磯谷 文衣 工藤 せい子 山辺 英彰 斉藤 洋子 鳴海 肇子
一般社団法人 日本看護研究学会
日本看護研究学会雑誌 (ISSN:21883599)
vol.23, no.1, pp.1_73-1_82, 2000-04-01 (Released:2016-03-31)

糖尿病は自覚症状に乏しいため受診中断者が多い。 本研究では,継続して受診ができるような患者教育を検討する目的で,糖尿病性腎症による透析患者を対象に,家族・治療背景,健康観と性格特性を調査し検討した。 その結果,受診の中断には,治療背景が関係していた。 特に中断者は糖尿病教室の初期受講率が低かった。 理由として病院で糖尿病教室が定期的に開催されていないという理由もあった。 健康観については,MHLC を使用し,その結果,PHLC 得点が高く,他者に依存する傾向が強かった。 TEG では男性の受診継続者は平坦型(適応タイプ),中断者は FC 低位型傾向。 女性は両群とも NP 優位型(世話焼きタイプ)を示した。 受診継続ができない患者の健康観,性格特性を把握することの重要性が示唆された。 これらをもとに患者が指導を受ける機会を充実すること,患者・家族指導を行う際の指針が得られた。
工藤 せい子 五十嵐 靖彦
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.24, pp.75-84, 2006

The purpose of this study was to attempt to determine general ideas for addressing ethical issues in nursing practice. The author interviewed nurses who had experienced cases involving care and related ethical issues. The interview data were analyzed using qualitative research methods. The subjects of analysis were the following three cases: 1. A client who was transferred to the hospital for reoperation but died shortly before operation; 2. A client who was in and out of the hospital for more than 10years because of incurable illness; and 3. A client whose last wish was fulfilled in the form of a Christmas party. Analysis showed that ideas for addressing ethical issues converged into two categories. The first included ethical issues, including "role as the client's advocate," "coordination between the client's wishes and the doctor's policy," and "paternalism and maternalism". The other category included issues related to caring, including "learning from the client," "formation of a strong bond resulting from mutual relationship," "involvement as a team," and "departure from medical rules". There were, in addition, three keys to addressing ethical issues that did not fit into either category: "hope for peaceful settlement of affairs," "hope for successful communication," and "wish to be treated indulgently". These three keys are useful both in care for patients and addressing ethical issues.
小倉 能理子 阿部 テル子 齋藤 久美子 石岡 薫 一戸 とも子 工藤 せい子 西沢 義子 會津 桂子 安杖 優子 小林 朱実
一般社団法人 日本看護研究学会
日本看護研究学会雑誌 (ISSN:21883599)
vol.32, no.2, pp.2_75-2_83, 2009-06-01 (Released:2016-03-05)

沼田 華織 工藤 せい子 津島 律
一般社団法人 日本看護研究学会
日本看護研究学会雑誌 (ISSN:21883599)
vol.13, no.1, pp.1_63-1_72, 1990-04-01 (Released:2016-03-31)

貧血患者(WHOの基準でHb値,男性13.0g/dl未満,女性12.0g/dl未満)男女16名に対して前屈位洗髪を行いVital signs(脈拍,呼吸,血圧)に与える影響を貧血のない患者男女17名を対照として比較した。 洗髪は,38℃,40℃温湯で,洗髪車を用い病室で行った。体位は,椅子に腰かけ前屈坐位で,洗髪時間は1人8分で,テープレコーダーに吹き込み一定時間で行い,終了後10分までVital signsを測定した。この結果,脈拍・呼吸はともにt検定で有意な変化はなく,38℃,40℃温度間でも有意差はなかった。最高血圧では,貧血患者が40℃で0分(施行直前)に比べ8分,10分,18分に有意に上昇した。最低血圧は,両群とも38℃で0分に比べ8分,10分,18分に有意に上昇した。両血圧とも温度間の有意差はなかった。 今回,38℃,40℃の温湯は,貧血患者に対して影響はなかった。しかし,貧血患者に対しては,貧血の程度によっては,仰臥位洗髪の方法で施行した方が安全と考えた。
工藤 せい子 五十嵐 靖彦
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.24, pp.75-84, 2006-10-24 (Released:2018-02-01)

The purpose of this study was to attempt to determine general ideas for addressing ethical issues in nursing practice. The author interviewed nurses who had experienced cases involving care and related ethical issues. The interview data were analyzed using qualitative research methods. The subjects of analysis were the following three cases: 1. A client who was transferred to the hospital for reoperation but died shortly before operation; 2. A client who was in and out of the hospital for more than 10years because of incurable illness; and 3. A client whose last wish was fulfilled in the form of a Christmas party. Analysis showed that ideas for addressing ethical issues converged into two categories. The first included ethical issues, including "role as the client's advocate," "coordination between the client's wishes and the doctor's policy," and "paternalism and maternalism". The other category included issues related to caring, including "learning from the client," "formation of a strong bond resulting from mutual relationship," "involvement as a team," and "departure from medical rules". There were, in addition, three keys to addressing ethical issues that did not fit into either category: "hope for peaceful settlement of affairs," "hope for successful communication," and "wish to be treated indulgently". These three keys are useful both in care for patients and addressing ethical issues.
工藤 せい子
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.20, pp.174-183, 2002-11-10 (Released:2018-02-01)

The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to foster ethical sensitivity among nursing students. Nurses and nursing students face many moral and bioethical problems in clinical practice. The development of ethical sensitivity in nursing students has paralleled the development of nursing as a profession. The subjects (n=19) were students who entered the Training Course for High School Teachers of Nursing Faculty at Hirosaki University Japan in 1999. The method of this experience of death with people in their immediate circle while a small number of students had experiences of great impact. Some students were very sympathetic to the experiences of others and felt the experiences of their counterparts as their own experiences. The discussions about death were meaningful for the students. They are well motivated to be nurses in the future and therefone had to think about many kinds of death first person death, that is their own death, second person death, that is death of their relatives, and had no other choice but to be involved in many third persons deaths. They thought seriously about how to take third persons deaths and the discussion contained the essential points concerning what "death" is and "deaths of the first, second, and third persons." The discussions had a favorable impact on the students and motivated them to think more deeply about death. In concusion, discussions about death help to raise the ethical sensitivity of students.