高橋 俊介 高橋 治美 井出 京子 竹内 智恵子 栗林 希代子 新美 三由紀 松島 凛太郎 田中 司朗
一般社団法人 日本静脈経腸栄養学会
日本静脈経腸栄養学会雑誌 (ISSN:21890161)
vol.31, no.3, pp.827-834, 2016 (Released:2016-06-20)

【目的】検査データによって栄養不良の入院患者を効率的にスクリーニングできる簡便な栄養評価基準として、Controlling nutritional status(CONUT)変法を設定し、その臨床的有用性を探索的に検討した。【方法】対象中の総コレステロール(T-Cho)測定率を求めた。CONUT法から入院中の依頼が少ない T-Choを除き、より依頼が多いヘモグロビン濃度(Hb)を加えた方法(変法)を設定し、さらに変法と CONUT法との栄養レベル判定の一致度、スコアの相関を求めた。【結果】T-Cho測定率は15.4%であった。変法と CONUT法の栄養レベル判定の一致度はκ=0.778、変法スコアと CONUTスコアの Spearman相関係数は rs=0.942であった。【結論】変法と CONUT法との栄養レベル判定の一致度、およびスコアの相関は共に良好であり、変法による評価は、ほぼ CONUT法同様に栄養不良の入院患者のスクリーニングに有用であることが示唆された。入院中に T-Choよりも検査依頼の多い Hbを用いることで、変法はより多くの入院患者の栄養スクリーニングが可能であった。
飯野 光喜 新津 恒太 堀内 俊克 松島 凛太郎 村上 夏帆 瀬戸 〓一 関谷 利子 中村 芳樹 桑原 洋助
日本顎変形症学会雑誌 = The Japanese journal of jaw deformities (ISSN:09167048)
vol.10, no.3, pp.273-280, 2000-12-15
4 3

The accuracy of positioning the osteotomized maxilla during orthognathic surgery was assessed in 26 patients, comparing the use of an external reference point placed on the forehead skin (SERP), and an external reference point consisting of a bone screw placed at the forehead bone (BERP). In all cases, the unoperated mandible was used to provide an anteroposterior and transverse maxillary position, through use of an intermediate splint. In 14 cases, the distance between the SERP and the maxillary central incisor was measured, to determine the maxillary vertical dimensions. In 12 cases, measurements between the BERP the and maxillary central incisor were made.<BR>All preoperative lateral cephalometric radiographs were traced by one investigator, and these tracings were superimposed on postoperative lateral chephalograms (3 to 6 days after surgery), respectively. The actual changes in the vertical and horizontal position of U1 were measured perpendicular and parallel to the Frankfort horizontal plane. The actual change of the palatal plane angle was also measured. These values of actual change were compared with the prediction tracings made by measurements obtained from model surgery, and the difference between planned and actual movements was calculated.<BR>The mean difference of U1 anteroposterior movement was 1.5±2.0mm in the SERP group, and 1.2±1.1 mm in the BERP group. The mean difference of U1 vertical movement was 1.8 ±2.8mm in the SERP group, and 0.5±0.3mm in the BERP group. And the mean difference of palatal plane angle rotation in the SERP group was 2.7±6.2°, and 1.6±1.8° in the BERP group. Statistical analysis showed a significant difference between the SERP group and the BERP group in the U1 vertical difference (t-test, p<0.05).<BR>The results of this investigation revealed less accuracy in the actual three-dimensional maxillary movements of the SERP group, compared with the BERP group. And this study also showed that use of the BERP will allow accurate three-dimensional control of the maxillary position, especially in the vertical dimension. However, the maxillary repositioning technique using BERP still remains subject to operator error, and other numerous possible sources of error were identified, which may lead to an incorrect result.