小﨑 美希
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.82, no.738, pp.695-704, 2017 (Released:2017-08-30)

Store fronts of the shop not only are the face of the shop, but it also composes commercial avenues and even a city image. In order to figure out the relationship between impression of the exterior and the exterior components, impressive evaluation was done, and quantitative factors were extracted from the evaluation stimulus. Experiment 1 was using photographs of various store fronts of a single shop and experiment 2 was using the photographs of commercial avenues. The evaluation stimulus was chosen by considering the influential factors listed in the previous researches. 30 stores each for the noon and night experiments were chosen (25 shops were in common, in total 60 evaluation stimuluses). 20 to 22 subjects were asked to evaluate them using semantic differential method of 5 rating scale of 15 adjectives. Experiment 2 evaluated the commercial avenue as a whole and a particular shop in the photograph. Using 4 photographs of 4 different commercial avenues (16 evaluation stimuluses), 20 adjectives (6 for the particular and 14 for the avenue) with the 7 rating scale were asked to evaluate to 20 subjects. In order to clarify the influential factors, formed description questionnaire was used as well. The experimental results shows the following 4 points. First, the framework of the impressions were verified. Using factor analysis, both experiment 1 and 2 resulted in three factors. Both containing the evaluation of a narrowed area of the target, and the evaluation on the balance with the surroundings. Second, other factors than size of the openings were figured out. Many previous researches showed the relationship between easiness of entering the shop with the size of the openings. By the multiple regression analysis, the size of the opening were found useful, yet also the amount of products and information they display at the store front and the number of people seen were other factors found useful for increasing the easiness of entering. They help predict what's inside the shop. Also “wanting to enter” is increased by the evaluation of the interior, and it is related with the color temperature of the lighting used. Third, other impressive items were explained using the quantitative factors. For example, noticeability was found related with the distinguishability. They could be explained with the difference in the color used and the height of the building. The difference in color used does not need to take large area, rather, analysis results show that small amount of distinguishable color use is enough. Lastly, the experiment results show that the ideal condition of commercial avenue maintaining the order and individual shops being original and attractive can happen. Experiment 2 focused on the evaluation on commercial avenue and a particular shop in that avenue. The results show that there were commercial avenues that both “like” evaluation points and “distinguishable” evaluation points of a particular shop being highly rated. They used similar color patterns as a whole, and the particular shop used distinguishable color as a signboard or a small area in the store front. Using color distribution analysis was challenging, and further consideration has to be done. Yet, the experiment results showed its validity. Further consideration on the method of color distribution analysis can be applied to the field of landscape evaluation.
小﨑 美希 平手 小太郎
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.81, no.724, pp.503-512, 2016 (Released:2016-06-30)

There are many people involved when planning lighting. In addition, consideration of users is crucial when planning in retail. Most of the lighting “How to” books refer to lighting method or lighting equipment (lamps) based on the typical pattern used in that certain industry sector. In reality, the impression created by lighting differs not only by industry sectors, but also with the main target and concept of the shop. Therefore, it is difficult to generalize based on industry sectors. The aim of lighting is to lighten the visual target and to create a favorable atmosphere suited for its action and behavior of the space16). Illuminance is often used for planning lighting, yet many admit that creating favorable atmosphere involves more than that. The objective of this research is to make a chart for lighting planning of retail. This focuses on the favorable evaluation of the lighting environment as in visual environmental index and lighting environmental factors that form it. Finding the relationship between the visual environmental index and lighting environmental factors will help why that lighting environment created by that lighting method ends up to be evaluated in that certain way. Considering the visual environmental factors, the point of view is taken into account. First, where and when it is evaluated, in fact, evaluator's behavior and its chronical change is categorized into three steps and named accordingly; a) exterior evaluation, b) interior evaluation, c) integrated evaluation. Next, what is being evaluated, in other words, visual target and move of focus point are divided into three categories and named accordingly; a) objective evaluation, b) spatial evaluation, c) behavioral evaluation. As a whole, evaluation is divided into nine categories. Lighting environmental factors are information taken from the environment (what people see) to create the evaluation (visual environmental index). Therefore, the category of the factors are based on 4 attributes of perception and lighting equipment properties; 1) quality of light ( a) color rendering properties, b) light color), 2) intensity of light ( c) luminous flux, d) reflection rate), 3) extension of light ( e) irradiation angle, f) flux distribution, g) equivalence area), 4) endurance of light ( h) on/off/timing), 5) lighting equipment properties ( i) design, j) number, k) placement, l) efficiency). In total, factors are divided into 12 categories. Visual environmental index and lighting environmental factors are picked up from the previous books and researches written on lighting planning of retail and basic perception of brightness, and arranged based on its categories. In total, 72 visual lighting index and its lighting environmental factors are organized in a matrix, and 69 of them is shown in Table 4. This chart is then used to create the lighting plan for retrofit of retail. First, by investigating and interviewing, 4 problems arose; 1) dark, 2) doesn’t look like open, 3) glare at nighttime, 4) no atmospheric lighting according to areas. Visual environmental index related to solving those problems were chosen, and lighting plan was formed. By comparing the result of impression experiment using visual environmental index before and after the retrofit, the validity of the renovation was shown. To enhance the effect of lighting renovation, the manual that indicates the position of the products, lighting patterns and explanation of automatic adjustment by exterior brightness was created. This example shows the usage of the chart and possibility of application to commissioning in the field of lighting.