徐 興慶
日本漢文学研究 (ISSN:18805914)
vol.3, pp.356-313, 2008-03

In the course of modern Sino-Japanese cultural exchanges, the historical background for the Japan adventure of Buddhist Master Toukou Shinetu of the Caodong sect (1939-1695) was the same as that of Buddhist Master Ingen Ryouki of the Oubaku sect (1592-1673) and Confucian scholar Zhu Shun-shui (1600-1682). Zhu Shun-sui was appointed as a government advisor to impart practical knowledge and theories, and he had far-reaching influence on the development of Mitogaku (Mito School) in Japan. All three scholars were once involved in the anti-Q'ing activities back home in China. But Master Shinetu was little known in Japanese academic circles and he was barely mentioned in academic papers from Taiwan and Mainland China. Toukoushinetu was invited by Abbot Chou Ichi of Koufukuji to visit Japan in 1677. He traveled to Kyoto in 1680 and was recruited by the second Duke of Mito, Tokugawa Mitsukuni (16281700), following in the footsteps of Zhu Shun-shui. Master Shinetu immersed himself in the study of Buddhism. In arts and crafts, he specialized in seal cutting and mastered in calligraphy and guqin (a seven-stringed plucked instrument). He also liked writing poetry. As the guqin instructor to Hitomi Chikudou (16211688), a shogunate official, he made friends with quite a few Japanese scholars both in academic circles and in government, and he caused significant reverberations in Japan's cultural circles. He was considered another important personage following Zhu Shun-shui engaged by Tokugawa Mitsukuni to make up for the inadequacy of Han teaching in Mito. This paper purports to explore how during the middle stage of Tokugawa shogunate Master Shinetu and Japan's intellectual and cultural communities influenced each other. The study focuses on three issues: 1. What was Shinetu's thinking on national identity before and after he traveled to Japan? 2. Based on the materials obtained from public libraries in Nagasaki, Uji-shi, Mito and other towns, as well as historical materials newly discovered from Buddhist temples associated with Shinetu, what were the subjective and objective evaluations of Shinetu in the eyes of Japanese scholars and political figures who had had contact with him? 3. What doctrines did Master Shinetu impart on Japan's intellectual and cultural communities during his stay in Japan and what was his influence? By answering such questions, this paper will clarify the truth about the intellectual evolvement of Master Shinetu and propose new viewpoints.
徐 興慶
Jiangnan Culture and Japan : A Rediscovery of Resources and Human Exchange
pp.311-321, 2012-03-23

江南文化と日本 : 資料・人的交流の再発掘, 復旦大学(上海), 2011年5月27日-29日
徐 興慶
関西大学東西学術研究所紀要 (ISSN:02878151)
vol.45, pp.13-14, 2012-04

阪谷朗廬(素、1822‒1881)は岡山(備中)川上郡九名村(現在岡山県小田郡美星町)の出身で、幕末の漢学者、儒学者、教育者として、また明治維新期の官吏として知られている。彼は七歳から陽明学者大塩平八郎(1793‒1837)の漢学塾「洗心洞」に入り、ついで江戸で同郷の朱子学者昌谷碩(精溪、1792-1858)に入門、十七歳になって儒学者の古賀侗庵(1788-1847)に師事し、のち広島藩の藩儒にも迎えられた。1853年、ペリー艦隊の「黑船」が来航した際、朗廬は岡山にて「興譲館」(興譲館高等學校前身)を創設し、漢学を普及しながら、洋学を兼修していた。幕末動乱期に、彼は開国論を主張し、議会主義、海軍充実を説く開明派であり、世界の共通言語が必要であることを唱えた。1862年に彼は長崎へ赴き、中国の知識人林雲逵(1828-1911)と筆談を行い、『林阪筆語』を残した。また、渋沢栄一(1840-1931)は朗廬に師事し、二人の間においては、詩文を交わすほか、姻戚関係まで結ばれた。 朗廬は1866年6 月(四十五歳)に第十五代將軍德川慶喜(1837-1913)に謁見し、のち「二条城」にて経書を講じた。1881年1 月に福沢諭吉(1835-1901)が設立した「交詢社」の「常議員」として選ばれ、「明六社」の一員となった。さらに陸軍省に務めた後、文部、司法などの要職を歴任したほか、「斯文会」の文学教授になり、東京学士会議員に選ばれた。日本に近代化において、朗廬は朱子学の学問から、日本天皇へ忠誠心そのものを育んだ。本報告の主旨は以下の焦点を当てる。⑴朗廬が受けた儒学教育及び彼が持つ儒学思想の特質とは、どのような関係があったのか、その伝統のある学問は明治社会にどんな影響をもたらしたのか。⑵朗廬と林雲逵の筆談は、どんな内容であったのか。⑶「白鹿洞掲示説」から見た朗廬の儒学観、西洋観を分析し、彼の「尊王攘夷説」や「開港論」の形成背景を検討する。