小島 道也 嶋田 典司 廣保 正 綾野 雄幸 小倉 長雄 矢吹 稔 駒形 和男
公益社団法人 日本農芸化学会
日本農芸化学会誌 (ISSN:00021407)
vol.61, no.3, pp.395-398, 1987

高農対談始まって以来初めてのことでありますが,農芸化学各講座の先生方6名全員御出席で行われた座談会は,従来とまた変った内容となりました.しかも御一人を除いては全員母校OBというためか,何やら同窓会に列席させていただいているようで,先生方の和気藹々たる雰囲気の中で恩師の想い出,戦時下の学生生活,松戸の昔話しなど話題は尽きることなく続きましたが,紙面の都合上そのすべてを再録できなかったのは残念です.そのため先生方の中には,御発言のごく一部しか載らないという不公平も生じておりますが御容赦下さい.<br> 座談会の準備に御尽力賜った矢吹先生に心から御礼申し上げます.(編集部)
小倉 長雄 林 龍二 荻島 太一 阿部 雄幸 中川 弘毅 竹花 秀太郎
公益社団法人 日本農芸化学会
日本農芸化学会誌 (ISSN:00021407)
vol.50, no.11, pp.519-523, 1976
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Tomato fruits were harvested at mature green stage and stored at 4, 20, 33&deg;C and room temperature. The ethylene production by these fruits during the storage was studied along with carbon dioxide production.<br> At room temperature, a marked increase in ethylene production preceded the respiratory climacteric rise.<br> At 33&deg;C, respiratory rate declined progressively and ethylene production was greatly reduced during the storage. When the fruits were transferred to room temperature, ethylene production was recovered to a half level of production at room temperature.<br> At 4&deg;C, respiratory rate was repressed to low level and ethylene production was barely detectable during the storage. A large amount of carbon dioxide and a small quantity of ethylene were produced after the transfer to room temperature.<br> Ethylene treatment (50 ppm) at 20&deg;C, caused mature green fruit to ripe earlier and to cause the climacteric rise in respiration also more rapidly. At 4 and 33&deg;C, however, changes in respiratoy rate and progress of ripening were not observed.