北村 倫夫 石田 宰 渡辺 謙仁 李 在栄
北海道大学大学院国際広報メディア・観光学院 = Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University
vol.15, pp.99-118, 2012-09-20

This study was aimed at proposing a strategy for promoting Science and Technology Tourism (STT) in Hokkaido, and was based on the case study for about thirty examples in Japan and foreign countries. By definition, STT is "the tourism aiming at learning about science and technology by seeing, hearing and experiencing." Although STT has been recognized as an important domain of tourism in foreign countries, it has not been right in Japan. However, as people's concern about science and technology is increasing in recent years, STT is playing a more important role in Japan and also in Hokkaido. The conditions for a success of STT in Hokkaido are having fundamentally three functions which consist of an exhibition function, a knowledge exchange function, and a participating experience function. Moreover, realization of the "economies of scale in tourism," effective use of unique natural resources, use of advanced science institutions, organizing of science tours, training of science communicators, cooperation with school education, etc. are also desirable conditions to make STT successful.