岡本 能弘 田中 麻優里 福井 貴史 増澤 俊幸
日本臨床免疫学会総会抄録集 第37回日本臨床免疫学会総会抄録集 (ISSN:18803296)
pp.78, 2009 (Released:2009-10-21)

プロポリスは、ミツバチが外敵から巣を守るためにハーブの新芽や樹脂から作る物質であり、フラボノイド、各種ビタミン、ミネラルなど、健康維持に有用な成分が豊富に含まれ、抗炎症作用を有することがこれまでに報告されている。従って、プロポリス摂取により関節リウマチの発症やその症状を緩和する可能性が考えられる。しかしながら、プロポリス継続摂取の関節リウマチへの効果についての科学的根拠は皆無である。今回、プロポリス継続摂取の関節リウマチ病態に及ぼす影響についてコラーゲン誘導関節炎モデルマウスを用いて評価した。 プロポリスエキス(山田養蜂場みつばち健康科学研究所より提供)含有飼料を実験期間を通して継続自由摂取させたマウス(DBA/1J)は、対照群に比較し、コラーゲン誘導関節炎の症状の悪化が抑制される傾向が見られた。しかしながら、3群(対照群、プロポリスエキス6.7mg/g含有餌摂取群、20mg/g含有餌摂取群)の間に統計学的有意差は検出できなかった。プロポリス投与群マウスの脾臓細胞、リンパ節細胞のサイトカイン産生能、産生細胞数を解析したところ、対照群に比較し、インターロイキン17((IL-17)の産生が低下していた。従って。プロポリス摂取による関節炎症状抑制傾向はIL-17産生抑制作用に基づく抗炎症作用が寄与していることが示唆された。 なお本研究は2008年度 山田養蜂場 みつばち研究助成基金による研究成果を含んでいる。
臼田 章則 巽 恒治 岡本 能弘 西田 幹夫
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.27, no.5, pp.480-490, 2001-10-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
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A surveillance by questionnaire was conducted among pharmacists in a community pharmacy in Nagoya City, regarding their home health-care activity. The surveillance consisted of 115 regular pharmacists, of 104 pharmacy-stations, and 409 patients at home. The items in the questionnaire were divided into the following three major parts :1. To examine the current home-care activities by pharmacists, the length of stay, the contents of patient treatment and the conversation-time between a patient and a pharmacist were queried. The average stay of most pharmacists ranged from 10-19 minutes per visit. During this period, the ratio of pharmaceutical treatment and nurse-type care was approximately 50% for each. The conversation took place longer with home-helpers and patient than with patients alone.2. To examine the grade of pharmaceutical activity at home, to identify the person in charge of controlling medicines, evaluate compliance for medication, the extent of knowledge on medicines, and the amount of remaining medicines were queried. In many cases, helpers controlled medicines, rather than the patients themselves. The names and indications were poorly memorized, but the dosages were well understood by patients. The amounts of remaining medicines tended to be longer at the homes of patients living alone than for those with helpers.3. The causes of complaints from patients and the comments and/or appeals from patients and either their families or visiting care-providers were queried to determine what pharmacists can do to improve the situation. A substantial number of questions were related to pharmaceutical affairs such as the indications, adverse effects and drug interactions, followed by queries on diseases. In addition, numerous complaints about the difficulties of working as a home helper and problems in the human relations between patients and helpers were also expressed.The information thus obtained revealed that the home-care activities conducted by a pharmacist are still not satisfactory regarding the welfare of home-care patients, thus indicating that there is large room for improvements in the pharmaceutical home-care functions of pharmacists. The evidence obtained in the present investigation can hopefully provide a clue for pharmacists and patients to consider the present status of mutual home-care activities in order to improve the pharmacist' s role in home-care.