安藤 精一
特定非営利活動法人 日本心臓血管外科学会
日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:02851474)
vol.29, no.4, pp.245-253, 2000-07-15 (Released:2009-04-28)

脳分離体外循環下に手術した大動脈解離および胸部大動脈瘤10例 (SCP群) の脳血流, 脳酸素代謝について, 通常の体外循環下に手術した20例 (CPB群) を対照として比較検討した. 経頭蓋ドップラー血流計 (Labodop-DP100) で中大脳動脈血流速度 (MCAV) を測定し, 脳血流量の評価に用いた. また, 脳循環状態の評価のために鼓膜温, 膀胱温, 浅側頭動脈圧, 内頸静脈圧, 動脈血ヘモグロビン濃度をそれぞれ経時的に測定した. さらに, 脳酸素代謝状態の評価のために動静脈血酸素分圧, 二酸化炭素分圧, 酸素飽和度をそれぞれ経時的に測定し, 脳酸素摂取率, 脳酸素消費量指数を算出した. SCP群では, 脳分離体外循環中脳灌流圧が低く, さらに脳温も低く脳代謝が抑えられているはずにもかかわらず, 二酸化炭素分圧が高値を推移していたため, CPB群と同等の脳血流を維持していた. このことから脳分離体外循環中脳血流量を増やすには, 二酸化炭素分圧を高く維持することが重要であり, その結果SCP群の脳酸素代謝がCPB群と同等に維持された.
木俣 登 安藤 精一
一般社団法人 溶接学会
溶接学会誌 (ISSN:00214787)
vol.40, no.9, pp.917-928, 1971-09-25 (Released:2011-08-05)

In report 1, the manual arc welding of austenitic manganese steel to high carbon steel was studied, the main characteristic of which was to butter, before joining, the groove face of high carbon steel with austenitic covered electrode.This paper describes the results of some experiments on welding of the above two dissimilar metals by gas shielded arc welding process.To select appropriate welding wire and welding conditions for buttering, single bead weld test and FISCO cracking test were made using high carbon steel as base metal, five austenitic welding wire as electrode, and CO2, CO2-A, A or N2 as shielding gas.16 Mn-16 Cr and 25 Cr-20 Ni welding wire are available for buttering electrode and CO2-A for shielding gas from the viewpoints of weld metal hardness, microstructure, weld defects and crack susceptibility of weld metal.Carbon steel rail and austenitic manganese steel rail (50 PS type) were then welded together automatically by gas shielded arc welding process: The groove face of the former was buttered vertically with above-mentioned wires and shielding gas and rail welding apparatus, which could be used not only for rail joining by welding but also for buttering with some modifications. An austenitic manganese steel rail was welded to the buttered carbon steel rail with I-groove and almost the same welding conditions as in the case of gas shielded arc welding of austenitic manganese steel rails investigated previously by the authors. The values of maximum load and deflection in bending tests of welded rails were 75-85 t and 56-84 mm with head-up (span 1 m, load applied at mid span) and they are almost equal to the welds by manual arc welding with V-or I-groove joint.Welding takes about 11 minutes for buttering and 7.5 minutes for joining.
安藤 精一
歴史教育 (ISSN:0557837X)
vol.3, no.10, 1955-10