大橋裕太郎 小川 秀明 永田 周一 馬島 洋 有澤 誠
情報処理学会研究報告コンピュータと教育(CE) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2007, no.123, pp.51-55, 2007-12-07

私達研究グループは、動物園が科学教育や体験学習に対して大きな役割を果たすことに着目し、動物園での参加型学習環境の構築を行っている。その中で、携帯電話や携帯型音楽機器などのモバイル機器を利用したユビキタス環境での学習支援をひとつのテーマとしている。具体的な試みとして、情報ツールを通じて利用者が動物園のリソースを有効に活用することを目的とした「Being-いきてること展」を2007年4月24日から5月6日にかけて東京都井の頭自然文化園で行った。展覧会では、小中学生が作成した動物の音声案内を園内のナビゲーションとして活用する実践を行った。また、それを聞いた来園者が携帯電話を利用して自分の声をサーバに記録することができる Voice Trackback システムを開発し、運用を行った。利用者の主観評価では、肯定的判断をした回答者の偏りに優位な差を認めることができた。Our research group found that zoological park is a resourceful place for learning by experience. Our goal is to reconstruct learning environment for children in zoo by using emerging information technology such as mobile phones, podcasting and interactive website. Concretely, we held "Being Exhibition", which proposed information tools so that visitors (especially children) are able to put resources in zoo to practical use from 24th April to 6th May. In this exhibition, we arranged voice guidance made by elementary school student. In addition, we developed Voice Feedback System, a collaborative voice data gathering system for environmental learning. Users report their thoughts by their own voice with mobile phones, after going around the zoo. According to a subjective assessment, it was observed that a number of participants who had positive response were statistically-meaningful.
大橋 裕太郎 永田 周一 馬島 洋 小川 秀明 有沢 誠
デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (ISSN:09108173)
no.54, pp.226-227, 2007-06-20

Our information design project "ZOO PROJECT" aims at reconstructing information design in zoo, by using emerging information technology such as mobile phones, Podcasting and interactive website. It is likely that emerging IT technology helps users, especially children to acquire and share information about animals or ecosystem. As the first experiment of this project, we developed Voice Trackback System, a collaborative voice data gathering system for learning by experience. Users report their thoughts and impressions by their own voices with mobile phones, after observing animals. Voice data is collaboratively gathered in a PC server by Skype, an IP phone network, and then displayed on a project website. Users can listen to the voices respectively and freely. We also introduce other systems on the internet, on Podcasting, and so on
唐 東豪 野波 健蔵 平田 光男 小川 秀明 谷口 義弘
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.66, no.649, pp.2981-2987, 2000-09-25

This paper is concerned with a study of the high performance realization of electronic engrave technology. Using actual piezo actuator for ultra-high speed electronic engrave machine, we designed several control systems to realize a good performance, after the system identification and modeling. The designed control strategies consist of (i) LQI servo control, (ii) Two-degree-of-freedom control system, (iii) Sliding mode control with observer, (iv) Sliding mode control with output feedback. Incidentally, we also find out the compulational speed limit of DSP system via the experiments. We realized the good performance using the two-degree-of-freedom control and the sliding mode control with observer. The most important contribution of this study is that the experimental results can be directly used to commercial machine.