福田 章一郎 井口 郁雄 福島 邦博 木村 宣彦 杉原 博子 松原 浄
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊 (ISSN:09121870)
vol.1993, no.64, pp.27-35, 1993

Group pure tone screening test was performed on kindergartners to efficiently screen for hearing disorders. Pure tones of 500,1000 and 4000 Hz in each ear were combined with a hand raising response. The test frequency of 500 Hz was added to screen for otitis media.<BR>About 80% of children over 3 years and 6 months of age were capable of takin g the group screening test with hand raising response. At the same time, the ratio of children who could pass the screening test also increased considerably from 45.2% to 65.2%.<BR>Although we used 500 Hz to screen for otitis media, it was difficult to di a g nose otitis media by hearing screening only. Therefore, hearing screening was mainly effective in determining moderate hearing loss and unilateral sensorineural hearing loss.<BR>We found that a well-planned screening procedure and preparation b e fore the screening as well as decrease in the fail one rate on initial screening are necessary to examine large numbers of children rapidly and screen hearing disorders efficiently.
杉原 博
The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan
有機合成化学協会誌 (ISSN:00379980)
vol.39, no.1, pp.73-80, 1981-01-01 (Released:2010-04-23)

“Synthetic Methods of Organic Chemistry” by Theilheimer is well known as secondary sources of organic reactions. In 1975, a British company, Derwent published “Journal of Synthetic Method” as a part of Chemical Reactions Documentation Service (CRDS) system.On-line retrieval of CRDS by telephone line has been available in Japan and even Theilheimer can be retrieved on the same system. In addition to the above, in 1979, ISI published “Current Chemical Reactions” in U. S. A., thus secondary sources of organic reactions have been gradually developed.The present article reviews secondary sources which have seldom been reported before.
田中 文雄 赤木 成子 藤本 政明 結縁 晃治 杉原 博子 増田 游 斉藤 稚里 小河原 利彰 中井 貴世子 難波 正行 岡田 聡子
耳鼻と臨床 (ISSN:04477227)
vol.40, no.5, pp.851-856, 1994-09-20 (Released:2013-05-10)

めまいおよび耳鳴を主訴に来院した59症例に対してトフィソパムを投与し, 自覚症状, 他覚所見の改善度を検討した. 同時に心理テストであるTMIおよびシェロング起立試験を施行した. 全般改善度は軽度改善以上で, めまいに対して85%, 耳鳴に対して83 %であつた. めまいでは併用薬を用いた群で改善率が高かつたが, 耳鳴では併用薬のない群でも高い改善率が得られた. TMIでは, II型+IV型での著明改善の割合が1型での著明改善の割合より高い傾向を示した. またシェロングの起立試験では, 施行したすべての症例で陰性化を認めた. トフィソパムは自律神経機能不全の悪循環を断ち切ることにより, めまいおよび耳鳴を改善することが示唆された.