戸田 三三冬
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University (ISSN:09173072)
vol.15, no.1, pp.1-25, 2004-07-01

This paper attempts to give some information on the study of anarchist ideas of Errico Malatesta in his early days. Malatesta entered in the Italian republican movement when he was a middle high school boy. When he studied medical science at the University of Naples, in 1871, under the influence of Paris Comune, participated the socialist activities in the Neapolitan section of the First International. Being one of the most active members, he taught workers' children in the evening school of the International, and became one of the editors of its organ,<<La Campana>>(bell). His necrology for Giuseppe Mazzini, the former Maestro, shows how deeply he was influenced by the sincerity of his old teacher. Even though he has changed his ideology, still remains Mazzini's teachings of love and duty in his heart. After the fall of Paris Comune, the International Working Men's Association was devided into two camps, Marxist and Bakunist. The latter formed so-called Anti- Authoritarian International at St. Imier, a small town in Giura, Switzerland. There Malatesta participated, and in this occasion, met Michel Bakunin for the first time. Bakunin called Malatesta with given name"Benjamin". Malatesta will be faithful to Bakunin's soul all through his life, although he modified some of the ideas of the teacher. The paper covers roughly up until 1891, the year of the publication of his pamphlet, Anarchy, in London. The work, which he began to write in 1884 on his paper<<La Questione Sociale>>(social problem) at Florence, was continued to write on his paper with the same name, in the days of his exile in Argentina. The focus is not on the analysis of the contents of Anarchy, but on the understandings of the material situation on his activities which have guided him to write and condensed his own theory, on Anarchy and Anarchism.