川崎 聡大 福島 邦博
富山大学人間発達科学部紀要 (ISSN:1881316X)
vol.4, no.1, pp.29-34, 2009

The aim of this study is to reveal how a set of training in Japanese syntax can affect on communication ability of a case of PDD. An eight-year old girl (Second grade year in Japanese School), who was diagnosed to have autism and mild mental retardation, was involved in this study. Baseline developmental status was FIQ63 (VIQ75, PIQ57) with WISC-III and receptive vocabulary was equivalent to 6 years and 1 month old with PVT.Receptive and productive syntax ability was equivalent to first half of 3 years old children (Stage 4-2 by S-S language developmental tests) and dissociation between syntax ability and other aspects of language development was observed. A training program was planned to make her use Japanese syntactic particles (Stage 5-2 by S-S) during Aug. 2006 to Nov 2006. T-QAR was evaluated before and after training to evaluate her communication ability. Three months after the commencement of this training program, she could pass Stage 5-2 and total score of T-QAR improved from 177 (Before training: equivalent to 4 year-old score)to 220 (Aftert raining: equivalent to 5 year-old score). Selected approach in limited language domains may be able to improve the child's total communication ability.今回,軽度知的発達遅滞を伴う自閉性障害児一例に対して3ヶ月間集中的に統語面に特化(可逆事態文の表出)した言語指導を実施した。その結果,可逆事態文の表出だけでなく理解も可能となり,さらに日常生活場面でのコミュニケーション能力の指標である質問―応答関係検査結果も伸びを認めた。