三浦 祐佳 小島 奈々 小室 美佳 岡本 希 西岡 伸紀
一般社団法人 日本学校保健学会
学校保健研究 (ISSN:03869598)
vol.60, no.6, pp.330-339, 2019-02-20 (Released:2019-12-20)

Background: Maintenance and recovery of mental health of children are related to resiliency, self-esteem, and social support. However, the relationships among consultation, resiliency, and self-esteem in senior elementary school children have not yet been assessed.Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among resiliency, self-esteem, and consulting behavior of senior elementary school children. Furthermore, we sought to obtain basic information for educational support to maintain and recover mental health and to promote consulting behavior through them.Methods: We conducted a questionnaire survey from May to July 2017 with 445 children (212 males, 226 females, seven unidentified gender) in the fifth and sixth grades of four public elementary schools in four prefectures. The contents of the survey were consulting behavior, resiliency, and self-esteem. We collected data on consulting experience and frequency, the main adviser, support received, and the reasons for not consulting, by the type of problem(studies, friendship, personality, feeling depressed).Results: The rates of consulting experience and frequency were the highest for problems regarding studies, followed by problems in friendship. They chose “parents” as the main adviser. The support received by children differed by the type of problem. Most children stated the will to solve the problem by themselves as the main reason for not seeking consultation, followed by not having a clear idea on how to consult. The frequency of consultation was positively correlated with resiliency and self-esteem (ρ=.185~.544). A logistic regression analysis revealed that the consulting experience was significantly related to relation-orientation, optimism of resiliency, and denial of self-esteem. Moreover, consulting frequency was significantly related to the self-orientation, relation-orientation, and self-denial.Conclusion: The consulting experiences differed by the type of problem. However, they were positively related to each other with respect to the type of problem. Experiences of facing a problem and consultation were related to resiliency and self-esteem. Increasing resiliency and self-esteem are suggested to promote consultation, while children’s will to address the problem by themselves should be respected.
脇本 景子 岡本 希 西岡 伸紀
日本健康教育学会誌 (ISSN:13402560)
vol.27, no.4, pp.319-329, 2019-11-30 (Released:2019-11-30)

目的:本研究は,学校給食の残食に関わる要因として,献立内容,栄養量,気温を取りあげ,主食及び牛乳の残食量との関連を明らかにし,これら要因を変数とした残食推計モデルを得ることを目的とした.方法:兵庫県宝塚市の市立小学校12校(喫食者数は約7,000人)の学校給食の記録(2013~2016年度の593日分)を調査対象とした(横断調査).調査内容は,学校給食の残食量,献立,栄養量,気温である.米飯,パン,牛乳の1人当たりの残食量を従属変数とし,気温,提供時期,給食の提供量及び栄養量,ダミー変数に変換した献立の種類を独立変数として,ステップワイズ法による重回帰分析を行い,関連を検討した.結果:米飯の残食では,気温(.56),炊き込みご飯(-.40),カレー(-.39)等が関連し,調整済み決定係数R2=.62であった.パンの残食では,校内調理パン(-.55),セルフサンド(-.36),気温(.34),加工パン(-.33)等が関連し,R2=.53であった.牛乳の残食では,気温(-.63)が関連し,R2=.39であった.(括弧内 標準化係数β)結論:学校給食の主食の残食は,気温,主食の味付け,喫食方法の工夫と関連していた.牛乳の残食は気温と関連していた.米飯,パン,牛乳の残食量についてそれぞれ約6割,5割,4割の説明力を有する残食推計モデルが得られた.