高橋 滋 本多 正喜 宇部 弘子 椎原 康史
群馬大学医療技術短期大学部紀要 (ISSN:03897540)
vol.15, pp.91-97, 1995-03-31

We investigated emotional effects of music in 227 normal female subjects, which were classified into 123 younger-aged group (10-24 yr.) and 104 middle-aged group (30-64 yr.). We presented three different types of classical music: Sonata No.2 (Rachmaninoff), Peer Gynt Suite Nr.1 (Grieg) and Brandenburg concerto No.2 (Bach). The emotional responses aroused by music were assessed by the questionnaire, which were consisted of the 12 emotional responses. The four factors extracted by factor analysis were interpreted as follows: the anti-depressive effect, the anxiety effect, the elated effect and the sedative effect. Compared with the factor scores of younger-aged group, the middle-aged group had higher scores of the anti-depressive effect in Grieg and Bach, higher scores of the anxiety effect in every three music and higher scores of the sedative effect only in Grieg. As to the effect of different types of music, Grieg had the anxiety effect but Bach had the anti-depressive effect. Thus this questionnaire proved to be useful to assess the emotional effect aroused by music.