富井 奈菜実 大西 貴子 中西 陽 小松 愛 根來 秀樹
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 = Bulletin of Nara University of Education. Cultural and Social Science (ISSN:05472393)
vol.69, no.1, pp.1-14, 2020-12-25

In this paper, in order to clarify importance of activities based on the interests of children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders, we examine the program and activity of “The Train GEEK Club at Nara University of Education”, which is composed of ASD children. The train GEEK Club program includes many different activities which are very unique. In the main program organized in accordance with their interests, the participants plan their activities, prepare and make their own presentations, by talking and sharing the knowledge related to trains and railways which are positioned as their “excessive interest”. It is found that the program has some significances, such as to pursue to their hobbies taking their advantage of knowledge of train, to get a sense of accomplishment through this activity, and to make close friends are able to talk and share their common hobbies. It is suggested that the activity is working for support of interpersonal relations and their leisure from the point of developmental perspective.
善木 道雄 中北 吉彦 小松 愛可 横山 崇
分析化学 (ISSN:05251931)
vol.49, no.2, pp.121-124, 2000-02-05
8 9

ゼロエミッションを志向した分析法の開発の一環として, 使用した試薬溶液を再度繰り返し利用できる, 強酸, 強塩基を定量する循環式フローインジェクションシステムを構築した. メチルオレンジ(MO) (1.5×10^<-4> M)を含む酢酸-酢酸ナトリウム緩衝液 (濃度0.01, 0.1 あるいは 1 M, 容積 100 ml)をポンプでサンプルインジェクター, フローセルを通して循環させた. 注入された試料 (2 μl)は, 中和反応によりMOを変色 (530 nmの吸光度を検出記録) させるが, すぐに拡散, 緩衝され試薬だめに戻る. 検量線は, 緩衝液の濃度の50倍の濃度まで酸・塩基とも直線となった. また, 緩衝液濃度の10倍の濃度の試料を用いて, 連続試料注入回数について調べたところ, ベースラインが徐々に増大するのでなんらかの補正が必要だが, 500回程度の連続定量は可能なことが分かった.