川平 正博 中村 文彦 嶋田 博文 西 真理子 岩坪 貴寛 塩満 多華子 前田 弘志 大迫 絢加 宮崎 晋宏 久住 勇介 村田 明俊 大迫 浩子 堀 剛
Palliative Care Research (ISSN:18805302)
vol.18, no.1, pp.61-66, 2023 (Released:2023-02-21)

骨転移診療では,骨関連事象(SRE)の発症予防,早期診断,治療が重要となる.骨転移に対して多職種チーム介入を行うことで,生存期間延長やADL改善が期待できるか後方視的に検討した.2020年8月~2022年7月まで当院で骨転移カンファレンス(BMB)を実施した進行がん患者75名を,SRE発症前後のBMBによるチーム介入別に2群に分け,比較検討を行った.両群ともにチーム介入後にNRSは改善したがPSの改善はなく,両群で生存期間に差は認めなかった(15.3 vs. 9.0カ月,HR: 0.74,95%CI: 0.42–1.29,p=0.29).当院BMBでは発症したSREに対しては早急にチーム介入できていた.しかし,当院BMB後のSRE発症割合は22.6%であり,今後はSRE発症予防に積極的に取り組む必要がある.
嶋田 博
千葉医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00093459)
vol.31, no.5, pp.621-628, 1956-01

Part I. The left lung of matured rabbits are extirpated, and the residual right lung are histopathologically examined at the first to nineteenth week revealing the following results: In the early stage, physiological emphysema and engorgement appear predominant in the morphologic picture of the residual lungs, however, after the nineth week engorgement becomes gradually go away and develop into proliferation of elastic, argyrophile and collagen fibre in some of the alveolar septa. In the cases killed after the twelfth week new growth rather than dilatation of alveolum is markedly observed. The other group of the rabbits thus (left side, totally) pneumonektomized are also given intravenously by a saline solution suspended with one mg of tubercle bacilli (high virulent, human type) per one cc and one kg body weight in dose from immediately after this operation to the twelfth week. The animals are killed four weeks after this single injection. Histopathological examination reveals that there are rather few tuberculous lesions in the residual lung and spleen, but often plenty in liver. Part II. The rabbits are killed four to twenty weeks after splenectomy and autopsied. In this series liver cells often appear swollen and lucid like vegetable cells, and lymphocytic infiltration and duplication of bile ducts of mild grade is also proved in the Glisson's sheath. Beyond the auther's expection, however, the Kupffer's stellate cells never show hypertrophy or proliferation but even regressive degressive degeneration in some cases. The rabbits get a single, intravenous injection of a solution suspended with the same dose oftubercle bacilli three days to twelve weeks after splenectomy and then four weeks later they are killed. In this series the tuberculous lesions in liver show more marked than those in lungs, or on the contrary there are not so much the specific tuberculous lesions in liver although duplication of bile ducts and infiltration of lymphocytes is so prominent. Part III The rabbits are killed at the different stby only the remained part, and also develop the morphologic and functionologic changes in the other certain organs.