岡 孝和 松岡 洋一 小牧 元 三島 徳雄 中川 哲也
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.31, no.5, pp.405-409, 1991-06-01

A case of Akatsuki disease was reported. Akatsuki disease which was named and reported first by Dr. Sakamoto in 1964 is defined as the skin lesions that are induced by neglect of skin hygiene and based upon certain psychological mechanisms. A 58 year-old female diagnosed as Akatsuki disease was referred to our department by a bermatologist. She had not been able to bathe for more than seven years because she felt burning sesations on her face when she took a bath. When she was admitted to our hospital, her cheeks looked red. When she put her hands into hot water, her face became more red and that state lasted over ten hours. However, endocrinological studies could not explain her complaints. As she was in a hypochondriacal state and also suspected to be in a hypersensitive state of the vasomotion of her face, Autogenic Training as well as the image therapy called "Nanso no Hou" were introduced in addition to supportive psychotherapy and congnitive, behavioral modification. As the result, the redness of her cheeks disappeared and she became able to take a hot shower in two months, and was discharged from the hospital.
岡 孝和 松岡 洋一 三島 徳雄 中川 哲也
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.33, no.4, pp.293-300, 1993-04-01

The effects of conducting Autogenic Training (AT) on autonomic nervous functions were studied by using non-invasive autonomic nervous function tests. We used the coefficient values of the R-R intervals of ECG (CVR-R) as a parameter of the parasympathetic nervous function, while the coefficient values of the wave heights of digital plethysmograph (CVwH100) were used as a parameter of α-adrenergic sympathetic nervous function. In addition, β waves of thenar microvibration (MV) were used as a parameter of parasympathetic and θ waves of MV were used as a parameter of sympathetic nervous function. Forty healthy volunteers underwent AT for 5 minutes in the supine position after a sufficient observation period. Blood pressure (BP), pulse rate (PR), CVR-R. CVWH1OO and MV were all checked before, during and after undergoing AT. Results : (1) The well trained group (n=10) showed a significant increase of α2 waves of MV both during and after the AT. CVR-R and CVWH100 did not show any significant change. The beginners group (n=30) showed a significant decrease of θ waves of MV but CVR-R and CVWH1OO did not show any significant change. BP and PR did not show any alteration in either group. (2) The group whose trait anxiety (STAI) increased (n=6) did not show any significant change in CVR-R, CVWH100,MV, BP and PR. On the other hand, the group whose trait anxiety (STAI) decreased (n=34) showed a tendency of increased CVR-R as well as CVWH1OO by practicing AT, a significant increase in α2 waves and a tendency of decrease in θ waves of MV after undergoing AT although no significant change was observed in either BP or PR. (3) A dominant waxing and waning phenomenon of the digital plethysmograph was also observed during the sessions in those whose skin temperature was increased by AT. These results indicate that sympathetic nervous function as well as parasympathetic nervous function are both activated and the vasomotion of peripheral vessels is also activated when AT can be successfully administered.