candidate nomination to the PR vote share, which is known as "the contamination effect", was confirmed to some extent. On the other hand, the DPJ mired in a slum in the whole prefecture. The third force parties showed different results. The JRP won the second place, benefited from the contamination effect, and Your Party grew certainly from the 2009 election. but the Party of the Future was sluggish. Traditional leftist parties like the Japan Communist Party and the Social Democratic Party of Japan were also weak.