清水 嵩之 古川 慎哉 藤岡 燿祐 金本 麻友美 玉井 惇一郎 梅岡 二美 宮岡 弘明
一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会
糖尿病 (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.65, no.12, pp.672-679, 2022-12-30 (Released:2022-12-30)

症例は50歳代男性.X-9年に2型糖尿病と診断され治療中であった.X-5年8月に左尿管癌,多発リンパ節転移と診断され治療を開始し,2次化学療法としてX-1年11月から抗PD-1抗体(ペムブロリズマブ)を開始.X年2月下旬より食欲低下を認め,口渇,吐き気も出現したため3月初旬に当院を受診.血液検査で糖尿病性ケトーシスと診断し同日入院.空腹時血清Cペプチドは1.1 ng/mLから0.3 ng/mLに低下し,入院後補液とインスリン持続静脈注射を行い入院18日目に退院した.発症後2年経過したが,インスリン分泌は低下したままである.本症例は抗PD-1抗体投与後に内因性インスリン分泌が急激に低下したことから,抗PD-1抗体投与に伴う1型糖尿病と診断した.抗PD-1抗体投与中は慎重にケトーシスおよびケトアシドーシスを疑う症状の有無を確認し,高血糖を認めた場合には内因性インスリン分泌の評価を行う必要がある.
武市 佳己 末丸 克矢 井門 敬子 山下 梨沙子 天野 学 町田 仁 宮岡 弘明 池田 富士子 大澤 春彦 牧野 英一 荒木 博陽
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.35, no.9, pp.629-635, 2009

It has been reported that earthquakes tend to aggravate the physical and mental conditions of diabetic patients in particular due to interruption of their medication and perhaps tremendous deterioration in their living conditions as well.In this study,we conducted a survey of diabetic patients concerning their preparedness for earthquakes at three hospitals in Ehime Prefecture.The results indicated that many diabetic patients did not have a sufficient supply of emergency medicines in the event of such a disaster.In addition,many seemed to be unaware of the names of the medicines that they were taking.Based on these results and previous findings,we prepared"The Disaster Preparedness Guide for Patients with Diabetes" which includes information on medication,food,and ways of monitoring their health.The printed manual was distributed to hospitals in Ehime Prefecture and the PDF file of it was uploaded to the website of Ehime University Hospital.Afterwards,we conducted an anonymous survey of diabetic patients and medical staff concerning this material.Most respondents considered our guide to be useful for learning about disaster preparations.These findings suggest that it is necessary for medical staff to educate diabetic patients adequately concerning disaster preparations.