大森 史隆 笠井 新一郎 天辰 雅子 中山 翼 飯干 紀代子 山田 弘幸 オオモリ フミタカ カサイ シンイチロウ アマタツ マサコ ナカヤマ ツバサ イイボシ キヨコ ヤマダ ヒロユキ Fumitaka OHMORI Shinichiro KASAI Masako AMATATSU Tsubasa NAKAYAMA Kiyoko IIBOSHI Hiroyuki YAMADA
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 = Journal of Kyushu University of Health and Welfare
vol.11, pp.119-126, 2010-03

This study examined 300 children aged 24-35 months to clarify expressive vocabulary development using the vocabulary checklist questionnaire. Children were classified into 4 periods: first period, 24-26 months; second period, 27-29 months; third period, 30-32 months; and fourth period, 33-35 months. We analyzed median and quartiles of expressive vocabulary and performed one-way analysis of variance to determine which periods differed significantly from other periods. As a result, median total expressive vocabulary was 238.0 in the first period, 423.0 in the second period, 508.0 in the third period, and 661.0 in the fourth period. A clear correlation was seen between total expressive vocabulary, noun vocabulary, verb vocabulary, adjective vocabulary and child age. No significant difference in total expressive vocabulary was evident between second and third periods. These results indicate an incubation period in which the expressive vocabulary is invariable. A significant difference was apparent between the second and third periods in the verb vocabulary, suggesting a qualitative change in the expressive vocabulary. However, the term of increasing verb vocabulary was shorter than that for the noun vocabulary, which previous studies have reported in children aged 18-30 months.
天辰 雅子 戸高 翼 原 修一
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13455451)
vol.15, pp.103-107, 2014-03

We undertook speech therapy for functional and practical communication in patients with chronic mild aphasia. For the comprehension aspect, comprehension of long sentences using visual modalities was assessed. For the expression aspect, explanation of comics that aimed to improve word retrieval ability and discourse competence by approximating communication settings was undertaken. In addition, syntax training common to both of these aspects was provided. Our results showed no improvements in test outcomes, although the maintenance of functions was achieved. In addition, qualitative changes including fewer grammatical errors and decreased stammering were observed during the explanation of comics. However, function maintenance and qualitative changes were observed 2 years later suggesting that our interventions may have been effective to a certain degree. These findings indicate that function maintenance and improvements can be achieved, even during the chronic phase, by implementing training based on speech function assessments at that point and by providing both practical communication training and functional training.