太田 素子
大手前大学論集 (ISSN:1882644X)
no.14, pp.31-40, 2013

パーティをキーワードにして、ヴァージニア・ウルフ(Virginia Wbolf)の作品を読み解こうと試みる。パーティはウルフの作品に於いて重要な役割を果たしていながら、これまで、必ずしも正当に評価されてきたとは言えない。しかし、例えばパーティの催される1日を描く『ダロウェイ夫人』(Mrs.Dalloway)では、「瞬間」("themoment")を捉える特有の儀式として、パーティが効果的に用いられている。そこでは、もろさと表裏をなしながら至福の「瞬間」が鮮やかに定着されている。ウルフが、個我や自我に収敏したいわば閉塞的な世界を描いた作家と思われている一面で、常に社会との関係を意識し続けていたことを再考するひとつの試みでもある。パーティ空間を媒介にして、人は社会と幸福に関係を保とうとするが、そうはできない時代や個人の意識のため、様々なアンビヴァレントな意識を感じていると言える。パーティの準備に始まりパーティのクライマックスで終わる『ダロウェイ夫人』をとりあげて、G.ジンメル(Georg Simmel)や山崎正和の「社交論」、C.エイムズ(Christopher Ames)のパーティ論を踏まえつつ、ヨーロッパ近代の社交とウルフのパーティ空間について考える。
太田 素子
和光大学現代人間学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Human Studies (ISSN:18827292)
vol.8, pp.213-223, 2015-03-13

The An'nodo is a Terakoya school in Aizu-Bange, said to have been established in the Kanbun era(1661-1673)of the Edo period and to have closed in 1875, the eighth year of the Meiji period. The head of the Yuki Family (later changed from Namae) served as the teacher at that school for generations. The Yuki were originally mountain ascetics. From epitaphs and copies of textbooks, it is clear that the foundation of the Terakoya was laid in the early Kyoho era (1716-1736). From the register of the pupils, first recorded in the Bunka era (1804-1818), the total number of pupils ranged from 50 to 120 every year. From the Sekigaki (exam records), we can surmise that pupils entered the school between the ages of nine and 11 and stayed for about 5 years until the age of 15. They proceeded from writing to reading, and judging from the textbooks still in existence, the teacher tried to match the textbooks with the pupils' level of achievement.
太田 素子
和光大学現代人間学部紀要 (ISSN:18827292)
no.3, pp.185-196, 2010-03

KEISEIKAN-DIARY 1811-1853, consisting of two volumes, is very precious historical materials to examine a local school in Aizu district. The Aizu feudal clan had a policy to spread education to common people from the beginning, and after the KANSEI reform it struggled more consciously to enlighten people. Tanaka Yoshina and his son Shigeyoshi were assigned as instructors of KEISEIKAN by the feudal clan at first, and after the discontinuance of financial support by the clan, the school continued to exist for 33 years. A certain comparatively rich merchant in the town, all the boys entered a school, and the chosen girl entered it.