中島 英洋 笠間 基寛 中井 麻美 西岡 美和子 藤森 麻里榮 宝谷 美智子
大阪青山大学紀要 = Journal of Osaka Aoyama University (ISSN:18833543)
vol.2, pp.9-17, 2009-03-31

Controlling postprandial hyperglycemia has been recognized to be beneficial for prevention and reduction of cardiovascular risks in diabetic patients. In this study, we evaluated acute effects of exercise after meal ingestion on postprandial blood glucose in order to develop an exercise prescription for reduction of the spike-like blood glucose elevation. Five healthy women ingested 200 g of rice and exercised (slow-paced walking, fast-paced walking or jogging) for 25 minutes at 30 minutes after the meal ingestion. For further evaluation of the acute effects of muscle contraction on blood glucose, we also examined a foot bath which increased the local blood flow in the muscles of the lower legs without muscle contraction, and combinatorial number-placement puzzles (Sudoku) which activated brain activity. Blood glucose was measured in fasting and at 30, 60, and 120 min after meal ingestion.Control data were obtained from the same subjects in the sitting position during the experiment. At the end of exercise, all the exercise lowered blood glucose by 40~50mg/dL compared with the control.(p<0.01). At 60 min after exercise, the blood glucose level in slow-paced walking remained depressed.However, the blood glucose levels in fast-paced walking and jogging were elevated over the control, particularly, that in jogging was significantly higher (p<0.05). The foot bath and Sudoku resulted in no significant change compared with the control. A single bout of exercise after meal ingestion lowered blood glucose at the end of exercise. However, intense exercise induced a reactive elevation in blood glucose following the temporary reduction. Additionally, muscle contraction was necessary for blood glucose to be lowered. These results suggested that an exercise prescription such as 20-30 min of slow-paced walking without any change in heart rate at 30 min after meal ingestion was effective for the reduction of the blood glucose elevation after meal ingestion.(accepted. Nov. 30, 2009)
坂本 芳美 岡 美和子 深田 靖彦 河内 正治
静脈経腸栄養 (ISSN:13444980)
vol.20, no.3, pp.3_53-3_56, 2005 (Released:2006-12-27)

血清アルブミン値は栄養評価として信頼でき、かつ安定した指標として臨床の場で広く認められている。最近ではRBP (retinol-binding protein)、TTR (transthuyretin : 慣用名prealbumin)、Tf (transferrin) 等の半減期の短いRTP (Rapid Turnover Protein) とともに栄養アセスメント蛋白と呼ばれている。しかし、その測定値において、体位による変動が、臨床上問題になるほど大きいことは、栄養療法を行なう臨床の場ではほとんど知られていない。今回われわれは、体位による変動を健康成人において調査した結果、血清アルブミン値をはじめRTP値が採血時の体位で10%程度の差を生じることが判明し、採血時の体位が無視できないことを確認した。栄養アセスメント蛋白を栄養評価指標として用いる際には、体位、体位保持時間を考慮しなければ誤った判断を下す可能性があると考え、その際の標準体位を決定し、アナウンスする必要があると考える。