高橋 達 椎野 渡 鳥養 正和 布施 安隆 善養寺 幸子
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.73, no.623, pp.39-45, 2008-01-30 (Released:2008-10-31)
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This paper describes the results of a field measurement of a residential plumbing system recycling rainwater and greywater and its exergy analysis. The followings were found. The amount of rainwater harvested is 48∼98% of rainfall on the rooftop. Quality of greywater is temporally improved by monitoring of the plumbing system and the residents' operating a combined treatment septic tank. The amount of exergy of rainwater or city water is very small, so that they might be similar to environmental water rather than resource. Chemical exergy of fossil fuel of 1086 MJ/month is consumed by a power plant in order to make micro organisms in the combined treatment septic tank consume chemical exergy of wastewater of 365.6MJ/month. Exergy of faeces or garbage is very large and consumed at all. Therefore, it is important to convert the way to consume exergy of these organic matter from just consuming into consuming with producing farm products such as compost or vegetable.
布施 安隆 高橋 達
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.74, no.635, pp.33-38, 2009-01-30

This paper describes a study on "exergetic" design method to efficiently utilize nutrient matter contained by domestic wastewater and its results. The followings were found. An algorithm to purify domestic wastewater and to efficiently utilize its nutrient matter is derived. Only in the case of purifying wastewater by the combination of soil and vegetation such as small wetland, if the area of a vegetation site is 5〜13m^2 at least, exergy production by plants absorbing nutrient matter will exceed exergy consumption by a power plant and the other mechanical eguipment. Cascade use of domestic wastewater must be significant. A combined treatment septic tank or a multi-layering soil tank consumes "chemical exergy", vegetation site fixes of chemical exergy and absorbs "concentration exergy", and outdoor thermal environment is cooled by "wet exergy" consumption in summer. If the area of vegetation site is 20-40m^2 at least, exergy production by palnts will exceed exergy consumption by power plant and vehcles transporting compost on 50km/year.