日下部 吉男 中村 康宏 谷川 和也 唐澤 健 丸山 桂司
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.143, no.7, pp.607-616, 2023-07-01 (Released:2023-07-01)

In today’s world, where clinical options are ever increasing and patients’ needs are more diverse, it is not possible to conclude that simply practicing medical care based on pathophysiological data and medical evidence is sufficient for patients, particularly in terms of seeing each patient as an individual. Medical professionals must maintain a close relationship with their patients and seek treatment and care methods that reflect the patient’s values and views on life and death, based on their own ethics in medical care. Ethics education should be provided on a continuing basis from the beginning of medical/pharmacy school. However, ethics education in pharmacy departments is often delivered in a lecture format attended by many students and/or as group training using case studies and hypothetical situations, i.e., “paper” patients. With these teaching methods, there are limited opportunities for the students to foster a sense of ethics or to think deeply about their values and views on life and death with respect to the patients they care for. Therefore, in this study, we conducted ethics exercises for pharmacy students in a group study format using a documentary film of real patients who were facing death. By retrospectively analyzing the results of the questionnaires collected before and after the assignments and exercises, we verified the educational effects and changes in the students’ sense of ethics from participating in the group learning exercise; moreover, our results revealed the insight gained by the students in examining the experiences and challenges faced by terminally ill patients.
田中 信忠 梅田 知伸 日下部 吉男 中西 雅之 北出 幸夫 中村 和郎
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.133, no.5, pp.527-537, 2013 (Released:2013-05-01)
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The human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum is responsible for the death of more than a million people each year. The emergence of strains of this malaria parasite resistant to conventional drug therapy has stimulated the search for antimalarial compounds with novel modes of action. Here the structure-function relationship studies for two Plasmodium proteins are presented. One example is the structural studies for S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase from Plasmodium falciparum (PfSAHH) and the other example is those for 1-deoxy-D-xylulose reductoisomerase from Plasmodium falciparum (PfDXR). In the former study, the clue for design of species specific PfSAHH inhibitors was obtained by the structural comparison of the active site of PfSAHH with that of human SAHH (HsSAHH). Our study revealed that the inhibitor selectivity depends on the difference of only one amino acid residue in the active site; Cys59 in PfSAHH vs. Thr60 in HsSAHH. In the latter study, the inhibition of PfDXR enzyme by fosmidomycin has proved to be efficient in the treatment of uncomplicated malaria in recent clinical trials conducted in Gabon and Thailand. Our crystal structure analyses of PfDXR/inhibitor complexes revealed the molecular basis of fosmidomycin's action in P. falciparum. We expect that the structure-function relationship studies on Plasmodium proteins are useful for developing the more effective antimalarial compounds.