村田 修 板倉 壮太 山本 眞司 服部 亘宏 倉田 道雄 太田 博巳 升間 主計
Japanese Society for Aquaculture Science
水産増殖 (ISSN:03714217)
vol.65, no.1, pp.93-95, 2017-03-20 (Released:2018-03-20)

In order to breed a faster-growing grouper, the longtooth grouper, Epinephelus bruneus (LG), was hybridized with the giant grouper, E. lanceolatus (GG). Eggs from a female LG that was injected with HCG were inseminated by the fresh sperm of LG and cryopreserved sperm of GG obtained from a fish in Malaysia. Normal hatching rate was 8.8% (LGGG) and 18.6% (LG), respectively. The LGGG and LG larvae were raised for 61 days after hatching; the survival and mean size were 17.5, 42.0% and 63.6±11.3, 36.2±8.7 mm, respectively. This new hybrid grouper would be a promising-breed for aquaculture.