飯田 年以 菅原 美郷 小野 隆之 河合 江理子
日本化粧品技術者会誌 (ISSN:03875253)
vol.47, no.2, pp.100-107, 2013-06-20 (Released:2015-08-25)

肌のざらつきは,若年層を中心として悩み項目の上位に挙げられるが,その正体は詳細に検討されていなかった。20~30代前半の女性の額部を観察したところ,ニキビがよくできる人にぶつぶつとした触感の小さなふくらみがあり,これを「ざらつき」と感じていることを見出した。このざらつきの構造を機器分析するとともに,触感で認識,マークして計測を行う評価法を用い,個数や変動,肌状態との関連を調べた。その結果,ざらつきは毛穴に一致した肌色の盛り上がりを持つ「小さなコメド (面皰) 」であった。これはニキビとは認識されていないごく初期段階のもので,肌の伸展や光の当て方で認識できる“missed comedones”に相当すると想定された。短期間に形成または消失することで,全体として数が周期的に変動していた。また,ざらつき数の多い人は皮脂量が多かった。以上より,ざらつきの改善には明らかな面皰や炎症性コメドと同様に過剰皮脂と角層のターンオーバー制御が重要と考えられ,有効成分としてサリチル酸とトラネキサム酸配合の化粧水製剤を開発した。ヒト連用試験の結果,額部のざらつきの減少とともに,アンケートでざらざら感減少やなめらかさ向上が認められた。
飯田 年以 小野 隆之
日本香粧品学会誌 (ISSN:18802532)
vol.40, no.1, pp.1-7, 2016-03-31 (Released:2017-05-12)

It has been reported that aging causes an increase of pore areas and morphological changes in facial pores, from a round form to an elliptical form, along with sagging. These changes are supposed to occur with the formation of nasolabial folds and jawlines, and with loss of skin elasticity. Although there have been some reports about morphological changes of facial pores with aging, the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. We measured skin elasticity and some parameters related to facial pores such as pore areas, depth and aspect ratio (short axis/long axis) using skin replicas in the middle of the cheek in the sitting position, and also analyzed sagging scores such as the severity of nasolabial folds and jawlines by using photographs of 23 Japanese individuals in the twenties-to-sixties age group. We revealed that skin elasticity in the middle and lower cheeks decreased and pore depth increased significantly with aging. Aspect ratio and pore depth were found to be correlated with some parameters such as skin elasticity and sagging. In the dorsal position, pore areas and depth significantly decreased in the same region of the cheek compared to those in the sitting position. Similar results were obtained for both men and women because of the possibility of the decline in the effect by gravity downward of the face. Aspect ratio of some individuals increased in the dorsal position, while it decreased for others. Increase in aspect ratio was especially prevalent among women. Ratio of pore areas (dorsal position/sitting position) tended to decrease with aging. These results suggested that morphology of facial pores on cheek is possibly affected not only by aging and related parameters such as sagging and skin elasticity, but by change of posture.