岡 孝和 小宮山 博朗 中川 哲也 松浦 達雄 岡 佳恵
The Japan Society for Oriental Medicine
日本東洋医学雑誌 (ISSN:02874857)
vol.43, no.3, pp.439-446, 1993-01-20 (Released:2010-03-12)

六君子湯および補中益気湯の血清コルチゾル値および心電図R-R間隔変動係数 (CVR-R) に及ぼす影響を検討した。両剤をそれぞれ23例の Non-ulcer dyspepsia 患者および18例の不定愁訴患者に, 一日7.5g, 4週投与した。1) 六君子湯投与群では, 午前9時血清コルチゾル値は, 高値だった7例では有意に低下し (p<0.05), 低値の2例では逆に増加したが, 正常範囲内であった14例は不変であった。補中益気湯投与群では, 低値の3例, 正常範囲内の12例では増加した (p<0.05) が, 高値の3例では低下した。2) 副交感神経機能を表わすCVR-Rは六君子湯投与群では不変であったが, 補中益気湯投与群では, 投与前, 年齢に比して低値であったが, 投与後増加した (p<0.05)。以上の結果は, これらの漢方薬は副腎皮質および自律神経機能に対して調整的に作用し, この作用はストレス性疾患に対しては有用な作用と考えられた。
原 信一郎 小宮山 博朗 前田 基成 中川 哲也
一般社団法人 日本認知・行動療法学会
行動療法研究 (ISSN:09106529)
vol.19, no.1, pp.28-36, 1993-03-31 (Released:2019-04-06)

中川 哲也
一般社団法人 日本心身医学会
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.31, no.1, pp.17-25, 1991-01-08 (Released:2017-08-01)

The therapeutic guideline for psychosomatic disorders, which was edited by the Medical Strategy Committee of the Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Medicine in 1970,has been cited and utilized on many occasions. Hewever, following the progress of medicine, there have been increasing numbers of opinions, which insist on the necessity of revised criteria of psychosomatic disorders and introduction of new therapeutic approaches to the guideline among the members of the above-mentioned Society. Under such circumstances, Dr. Ikemi, the chairman of the Board of Directors and also the chairman of the Committee of Medical Education and Training, started working on the revision of the therapeutic guideline. After consulting with the members of the Board of Directors and councillors several times, he pointed out the fundamental problems concerning the revision of the therapeutic guideline in December, 1989. As the chairman of the Committee of Medical Education and Training, succeeded to Dr. Ikemi, I proceeded with the work and at the 31st Congress of the Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Medicine I would like to propose the outline of newly revised guideline for diagnosis and treatment in psychosomatic medicine as the presidential address. The main items of the new guideline are as follows. 1. The concept of psychosomatic medicine 2. The developmental background of modern psychosomatic medicine 3. Behavioral medicine and psychosomatic medicine 4. Consultation-liaison psychiatry and psychosomatic medicine 5. Classification of mental disorders by DSM-III and DSM-III-R. 6. Psychosomatic disorders 7. Doctors who engage themselves in the practice of psychosomatic medicine 8. General principles in the practice of psychosomatic medicine 9. Psychosocial evaluation a) Interviews b) Psychological tests 10. Psychophysiological examination 11. Psychosomatic diagnosis 12. Psychosomatic treatment modalities 13. Summary of psychosomatic treatments 14. Terminal care From now on, after discussing and arraging the proposed draft for the new guideline with the members of the Comittee of Medical Education and Training, I will announce the final form of the revised guideline for diagnosis and treatment in psychosomatic medicine to all the members of the Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Medicine. Ideeply appreciate many constructive opinions and supports by the councillors of the Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Medicine and the present and former staff members of our Department of Psychosomatic Medicine.
岡 孝和 松岡 洋一 小牧 元 三島 徳雄 中川 哲也
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.31, no.5, pp.405-409, 1991-06-01

