関上 哲 張 娟 横山 岳 数納 朗 范 作冰 小野 直達
The Japanese Society of Silk Science and Technology
日本シルク学会誌 (ISSN:18808204)
vol.20, pp.41-45, 2012

We examined the characteristics of the Hachioji textile production area in recent years and the status of goods marketed under its regional brand, "Mulberry City Necktie," in an attempt to understand the future directions of the industry and revitalize this weaving production area. We performed a series of intensive interviews with members of the Hachioji weaving cooperative and with staff of direct management shops and a company. The main results were as follows. Although the Hachioji textile production area has been known for decades as a necktie production area, in recent years this type of production has struggled to survive under the severe conditions resulting from factors such as a weakening production base. The status of regional-brand goods has been very low among major domestic textile production areas, and production of such goods has been decreasing since 2005. We have two proposals for revitalizing the Hachioji textile production area. First, the weaving industry cooperative should endeavor firmly to maintain its traditional technique of necktie production and should act quickly to gain an understanding of consumer needs. Second, the cooperative should find a way of coping more strategically with the problems inherent to the market, and it should especially tap new markets for its brand goods. (E-mail: zhangjuanrq@hotmail.co.jp)
張 娟 横山 岳 数納 朗 范 作冰 小野 直達
The Japanese Society of Silk Science and Technology
日本シルク学会誌 (ISSN:18808204)
vol.19, pp.3-8, 2011

The purpose of this study was to understand how resources in the Gosen textile production area were deployed in the postwar period and the area's production structure, so as to support the continued survival of local small and medium-size textile producers. We interviewed members of Gosen weaving cooperatives and a representative weaving company. The scale of production in the Gosen area has reduced gradually since 1975, as shown in the number of weaving companies, production quantity, and shipments: that is, the production base has been weakening. Both high-ranking and low-ranking companies have coexisted in the area. Respondents emphasized that Gosen weaving companies have maintained a traditional technique, called <i>Nureyoko</i>. These findings highlight two factors necessary for the continued survival of weaving in Gosen: it is necessary to build a new production system as soon as possible, and to maintain traditional techniques and high-quality <i>Sirokiji</i>, while at the same time developing new weaving goods which consumers want. ( E-mail: zhangjuanrq@hotmail.co.jp)
張 娟 范 作冰 横山 岳 数納 朗 小野 直達
The Japanese Society of Silk Science and Technology
日本シルク学会誌 (ISSN:18808204)
vol.19, pp.9-14, 2011

The purpose of this study was to clarify the position of the <i>kinran</i> sector and its production and marketing structures in the Nishijin textile production area in order to revitalize the <i>kinran</i> sector. We interviewed members of Nishijin weaving cooperatives and a representative <i>kinran</i> weaving company. The position of the <i>kinran</i> sector has been rising, but shipments have decreased since 1975. Labor has become better organized in both <i>kinran</i> weaving companies and related companies, but <i>kinran</i> companies remain small-scale family businesses. The market is predominantly temples, so demand is small. Three factors could revitalize the <i>kinran</i> sector: to catch demand from temples as soon as possible, to cooperate with all temples in both production and marketing, and to assist sales promotion with Nishijin weaving cooperatives. (Juan Zhang, Email:zhangjuanrq@hotmail.co.jp)
小野 直達
農業市場研究 (ISSN:1341934X)
vol.7, no.1, pp.53-59, 1998

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the relationship of cyclical fluctuation between cocoon prices and cocoon production from 1982 to 1994. Both the former and the latter were treated by statistical analysis. At first, the use of coefficient of correlation was used. Next in use of ALMON'S LAG was used to calculate the result. As result, the influence of cocoon production against cocoon price appeared one year after most strongly and next, two years after. Namely, in comparing from 1955 to 1981 and from 1982 to 1994, it appears that the correspondense of price in the latter is stronger than in the former. Finally, it is induced that sericultural farm households have given consideration to four facters for cocoon production, namely : 1) fluctuation of cocoon prices, 2) more opportunity of getting cash income from non agricultural works, 3) sericultural income in comparison with other field products and 4) improvement of productivity in cocoon production.
小野 直達 梅木 利巳

平成元年及び2年度にて、大規模養蚕複合経営の存在形態を広く把握し、かつ両年度での実態調査を通じて当該経営の経営方式を一般化することを試みた。そのため、調査対象地として東日本地域から四県、西日本から二県を選択し、前述の課題に接近した。1、はじめに大規模養蚕と称しうる経営、なかでも収菌量3トン以上農家は昭和63年 127戸、平成元年 126戸であった。なお、元年度の経営方式を把握することは資料の制約上できなかった。いま昭和63年度での経営方式に関連させた場合、約8割の農家が両年とも3トン以上農家であった。この結果、養蚕大規模といえども他部門との結合が一般的形態であり、特に水稲部門との結合が高い割合を示しており、ついで野菜、畜産などであった。2、さて両年度における調査のうち、福島県安達町は県内でも主要な養蚕地帯を構成しており、経営方式では水稲部門との結合が高く、ついで野菜、畜産、菌茸であった。郡馬県前橋市芳賀地区の場合、多様な結合の展開がみられ、養蚕プラス畜産、野菜、更に水稲などであった。同県吉岡村明治地区は養蚕プラス野菜の結びつき、千葉県八街町は野菜および落花生との結合、西日本地域における鹿児島県姶良地域では生産牛および菌茸、愛媛県大洲市では養蚕プラス野菜、が特徴的であった。つまり各地域における部門結合は、立地条件を強く反映した経営方式の展開であった。要するに、両年度の調査結果から、ひとまず養蚕と水稲をはじめ、野菜、畜産などであった。との四つの経営方式を摘出できた。なお残された課題として当該方式の実現手法の開発に努めたい。