恩田 光子 今井 博久 春日 美香 安田 実央 下村 真美子 岡本 夏実 高田 百合菜 七海 陽子 田中 有香 荒川 行生
Japanese Society of Drug Informatics
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.17, no.1, pp.21-33, 2015 (Released:2015-06-28)

Objective: To examine the effect of pharmacists’ visits to homebound patients on the elimination of unused drugs.Method: We conducted a survey with pharmacies throughout Japan that provided home-visit service, asking them questions regarding their work with up to five patients (the survey period was from January 15 through the end of February, 2013).  Main survey questions were: (1) whether they managed unused drugs since the start of their home-visit, and (2) how they managed the unused drugs.  For (2), we conducted case studies by asking the pharmacists to choose the case that impressed them most and describe the unused drugs involved, actions taken, and the results.Results: Data on 5,447 patients were collected from 1,890 pharmacies throughout Japan (collection rate: 56.9%).  Pharmacists managed unused drugs from 2,484 patients (45.6%). 1,746 patients (3,590 cases) were qualified for analysis.  In 2,332 cases (65.0%), pharmacist intervention eliminated the incidences of unused drugs.  In 782 cases (21.8%), unused drugs were discarded, while the number of drug administration days was adjusted in 2,623 cases (73.1%).  In 21 cases (0.6%), drugs were both discarded and had the number of days adjusted.  There were others for 164 cases (4.5%).  The total price of the eliminated unused drugs was approximately 6,920,000 yen (4,000 yen/person).  Illnesses that benefited most from the elimination of unused drugs were chronic respiratory failure (16,306 yen/person), and Parkinson’s disease (4,803 yen/person).Conclusion: We confirmed the economic effect of eliminating unused drugs by pharmacists’ home visits.
菱沼 典子 平松 則子 春日 美香子 大吉 三千代 香春 知永 操 華子 川島 みどり
公益社団法人 日本看護科学学会
日本看護科学会誌 (ISSN:02875330)
vol.17, no.1, pp.32-39, 1997-02-28 (Released:2012-10-29)
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腹満や便秘に対し, 経験上有効といわれている熱布による腰背部温罨法の, 腸管の動きに対する影響と, 局所の皮膚に対する影響を明らかにする目的で, 実験研究を行った. 8名の健康な女性 (27~47歳) に, 熱布による温罨法を施行し, 以下のような結果を得た.1) 腸音は施行直後に1.7倍に増加し, 施行前に対し, 有意差が認められた.2) 貼用部の皮膚温は, 41.1-43.1度まで一過性に上昇したが, 火傷は生じなかった.3) 背部の血流および上腕部の血流は, 施行前に比べ1.4倍になり, 全身が暖まった.4) 施行前後で、体温, 脈拍, 血圧に変動は認められなかった.これらの結果から, 熱布による腰背部温罨法は, 腸管の動きを促進し, 便秘や腹満の解消をはかる看護技術となりうることが示唆された.