A case of Akatsuki disease was reported. Akatsuki disease which was named and reported first by Dr. Sakamoto in 1964 is defined as the skin lesions that are induced by neglect of skin hygiene and based upon certain psychological mechanisms. A 58 year-old female diagnosed as Akatsuki disease was referred to our department by a bermatologist. She had not been able to bathe for more than seven years because she felt burning sesations on her face when she took a bath. When she was admitted to our hospital, her cheeks looked red. When she put her hands into hot water, her face became more red and that state lasted over ten hours. However, endocrinological studies could not explain her complaints. As she was in a hypochondriacal state and also suspected to be in a hypersensitive state of the vasomotion of her face, Autogenic Training as well as the image therapy called "Nanso no Hou" were introduced in addition to supportive psychotherapy and congnitive, behavioral modification. As the result, the redness of her cheeks disappeared and she became able to take a hot shower in two months, and was discharged from the hospital.
大島 彰 岡田 隆雄 玉井 一 松林 直 高橋 進 楊 思根 美根 和典 中川 哲也
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.30, no.1, pp.59-65, 1990-01-08

Acute gastric dilatation (AGD) is one of the life-threatening complications which needs accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment as soon as possible, although it occurs rarely in anorexia nervosa. We have unexpectedly experienced a case of AGD in anorexia nervosa caused by superior mesenteric artery (SMA) syndrome during the early stage of the treatment. An 18-year-old senior highschool girl was admitted to our hospital because of anorexia nervosa without any episodes of bulimia or vomiting. About one year before admission, considering herself overweight she had started dieting and had reduced her weight from 60kg to 33.8kg. After admission, she started taking, 1,000kcal of food by herself in addition to 200kcal of elementary diet by the tube feeding. On the 2nd hospital day, a plain chest X-ray picture showed the left-sided pleural fluid because of the pulmonary tuberculosis. The chest drainage tube was inserted on the 6th hospital day, and she was forced to lie on the bed. On the 8th hospital day, she suddenly felt nauseous and vomited. A plain abdominal X-ray picture showed the sign of AGD. A barium X-ray study on the 11th hospital day proved that the AGD was caused by SMA syndrome, showing vertical cut off sign at the 3rd portion of the duodenum obstructed by the SMA and oral side duodenal loop and the stomach were dilated. She was treated conservatively, and barium meal examination, on the 46th hospital day, proved that the signs of SMA syndrome had disappeared. After the completion of our step-by-step treatment program on the basis of cognitive behavior therapy with anti-tuberculosis drugs, she was discharged at the weight of 46.7kg, and she has been in good condition since then.
長野 翔一 高橋 寛幸 中川 哲也
情報処理学会研究報告自然言語処理(NL) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2008, no.90, pp.65-70, 2008-09-17

情報爆発時代において,情報の個人化を実現するプロファイル技術が注目されている.しかし,現在のプロファイル技術は獲得した閲覧履歴全体からユーザの全閲覧行動における要求の傾向を推測するため,要求の変化を検出するのは困難である.本稿が扱う 「要求」 とは行動への動機の事を指し,10 分程度で変化する性質を持つ.ユーザは要求に基づいてウェブページの閲覧を行う.我々は,ユーザの要求変化は各閲覧履歴の意味的類似度を利用することで検出可能であると考え,閲覧履歴の分類方式を提案する.既存の分類方式では,同じ要求内でも時系列に従い少しずつカテゴリが変化する,複数の異なる要求が並存する,といった閲覧行動の性質のため精度を下げることとなる.そこで,提案方式はこれらの性質を考慮し,クラスタ重心付近に十分な閲覧履歴数が確保できないことを前提とした,局所解重視の分類方式の構築に取り組む.また,既存の分類方式と比較実験を行い,提案方式が既存方式に比べ有効であることを確認した.We propose a clustering method for detecting the change of intention from user's browsing behavior. It is necessary to treat the user's intention accurately in information explosion age. However, treating dynamic intention is difficult for a conventional method, as behavior targeting model. Because the category change little by little in the same intention, and any other intentions exist at same time. For detecting user's intention change in browsing-behavior, we analyze each of browsing-history based on the similarities, and clustering based on local part similarities, in case web history have not a normal distribution. In addition, we evalute on result of an experiment to effectiveness for conventional clustering method.
入江 正洋 山下 高範 久保 千春 木原 廣美 中野 博 川村 治子 十川 博 手嶋 秀毅 中川 哲也
The Japanese Respiratory Society
日本胸部疾患学会雑誌 (ISSN:03011542)
vol.30, no.5, pp.930-934, 1992-05-25 (Released:2010-02-23)

