川辺 信雄 飯田 隆 市川 文彦
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.26, no.1, pp.79-98, 1991-04-30 (Released:2009-11-06)

一九八九年に発表されたわが国における外国経営史の研究業績を回顧するにあたっては、当該年度の国会図書館編集『雑誌記事索引』 (紀伊國屋書店) 、史学会『史学雑誌』、『ブックページ』 (ブックページ刊行会) などのレファレンス・ツールによった。 (経済資料協議会編集『経済学文献季報』は、現在休刊中であるが、まもなく復刊の予定。) しかしながら、国別に分担して執筆したため、取り上げた範囲、紹介・論評の比重、表記などについて統一性を欠いているが、ご寛容願いたい。重要な研究が欠落しないためにも、会員はもちろん、会員以外の研究者も雑誌論文・単行本をとわず、ご自分の研究成果を経営史学会事務局にお送りいただきたい。
川辺 信雄
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.16, no.4, pp.26-49,i, 1982-01-30 (Released:2010-11-18)

Recently Japanese sogo shosha has begun attracting the interest of scholars. Sogo Shosha is a very unique economic organization which has developed fully only in Japan. It handles wide variety of product lines, operate all over the world, and performs various kinds of functions.So far a lot of studies of sogo shosha has been done, and they have stressed the importance of its overseas operations. In spite of the importance of its world-wide operations based upon branch activities, there is no systematic study of activities of foreign branches. There appear several questions, related with activities of overseas branches of sogo shosha. Why and how does headquarters open a particular branch? What is the relationship between the opening of overseas branches and the other strategies of sogo shosha including diversification of product lines and integration of functions. How are they controlled? What kinds of managerial problems does they have, and how are these problems solved? These questions have remained unanswered.This study aims to answer these questions on sogo shosha's overseas operations, as well as its development as a whole. For this objective this study traced the development and activities of the San Francisco and Seattle Branches of Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha in the period between 1918 when the Seattle branch opened and the outbreak of World War II, which ended the operations of both branches, using the company's original records, which were confiscated by the United States government just after Pearl Harbor.
川辺 信雄
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.9, no.3, pp.18-51, 1974-06-25 (Released:2009-10-19)

It is said that in the United States the modern big business came into being and continued to grow through the addition, combination, and integration of specialized functions and units. Especially, in 1880-1900 the urban and national markets grew as the result of the rapid development of railways. And it became the main goal of many enterprises to actualize mass sales to these large markets. In order to attain this goal, rational and efficient marketing system were necessary.There appear the following problems concerning the marketing functions held by manufacturers and retailers : (1) why and how manufacturers and retailers integrated marketing functions, (2) what role has the integration of marketing functions played, (3) why existing middlemen could not keep their position, (4) what kinds of struggles have appeared among retailers, manufacturers and middlemen. The objective of the author is to investigate these problems from the viewpoint of marketing strategy and corporate growth of the companies which deal in consumer goods.In the last half of the 19th century, some of the manufacturers began to integrate marketing functions aggressively because of the inadequacy of existing wholesaler network for their products. They were of two types. Firstly, there were the producers of relatively complex durable goods like sewing machines. Secondly there were the producers of perishable goods such as meat packers. Moreover, as the dense market grew, manufacturers of products like oil and rubber who had no difficulties in their marketing, found it convenient and efficient to integrate some of the marketing functions.There also appeared modern mass retailers such as department stores, mail order houses, and chain stores. These mass retailers developed through the addition of product lines and stores. Besides, one of the common strategies of them was mass sales with low prices, and they integrated backward or wholesale functions.On the contrary, there were some industries in which middlemen continued to play important roles till the beginning of the 20th century, because of the nature of the commodities and the competitive conditions. Among these, there were manufacturers of groceries, drugs, hardware, etc. Even in these industries, however, after mass retailers began to become national chains and to buy directly from manufacturers, and advertising by producers developed, the power of the middlemen was correspondingly weakened. At the same time, mass retailers began to show their countervailing power against large manufacturers by rationalizing their activities through the integration of the marketing functions. Thus, by the end of the 1910's the old marketing systems disappeared and new ones have been formed.
川辺 信雄
早稲田商学 (ISSN:03873404)
vol.409・410, pp.67-113, 2006-12
