林 弘正
憲法論叢 (ISSN:24330795)
vol.16, pp.115-152, 2009-12-22 (Released:2018-01-10)

In this article, I have referred to the current state of child abuse in Japan and listed serious problems in solving from the viewpoint of the criminal law. The prevention of child abuse is indispensable to constructing of social systems and it needs multidisciplinary corporation with the other organizations and various occupations like the Multidisciplinary Team. We have to continuously study and share experience that leads to protect child from abusing and prevent child abuse. The childhood sexual abuse is one of child abuses that victims are forced to be imposed a lot of emotional burden and the most of victims has frequently suffered from PTSD. Especially in the case that perpetrators are father by birth or teacher. In such case the victims are forced more difficulties in recovery due to self-reproach. So childhood sexual abuse should be considered this status and take measures to prevent from the viewpoint of the public health. I would like to propose three new provisions for childhood sexual abuse in order to prevent childhood sexual abuse and regain the victim's self-esteem. 【Proposal 1】Make a new provision that the age of object raises from 13 to 14 in case of crimes of rape and forcible indecency. 【Proposal 2】Make a new provision to forbid childhood sexual abuse by a person who is at a certain position like a person being relatives, the one living with a child obliged to care for, or the one obliged to teach or guide.
林 弘正 和田 美智代
法政論叢 (ISSN:03865266)
vol.42, no.2, pp.249-254, 2006

The 103rd general meeting and symposium of The Japanese Association of Law and Political Science were held at Keiai University on November 26^<th> and 27^<th> of the year 2005. The uniform theme was "Family's transfiguration and violence". Five panelists presented their study at this session. First, Mr. Tomiyuki Ogawa of Aichi Gakuin University presented on the theme of "Family's transfiguration and violence". Second, Mr. Yoshinibu Araki of Musasino University presented on the theme of "Child Abuse and Neglect in Urban Areas". Third, Mr.Saegusa Tamotsu of Chukyo University presented on the theme of "Child Abuse and Punishment by Criminal Law-Focusing on the amended Child Abuse". Fourth, Ms. Machi Kamio of Shobi University presented on the theme of "The Legal System against Spousal Violence-Japan and France-". The last panelist Ms. Etsuko Furuhashi of Hanazono University presented on the theme of "Situation of Older People Abuse and Problem in Legal Action". After these important reports, each reporter responded to some questions and opinions from several members of the floor. This symposium ended successfully at 17:30. We are thankful to Prof.Yoshihiro Yamauchi, all other people at Keiai University and Heisei International University who helped this symposium.
林 弘正
憲法論叢 (ISSN:1343635X)
vol.16, pp.115-152, 2009

In this article, I have referred to the current state of child abuse in Japan and listed serious problems in solving from the viewpoint of the criminal law. The prevention of child abuse is indispensable to constructing of social systems and it needs multidisciplinary corporation with the other organizations and various occupations like the Multidisciplinary Team. We have to continuously study and share experience that leads to protect child from abusing and prevent child abuse. The childhood sexual abuse is one of child abuses that victims are forced to be imposed a lot of emotional burden and the most of victims has frequently suffered from PTSD. Especially in the case that perpetrators are father by birth or teacher. In such case the victims are forced more difficulties in recovery due to self-reproach. So childhood sexual abuse should be considered this status and take measures to prevent from the viewpoint of the public health. I would like to propose three new provisions for childhood sexual abuse in order to prevent childhood sexual abuse and regain the victim's self-esteem. 【Proposal 1】Make a new provision that the age of object raises from 13 to 14 in case of crimes of rape and forcible indecency. 【Proposal 2】Make a new provision to forbid childhood sexual abuse by a person who is at a certain position like a person being relatives, the one living with a child obliged to care for, or the one obliged to teach or guide.
林 弘正
法学新報 (ISSN:00096296)
vol.121, no.11, pp.599-644, 2015-03

児童虐待は、個々に生起する保護者等による自子に対する侵害行為に「児童虐待」との呼称を付与し社会現象として共有される。児童虐待の公的データは、児童相談所での児童虐待相談対応件数の一九九〇年一、一〇一件から二〇一三年七三、七六五件の推移及び警察庁の児童虐待の罪種別・態様別検挙状況の一九九九年一二〇件から二〇一三年四六七件の推移である。両データは、相談対応件数及び検挙件数であり社会に生起している実相とは程遠いものでありナショナルデータの集積が喫緊の課題である。 本稿は、二〇一二年から二〇一四年までの三年間に裁判実務に顕在化した児童虐待事案から行為態様類型別に身体的虐待二事案、ネグレクト及び児童期性的虐待各一事案を考察の対象とする。具体的事案の分析を通して、児童虐待の問題の所在と児童虐待防止の方策について検討する。児童虐待事案は、ケースにより裁判員裁判の対象となり、厳罰化傾向の指摘されるなか最高裁第一小法廷平成二六年七月二四日判決は量刑に関する判断を示した。 本稿の基本的視座は、「児童虐待は、犯罪であり、刑事制裁の対象である。」、「被害者のサポートは、最優先課題である。」、「加害者に対する治療プログラムの提供は、児童虐待防止のため不可欠である。」との三点である。