村田 喜代治 金田 昌司
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.33, no.4, pp.193-205, 1960-04-01 (Released:2008-12-24)

新市町村建設促進法により昭和29年4月に発足した富山県黒部市は,積極的な工業誘致政策を推進し,その結果,三日市製錬所,北陸製塩,吉田工業の3工揚の誘致に成功した.ここでは,わが国ファスナー生産高の85~90%を占める吉田工業 (YKK) を研究対象とした. 1) ファスナー生産は本来消費地指向性の産業であるにもかかわらず,黒部市に立地した理由は戦災による東京工場の消失,疎開地魚津における発展に必要な土地獲得の不成功に直面した時,黒部市が希望用地97,200m2を提供した点にある.したがつて,一般に立地論で指摘される輸送費,労働費,集積の基本的立地因子の有利性は発見出来ない. 2) 黒部市立地によつて生じる不利益を克服する手段として,これまでの手工業的技術を廃し,アメリカから輸入したチェーン・マシンを基礎とした,機械化・経営の合理化を遂行した.とくに一貫工程の採用は生産費の低下,対外競争力の強化,大量生産による有効需要の創造を可能ならしめた.結局,この企業のもつextemal diseconomiesをintemal economiesによつて相殺した点に発展の諸力が求められる. 3) 吉田工業が当該地域に与えた直接効果は,生産効果,雇用効果,財政効果に分けられる.
村田 喜代治
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.31, no.4, pp.219-230, 1958

1. It follows from the very nature of a science that until it has reached a certain stage of development, definition of its character is necessarily impossible. But once this stage of development has been reached not only is it not waste of time to investigate precise chracter; it is waste of time not to do so. (L. Robbins) By the way Prof. E. G. R. Taylor stated once &ldquo;What have they dooe ? This was the question derisively asked by the educated public about the Fellow of Royal Society in the early years of their incorporation. It is asked today, and in the same mocking spirit, about geographers&rdquo;. To answer the above question it will be usefull to show the actual works done by many geographers. At the same time, however, geographers also must attempt methodological examination. Because as mentioned above, in case a science has reached a certain stage of development, its further development and repletion of its contents are to be accomplished by methodological examination but not only by trial and error.<br> 2. The writer's methodological examination is first directed to views stated in &ldquo;American Geography&rdquo;. In this book Prof. P. E. James shows three contributions of geography. (cf. p. 6) The writer has some questions of the foundation of his views. His first and second items assert to apply practically the concepts and principles provided by other systematic sciences, therefore the writer understands that he characterizes geography as the applied branch of other sciences with theory like the applied chemistry as against the theoretical chemistry. Such understanding leads me to the conclusion that the third asserrtion has no substantial meaning because it remains simply as an applied perspective. Then what is the reason why Prof. James venture to express his views without considering the theoretical basis underlying them? To me such a logical confusion seems to arise from some sort of belief that &ldquo;area&rdquo; is a peculiar objective accepted only in the field of geography. To the geographers who have such a belief, so far as their study is concerned with area, it is geography science even if it gets some benefit by the result of other sciences. But there are some questions on area. They are; (1) the concept and treatment of area is not exclusive possession of geography (e. g. as indicated by Prof. R. B. Hall), (2) it is a created intellectual concept (e. g. Prof. D. Whittlesey), (3) it is genetically a product which was brought as the result to avoid inpetous conclusion by environmentalism. So far as these views are admitted, the writer can say on each of them as following; (1) It seems to me that the view intending to characterize the geography only by connection with area has no scientific foundation. So far as the surface of the earth is the stage of human activities, it will be a common field of many sciences, and it is natural that many other sciences have some interest on the approach. Thus it is clear that area is not monopoly of geography.<br> (2) If area is a created intellectual concept then what is its substantial content? As Prof. H. H. McCarty stated economic geography &ldquo;derives its concepts largely from the field of economics, &rdquo; economic geographers, almost always treat economical phenomena by using concepts of economics. Therefore the writer can say that concrete contents of economic area are agglomeration of economic phenomena studied in economics. The fact that systematic and topical approaches are used in economic geography as well as regional approach, means that the contents of area substantially make those approaches indispensable. The systematic approach means, for instance, that economic geography must depend on the economics, consequently it must have stand-point of economics to areal study.<br> (3) So far as the area is a product to avoid the defect of environmentalism, it is not an objective but genetically a means of environmentalistic approach.