赤崎 秀一 峰松 義博 吉塚 直伸 芋川 玄爾
公益社団法人 日本皮膚科学会
日本皮膚科学会雑誌 (ISSN:0021499X)
vol.98, no.1, pp.41, 1988 (Released:2014-08-08)

皮膚角層の水分保持に重要な働きが示唆されている角質細胞間脂質(SCL)の物理化学的性状及びSCL配合クリームの乾燥落屑皮膚改善効果(角層水分保持機能改善効果)について検討した.その結果,1)SCLはin vitroで多量の水の存在下でラメラ構造(両親媒性物質と水との会合体)を形成することが,偏光顕微鏡観察により確認された.2)SCLの角層水分保持機能改善効果発現に際しては界面活性剤の基剤への添加が必要であり,検討した界面活性剤の中ではグリセリルエーテル(GE)が最も高い改善効果を示した.3)ヒト前腕部からアセトン/エーテル処理で単離したSCLを薄層クロマトグラフィーでコレステロールエステル,遊離脂肪酸,セラミド,糖脂質画分に分け,それをW/Oタイプクリーム(ベースクリーム)に分散させ,これを同処理により生じた乾燥落屑状態の皮膚へ1日/1回,数日間塗布した.その結果各脂質画分配合クリームではいずれも,ベースクリームではほとんど認められない,水分保持機能の有意な上昇を伴う,乾燥落屑状態の有意な改善が認められた.4)セラミドの改善効果を更に確認するために,市販の牛脳由来のセラミドを検討したところヒト角層由来のものと同様な角層水分保持機能改善効果が認められた.SCL配合クリームによるSCLの除去により生じた乾燥性皮膚への改善効果は,角層細胞間においてSCLの膜構造が補強,再構築され,角層の水分保持機能が高まった結果と推察される.またこの際,GEのような特殊な界面活性剤の添加はSCLの角層への浸透性を助け,ラメラ構造の形成を促すものと考えられる.以上より角層水分保持機能に関与する因子として,角質細胞間脂質の重要性か確認され,中でもスフィンゴ脂質(セラミド)の主要な役割が明らかとなった.
渋江 ゆう子 小山内 宰 武内 栄次郎 岩井 秀隆 峰松 義博
The Society of Cosmetic Chemists of Japan
日本化粧品技術者会誌 (ISSN:03875253)
vol.26, no.2, pp.120-130, 1992-10-30 (Released:2010-08-06)
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To evaluate skin color and skin tone exactly, we developed a new instrument, Skin Tone Analyzer (STA), which applys an image-processing system on the polarized images of skin.The insertion of two polarized filters into the CCD camera in STA made the observation of clear images without interference from the diffuse reflections originating on the surface of the skin. The 20 times magnified images of the skin surface (1×1cm) are resolved into 400×400 points and transfered to a digital computer. To measure the color difference value, calculate the L, a and b values of each point from their respective R, G and B values, using conversion equations determined from the measurement of two hundred pieces of standard color papers with the STA and general spectrophotometric colorimeter (CMS-1200). Then, the color differences determined by STA are indicated as average values of L, a and b values for a finite set of points. Further, their standard deviation values (s. d.) which may represent the degree of skin tone (irregularity in the lavel of skin color) are obtained. In fact, we found that the s. d. of b values (s. d. b) among the three components, L, a and b, reflects appropriately the degree of skin tone caused by delocalization of melanin. Thus we now propose that the s. d. b is a good parameter for the evaluation of skin tone. Moreover, a designated part of images can be analyzed and STA will be a useful tool for the study of pigmentation spots.Based on the above assumption, we examined the effect of seasons and aging on the skin color and skin tone of the cheek (exposed skin) and the inside of the upper arm (non-exposed skin) in healthy Japanese females (N=62, 19-75y) with STA. From the analyses of skin tone during periodical measurements, the degree of skin tone in the cheek was found to be worse than the arm's. The former becoming worse owing to aging, but the later exhibiting no change. Also the degree of skin tone in the cheek in October (after the summer) was worse than in February (in the winter). In addition, L and b values for the cheek also increased owing to aging, but these values for the arm did not so change.It is known that daily exposure to ultraviolet rays (UV) can influence colory skin. We now also confirm that UV promotes a change for the worse in the skin tone. Next, we propose to study the effects of UV on localized pigmentation using STA.