高岸 秀次郎 東野 正三 飯塚 隆治
日本蚕糸学雑誌 (ISSN:00372455)
vol.42, no.2, pp.135-143, 1973-04-28 (Released:2010-07-01)

兵庫県下の蛇紋岩質土壌地域における桑の生育異常を栽培桑に関してはじめてニッケル過剰症と判定し, さらに現地桑園土壌および桑の化学組成の特徴を論じた。1. 桑のニッケル過剰症は通常夏切り後伸長した枝条の葉に発現しやすく, 特に7月中~下旬頃最も著しく, その後発育した桑葉は次第に健全な様相を呈する。7月中旬の症状は上位1/3葉位の葉が黄化, 中位1/3の葉の葉脈間に褐色ないし黒褐色のネクローシスを生ずる。下位1/3葉位は淡緑から緑色に漸移する。2. 同一桑園で亜鉛欠乏症, 鉄欠乏症および両者の複合症状を呈する桑株が見出された。3. 本桑園の表層土は強酸性で塩基飽和度も低いが, 下層土ほど酸性が弱くなる。塩基組成は下層土ほどマグネシウムの占める割合が高くなる。置換態ニッケル含量は3.0~34.2ppmで概して第2層で最も高含量を示した。4. 桑の葉身, 葉柄, 枝条について, カルシウム, マグネシウム含量は異常株の方がやや高い傾向を示したが明瞭でない。ニッケル含量は概して葉身で最も高く, 葉位, 障害程度によって異なるがおおよそ20~50ppmの範囲にあった。なお葉身中ニッケル含量は障害の激しい株ほど高く, これに対し亜鉛含量は逆に低かった。
谷田沢 道彦 東野 正三
日本土壌肥料學雜誌 (ISSN:00290610)
vol.24, no.4, pp.193-196, 1953-12-20

In the preceeding paper, the authors have found the rapid incorporation of inorganic phosphate absorbed through lear epidermis into some organic combinations including acid soluble-barium soluble phosphorus compounds primarily. In the present paper, resting on the basis of fine separation of phosphorus compounds in the use of paper-chromatography, the discussion on the forms of transferring phosphate after the foliar absorption are made. Thus one of the leaves of shakshina (Brassica chinensis L.) grow in field, about 30cm high, was applied with ca 1.5ml. of 1/75 M potassium dihydrogen phosphate containing P-32 in the strengh of 5 micro curie/ml. on a fine day. After 4 hours of this application, the poetiole was cut, and the exudation from this cut end was used for paper-chromatography as it was recommended by R. S. BANDURSKI and B. AXELROD. The developed paper strip was examined for its phosphorus spots by spraying HANES-ISHERWOOD reagent and its radio-activity by means of Geiger-Muller counter as it was reported by R. M. TOMARELI and K. FLOREY. Obtained paper-chramatograms and radiograms are shown in Fig. 1 and 2. Compared with Rf value of each particular known phosphorus compounds that had been determined in the same condition as that employed in the experimental procedure, transferring chief phosphorus compounds which have been newly synthesized in leaves are estimated to be confined to a few other compounds than any of ortho-phosphoric acid, glucose-1-phosphate, and fructose-6-phosphate. Under the condition which have been made, the sum of radio ortho-phosphoric acid, glucose-1-phosphate, and fructose-6-phosphate in the exudate is concieved less than 10% of total radio phosphorus in the exudate. S.ARONOFF has shown that the primary products of phosphate assimilation by soybean roots is fructose-1,6-diphosphate together with some phosphorylated organic acids, and also in our experiment, inorganic phosphate absorbed through leaf-surface is illustrated to be easily assimilated in leaf tissue and converted to such products.