島 憲男 島 令子
京都産業大学論集 人文科学系列 (ISSN:02879727)
no.40, pp.33-49, 2009-03

This paper presents a contrastive analysis of resultative constructions in German and English. These constructions consist of a subject, verb, object, and either a predicative adjective or a prepositional phrase which has a directional meaning. Semantically speaking, these constructions denote an event in which a subject is involved in an action or process expressed by the verb, and as a result, the object undergoes a change of state resulting in a situation expressed by the adjective or in a location denoted by the prepositional phrase. Resultative constructions have been a center of discussion among linguists, especially in English linguistics, and the recent study by Goldberg & Jackendoff(2004)regards English resultative constructions as a family of subconstructions and proposes that various other types of constructions, which are traditionally not considered as resultative constructions, also belong to the same category. Starting with a critical analysis of previous studies, this paper will(1), by analyzing various bilingual(German and English)texts, show how ubiquitous resultative constructions in both languages are, and(2), by contrasting the resultative constructions in both languages, present fundamental characteristics of resultative constructions which should serve as a basis for further typological study of these constructions.
島 憲男
京都産業大学総合学術研究所所報 (ISSN:13488465)
vol.16, pp.25-48, 2021-07-30

本論考では,対格目的語が文の主要な文肢(項)として含まれているドイツ語の3 構文(結果構文・Resultative Konstruktionen,結果挙述の目的語・Ergebnisobjekte,同族目的語・Kognate Objekte)を取り上げ,これまでの構文研究の個別成果に基づき異なる構文間の共通性・関連性を横断的に捉えることを目的とする。今回の構文横断的な分析は,より一般的なメカニズムから個別の構文やドイツ語文法の全体像を捉え直すという試みであり,個別の構文研究の際には意識されにくい構文間の共通性や関連性,差異などの関係性を捉えようとする試みでもある。