症例は19歳の女性. 気管支喘息として約1年10ヵ月, ステロイド剤を含む治療を受けたが, 改善しないため当科に入院した. 患者はアレルギー疾患の家族歴を有し, アストグラフでも気道過敏性があるように思われたものの, 喘鳴出現時に1秒量やPaO2の低下はなく, 気管支拡張剤の吸入でも呼吸機能に変化はみられず, 喘息は否定的であった. また, 患者の喘鳴は喉頭部で最も著明に聴取され, 多くは吸気性の呼吸困難を伴い, フローボリューム曲線は, 吸気時の流速が低下していた. さらに, Laryngos-copy では, 声帯の内転位固定と後方の僅かな間隙が認められ, 以上の所見より Vocal cord dysfunction と診断された. 本症例の喘鳴は, 不幸な生育歴を背景とする転換反応に起因するものと考えられ, 心身相関の理解やセルフコントロールの習得を中心とする心身医学的治療によって, 薬剤不要な状態にまで改善した.
岡 孝和 松岡 洋一 三島 徳雄 中川 哲也
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.33, no.4, pp.293-300, 1993-04-01

The effects of conducting Autogenic Training (AT) on autonomic nervous functions were studied by using non-invasive autonomic nervous function tests. We used the coefficient values of the R-R intervals of ECG (CVR-R) as a parameter of the parasympathetic nervous function, while the coefficient values of the wave heights of digital plethysmograph (CVwH100) were used as a parameter of α-adrenergic sympathetic nervous function. In addition, β waves of thenar microvibration (MV) were used as a parameter of parasympathetic and θ waves of MV were used as a parameter of sympathetic nervous function. Forty healthy volunteers underwent AT for 5 minutes in the supine position after a sufficient observation period. Blood pressure (BP), pulse rate (PR), CVR-R. CVWH1OO and MV were all checked before, during and after undergoing AT. Results : (1) The well trained group (n=10) showed a significant increase of α2 waves of MV both during and after the AT. CVR-R and CVWH100 did not show any significant change. The beginners group (n=30) showed a significant decrease of θ waves of MV but CVR-R and CVWH1OO did not show any significant change. BP and PR did not show any alteration in either group. (2) The group whose trait anxiety (STAI) increased (n=6) did not show any significant change in CVR-R, CVWH100,MV, BP and PR. On the other hand, the group whose trait anxiety (STAI) decreased (n=34) showed a tendency of increased CVR-R as well as CVWH1OO by practicing AT, a significant increase in α2 waves and a tendency of decrease in θ waves of MV after undergoing AT although no significant change was observed in either BP or PR. (3) A dominant waxing and waning phenomenon of the digital plethysmograph was also observed during the sessions in those whose skin temperature was increased by AT. These results indicate that sympathetic nervous function as well as parasympathetic nervous function are both activated and the vasomotion of peripheral vessels is also activated when AT can be successfully administered.
中川 哲也
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.46, no.4, pp.281-291, 2006-04-01

新里 里春 玉井 一 藤井 真一 吹野 治 中川 哲也 町元 あつこ 徳永 鉄哉
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.26, no.5, pp.397-407, 1986-08-01

The purpose of the study is to develop and to study validities and reliabilities of translated version of the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT) developed by Garner et al.1. The subjects of the study were 35 female anorexics before psychosomatic treatment (AN group) (average age 20.5±5.3,average duration 4 years). The control subjects were as follows : 26 female anorexics on psychosomatic treatment (ANDT group) (average age 21.1±6.5,average duration 3.5 years), 414 healthy female control subjects (FN group) (average age 18.8±2.4).2,20 out of 40 items were extracted by a good and poor analysis (t-test). Using the 20 items, three meaningful factors, namely food obsession (F1), dieting (F2) and phodia of obesity (F3) were factors analytically extracted.3. To study the validity of the factors and their combined EAT (EAT-20), correlational study was conducted between the scores of F1,F2,F3 and EAT-20 and clinical scales of the Kyushu University Medical Index (KMI). Followings were significant : F1 and KMI Obsessive-compulsive neurosis scale; F2 and KMI Obsessive-compulsive neurosis scale ; F1 and KMI Hypochondria scale; F1 and KMI Depression scale. A correlation between F3 and past percent maximum body weight was significant.