有働 勤吉
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
no.35, pp.163-183, 1958-11

I 哲学,慶応義塾創立百年記念論文集すでにカエタヌスが正当にも指摘した様に、類比analogiaの問題は主題的にいって捉えにくいものであるがさりとて類比に対する無知乃至無視は我々の哲学的研究を決して形而上学的水平にまで齎らさない様に思われる。蓋し、形而上学の対象である「存在である限りの存在」は真実に類比的だからである。私がこの小論文の標題として掲げた「不等性の類比」anologia inaequalitatisなる表現はその出典を辿ってゆくと、アリストテレス・トマス的伝統に於いて認容されてきた類比の三型態を体系的に展開させたと目されるカエタヌスの「名辞の類比について」De Nominum Analogiaにまで歴史的に遡ることができる。ところで類比の三つの様式、即ち「不等性の類比」analogia inaequalitatis、「比例乃至帰属の類比」analogia proportionis seu attributionis、「比例性の類比」analogia proportionalitatisのうち、第三の様式である「比例性の類比」が真正の形而上学的類比であることは今日大方のスコラ学者の一致した見解である。しかし第一の様式の類比、即ち「不等性の類比」が真正の形而上学的類比ではないにしても、それが如何なる類比であるのか、また「比例性の類比」に対してどのような位置を占めるか、については従来必ずしも詳かであったとは云い得ない。換言すれば、「不等性の類比」が類比という語の真義から云って類比とは似而非なるものであるのか、或いは不完全ではあるがしかし真の類比であるのか、に関しては尚多くの論議が存する。そこで以下カエタヌスの「不等性の類比」についての論述を手懸りとして、この型の類比の本質とその「比例性の類比」に対する位置如何の問題を考察してゆこうと思う。An expression "analogy of inequality," analogia inaequalitatis, historically owes its denomination to Cajetan, who made a contribution to systematic development of a doctorin of analogy on the basis of Aristotelian-thomistic tradition, mentioning that an understanding of the doctorin is necessarily required in studies of metaphysics. Cajetan describes the nature of this analogy as following; things are said to be analogous by analogy of inequality when they have a common name, and the ratio indicated by the name is entirely the same, but unequally participated. It is clearly evident from the above mentioned that, for Cajetan, analogy of inequality consists in the unequal participation in the generic ratio, whereas Thomas Aguinas himself regards this type of analogy as one secundum esse tantum. Hence their disagreements as to the account for this analogy should not be only with a matter of terminology but of the very doctorin. Indeed, it is solely on the one hand, because of neglecting the distinction made by Thomas between genus logicum and genus naturale, because of missing the vital meaning of esse in Thomas' text on the other hand, that Cajetan considers this type of analogy to be entirely foreign to the nature of a true analogy. In this paper, contrary to Cajetan's exposition of this analogy, we attempt to clarify the reason why analogia secundum esse tantum can possibly be a true analogy and at the same time, must be analogy of genus naturale, that is to say, analogy of natural philosophy or physics, through an analysis of the meaning of esse in Thomas.
有働 勤吉
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.92, pp.105-133, 1991-04

文学部創設百周年記念論文集II(1) 問題の所在(2) 究極目的と至福(3) 倫理的行為と情念(4) 適性と徳(5) 徳の分類と秩序(6) 人間的徳から対神徳へI have tried in this paper to clarify Thomas Aquinas' concept of virtues by dealing with the internal relations between his theological and human virtues. His idea lies in that God infuses us with theological virtues in His favour, while we are obliged to acquire human virtues for ourselves. It seems to me that Aquinas' notion still keeps its great significance in the history of Christian ethics.