小岩 広平 小松 眞峰 若島 孔文
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.91.19032, (Released:2020-09-15)

In contemporary adolescent friendships, there is a problem of people attacking those who fail to “take a hint.” In this study, we introduced four scenarios in which one friend failed to “take a hint” based on Bateson’s concept of the communication mode. We also investigated the differences in the coping behavior that the adolescent chose, depending on their relationship with their group of friends. We conducted a questionnaire survey of 226 university students. As a result, four types of coping behaviors for people who failed to “take a hint” were found: “Ignore,” “Criticize,” “Jeer or Tease,” and “Follow Along.” Furthermore, an adolescent’s relationship with their friend group was associated with their coping behavior. Adolescents who built an avoidant friendship tended to choose “Ignore” as their coping behavior. On the other hand, adolescents who built a mob-like friendship were likely to choose “Jeer or Tease.” This discussion deals with the possibility of becoming sensitive to the people who fail to “take a hint,” if the adolescent needs the friendships in the group.
小岩 広平 若島 孔文 浅井 継悟 高木 源 吉井 初美
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.92.20048, (Released:2021-08-30)
1 4

The purpose of this study was to address the issue of the fear of COVID-19 among nurses and to determine the extent to which three factors affected their fear of COVID-19: (a) personal factors, (b) working conditions, and (c) coping behaviors. We conducted a web-based survey of 152 nurses working in the Tohoku region. A hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed that living with elderly people, working in the small hospital, and working long hours at night affected their fear of COVID-19. The results also revealed that “escape from anxiety” as a coping behavior led to a fear of COVID-19. These results suggested that the fear of becoming a source of infection may increase a nurse’s fear of COVID-19 and that the accumulation of physical fatigue may also lead to a fear of COVID-19. In addition, the results suggested that avoidant coping behaviors were related with infection fears, and that organizational support may be able to reduce nurses’ fear of COVID-19.
小岩 広平 小松 眞峰 若島 孔文
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.91, no.5, pp.312-322, 2020

<p>In contemporary adolescent friendships, there is a problem of people attacking those who fail to "take a hint." In this study, we introduced four scenarios in which one friend failed to "take a hint" based on Bateson's concept of the communication mode. We also investigated the differences in the coping behavior that the adolescent chose, depending on their relationship with their group of friends. We conducted a questionnaire survey of 226 university students. As a result, four types of coping behaviors for people who failed to "take a hint" were found: "Ignore," "Criticize," "Jeer or Tease," and "Follow Along." Furthermore, an adolescent's relationship with their friend group was associated with their coping behavior. Adolescents who built an avoidant friendship tended to choose "Ignore" as their coping behavior. On the other hand, adolescents who built a mob-like friendship were likely to choose "Jeer or Tease." This discussion deals with the possibility of becoming sensitive to the people who fail to "take a hint," if the adolescent needs the friendships in the group.</p>