松山 秀明
放送研究と調査 (ISSN:02880008)
vol.69, no.1, pp.36-53, 2019 (Released:2019-02-20)

松山 秀明
放送研究と調査 (ISSN:02880008)
vol.69, no.1, pp.36-53, 2019

松山 秀明
放送研究と調査 (ISSN:02880008)
vol.71, no.5, pp.26-43, 2021 (Released:2021-06-20)

太平洋戦争下、南方の占領地で日本軍が行った放送について検証する本シリーズ。今回は、フィリピン(比島)とビルマ(緬甸、現ミャンマー)で行われた放送工作の実態を考察した。 日本軍が1942年1月にフィリピンのマニラを、3月にビルマのラングーンを占領して以降、放送工作のために次々に日本放送協会から職員たちが派遣された。フィリピンでは「比島放送管理局」のもとに、1942年1月14日にマニラ放送局、1943年11月1日にセブ放送局、同年12月20日にダバオ放送局が開局し、ビルマでは「緬甸放送管理局」のもとに、1943年1月25日にラングーン放送局が開局した。欧米植民地体制の打破とアジア解放を旗印に、両地域では「現地住民の宣撫」と「対敵宣伝」に注力していくことになる。フィリピンでは音楽を中心とした現地住民向けの放送と米比軍への対敵放送、ビルマでは日本文化の浸透を狙った現地住民向けの放送とインドへの対敵放送が行われた。 しかし、両地域はとくに激戦地で、比島放送管理局でも緬甸放送管理局でも終戦の詔勅を放送することができていない。しだいに戦況が悪化するなかで、日本放送協会の職員たちは山中に逃げまどい、あるいは戦闘要員となって、その多くが殉職した。大東亜共栄圏構想の浸透のため文化工作に加担した南方占領地の放送局は、その目的を果たすことなく多くの犠牲者を出して、潰散したのである。
松山 秀明
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.100, pp.35-48, 2022-01-31 (Released:2022-03-29)

This paper investigates the history of broadcasting studies in Japan and suggests possibilities for future research. Nearly 100 years have passed since the commencement of broadcasting in Japan. A wide variety of studies about Japanese broadcasting have been conducted. In the 1920s through the 1930s, early radio studies focused on analyzing the characteristics of radio as new medium. However, in the late 1930s through the 1940s, radio studies in Japan changed the opinions that radio was the weapon of state control during the war. After the Second World War, academic institutions were established in Japan, such as the Institute of Journalism and Communication Studies at The University of Tokyo (1949-1992) and the NHK Broadcasting Culture Research Institute (1946 onward). These academic institutions created demonstrative research of television and present a new scheme for critical research called “Broadcast Studies”. However, in the 1970s through the 1980s, Japanese broadcasting studies were gradually stagnant because of the bloated broadcasting industries. After the 1990s, Japanese television studies tries to build a new scheme, depending on the theory from overseas such as Cultural Studies and Semiotics. “Archive research” that gain momentum in the 2000s through the 2010s has become the darling of Japanese research on television broadcasts. In other words, an “age of verification” where a number of researchers use radio and television programs as materials for argumentation has started. Nowadays the television viewing is decreasing among young people, on the other hand the viewing images on the Internet such as YouTube and Netflix is more and more increasing. Future broadcasting studies in Japan have to focus on changing a concept of “broadcasting” on the internet age.
松山 秀明
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.80, pp.153-170, 2012-01-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

The majority of research on television in Japan has concentrated on its influence and effect as a medium. There has been little research about content ; i.e., the television programs themselves. This research demonstrates the potential of studies into television utilizing television archives. Through extensive use of the NHK archives, it focuses on the way television, especially documentary programs from the 1950s to 1960s, have portrayed Tokyo as an urban space. The transformation of these images of Tokyo from the 1950s to 1960s is demonstrated through an analysis of the content of television programs and their context. The television documentaries of the late 1950s portrayed Tokyo as an urban space of the lower classes. The first television documentary series, entitled Nihon no Sugao [The Real Japan] (1957-64), presented images of Tokyo from the viewpoint of the lower classes. In other words, this series featured the lives of people living in the outskirts of Tokyo, portraying them in a condescending way. In the early 1960's, the images of Tokyo in documentary programs underwent a great transformation, as these programs began to take on the character of public relations. The reason for this change was that the 1964 Summer Olympics were held in Tokyo and its image needed to be clean and orderly so as to portray Tokyo as a city ready to host the Olympic Games. Thus, following the announcement of the decision to hold the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, the images of Tokyo began to shift from internally oriented to externally oriented ones and images of Tokyo as an urban space of the lower classes were excluded. The analysis of archival television images of Tokyo from the 1950s to 1960s reveals the historical context by whether or not the images portray the city from the viewpoint of the lower classes.