- 著者
松方 正彦
- 出版者
- 日本膜学会
- 雑誌
- 膜 (ISSN:03851036)
- 巻号頁・発行日
- vol.31, no.5, pp.271-274, 2006 (Released:2015-06-19)
C1 chemistry, production technologies of fuel and chemicals from syngas, includes processes that would be possible to improve their productivity, to save energy requirement, and thereby to reduce production costs by selectively
removing products from syngas through membrane. In this report, the results of process simulation on methanol
synthesis are introduced to discuss about efficiency of membrane reactor in this process. The process simulation
demonstrated that methanol productivity was substantially improved by removing products, methanol and water, in
situ from the reaction system. A key issue is to develop microporous inorganic membranes enabling us to separate
products like water and alcohol at high temperatures up to 300℃ and high pressures up to 100 atm.